Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

67. Menopause

Women develop menopause (i.e., cease menstruating) in their late 40’s or early 50’s.
After this, (a) some women develop atherosclerosis (hardening of the blood vessels) and die of heart diseases, and (b) some others develop a disease called osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease in which calcium from bones gets leached out, thus making it weaker. Such a condition gives room for its easy breakage.

With no knowledge on the issue, simply based on some guesswork, the medical faculty has been promoting the replacement of what is being lost from the bones. Thus calcium supplementation has become the normal practice.

Since the problem arises only after menopause, the women are treated with female hormone (oestrogen). They believe that it is oestrogen that protects the women from heart disease and osteoporosis at their pre-menopause stage.

As per my finding, the above is a misconception. Let me explain the phenomenon:
At monthly intervals, most of the accumulated calcium in the body of a woman gets lost in the menstrual discharge.

Once a woman stops menstruating due to menopause, the calcium starts accumulating month after month. Initially, such calcium excesses make the woman obese.

Once the quantity of this accumulation exceeds the tolerance limit, the white blood cells increase enormously, while at the same time, suppressing the red blood cell formation, thus giving rise to Leukaemia (blood cancer), which will be fatal.

In order to protect the body from such mishaps, and for its continued survival in a healthy state, the calcium excesses will have to be eliminated from all of the endangered organs of the body.

Development of osteoporosis is the best way for the brain to achieve this. This forms one of the body’s management techniques.

The above phenomenon is analogous to the development of polyurea/incontinence (i.e., urine oozing out uncontrollably in small quantities) in those people who under-urinate, which results in Diabetes Insipidus.

Along with the urine, calcium excesses and other toxic substances get eliminated from body, which if left to accumulate beyond the limit of tolerance, would give rise to atherosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels), myocardial infarction (heart failure), renal calculi (kidney stones), breast lumps, cysts, fibroids and cancer, finally killing the individual.

Diabetes Insipidus forms the last resort for the brain to offer protectionism for survival, from all of these miseries.

If all the above are true, then the prescription of megadoses of calcium to patients suffering from osteoporosis will form a great mockery in the practice of medicine.
By doing the above, it is claimed that the calcium that gets lost from the body is being replaced.

I have seen a woman living in 4th Mile, Ipoh Road, Kuala Lumpur, who was under such a high calcium prescription, suffering intensely as a result of immensely increased osteoporosis.

The body pain in her became unbearable. She was taking a total of 12,000 mg of calcium daily, and that was inclusive of calcium-enriched milk powder* .

(* Mother’s milk contains only 20 mg of calcium, and cow’s fresh milk, 120 mg. Some of the powdered milk preparations tends to have as high as 2000 mg/100 g. In reality, an adult female, after menopause, should require only 400 – 500 mg of it, daily.)

Researchers have missed, until now, to recognise what I have described in this and my earlier books for the first time* that the true cause for heart diseases is the accumulation of calcium because of under-urination and consumption of mega doses of calcium in the form of supplements.

(* Palaniappan, V.M. (1998, 2000a, b).

In post-menopaused women, again, it is increased calcium accumulation that (a) gives rise to osteoporosis and (b) increases the fatality through heart diseases.
The oestrogen hormone as such does not seem to have anything to do with any of these diseases.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

66. Memory Failure

A gross under-supply of oxygen to the brain will make a person stupid. The same gives memory failure as well.

If a person leads a sedentary life all the time, as it happens in the case of retired people, then, the blood circulation slows down. If this happens, the oxygen supply to the brain gets reduced, giving rise to memory failure.

The above situation is opposed to excellent memory, sharp thinking, briskness in a person, and a quick reflex.

The oxygen supply in an athlete will be very good, and that makes the person very smart. That is precisely why all those school students who play games get distinctions in the examination results.

However, if the oxygen inhalation goes beyond the brain’s tolerance limit, then that too will become dangerous. This can occur in those who continuously perform Marathon running.

To put a full stop to this ‘torture’, the brain appears to suddenly withdraw the production of red blood cells, and increase the production of white blood cells These two jointly give rise to blood cancer, Leukaemia.

Memory failure can be set right by:

(a) doing deep breathing exercise,

(b) moving around briskly so as to enhance good breathing,

(c) living in an environment with clean and fresh air,

(d) not covering the nose with blanket/comforter while sleeping,

(e) spending most of the day time in a cooler environment rather than being under hot sun, or near a furnace,

(f) eating green leafy vegetables that are rich in iron,

(g) avoiding the consumption of calcium-enriched foods,

(h) drinking about 2 L of water daily, and

(i) urinating liberally all the time (about 8–10 times) daily.

See Stupidity, and Laziness.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

65. Leprosy (Hansen’s disease)*

(* The phenomenon of leprosy occurrence is similar to the development of gangrene in diabetic patients)

If a person under-urinates (2–4 times daily), he/she becomes obese, develops a calf hardness (cH) of 80% or more, reaches Obesity Stage IV, and develops major fatal diseases, as has been repeatedly described in this book.

If the reduced water consuming and under-urinating obese person does not accumulate enough of vitamin-D and cholesterol to the extent of forming blockages in the coronary arteries, he will not die of heart attack. Neither will he/she develop lumps and cancers.

Instead of them, the tissues at distal ends of the body such as in the finger tips, toes, ear lobes, and the like appear to be accumulating more and more of the plain calcium to reach a maximum at Obesity Type IV stage.

When such an accumulation goes beyond the tolerance limit of the tissues at the distal ends, the latter decompose and ooze out the excesses, and the person gets leprosy.

This way, the person escapes death that could have otherwise become inevitable.
Again, this should be considered, from the point of view of the brain which tries its best to survive somehow, as the best alternative for the person. The following points appear to favour the above assumption:

Most frequently, persons imprisoned with hard life sentences*, often prevented from loitering about even within the prison walls, do not get enough of vitamin-D for want of exposure to sunshine.

(* Henri Charriere, nick-named Papillion, published his autobiography in 1970, giving vivid details of the sufferings he had undergone while being a prisoner for life, for a crime he did not commit, in the French Guiana’s prison called Alcatross. During the 13 years in captivity, until he escaped form it, he was often put in the dark chambers for weeks at a stretch. He describes that a large number of fellow-inmates had developed leprosy. This must have been due to a drastic reduction or even abstinence from water consumption and urination)

One of the components required to fix the excessive calcium within the blood vessels or cells of the soft tissues in an insoluble form is vitamin-D. The skin of person in the dark cells will not be able to manufacture any vitamin-D at all. Therefore, the calcium will not get fixed up.

Facilities for water consumptions and urinations should be much restricted within the prison areas. Such a condition will naturally lead to the build up of free calcium excesses.

The food given to prisoners may not contain much meat, fats and oils. Thus, the possibility of extra cholesterol being available for a build up of heart blockages and the like may not occur.

The plain rice or any of the carbohydrates given to the prisoners should be adequate to build the calcium excesses, especially in the absence of adequate urination.
All these conditions, probably with the addition of exces-sive table salt (the cooking salt, sodium chloride), and its accumulation within the body, may give rise to the formation of leprosy.

While the above could be true, I have come across free-living persons developing leprosy. I have closely observed a few persons of this kind.

They do not drink water, instead they consume a little of some soup, beverages, and the like. Of course, they do not expose their body to too much of sunshine. They do not consume vitamin-D enriched foods either.

Being financially poor, they do not consume meat, poultry items and the like, thus the cholesterol build-up may also not be there in them.

Of course, they tend to urinate only a minimum. I have also observed the emission of strong body odour in them.

Thus, there is every probability that the leprosy develops because of the factors I have described here.

It is often said that a bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae is responsible for the development of leprosy in a person.

This may not be so. Similar to the presence of H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) in the wounds of duodenal ulcer patients, this bacteria too should be occurring in the ‘melting’ or decomposing tissues of the leprosy patients as secondary infection. Therefore, we should not take it for granted that M. leprae infection is responsible for the occurrence of leprosy. Leprosy cannot be a contagious or communicable disease.
If such a bacteria is solely responsible for the disease, then, why is it that all the persons, including the wife and children of the sufferer, living at close proximity for prolonged periods with a leprosy patient do not develop leprosy?

All those family members who consume more water and urinate liberally, expose their body to sunshine, consume meat and other cholesterol containing foods, may or may not get other diseases , but not leprosy.

However, if one or more of the family members also follow the same life style of the leper, then, they too may get leprosy, and subsequently get M. leprae in their wounds as secondary infection, leading the medical examiners to suspect that to be the cause for the disease.

In one particular case I have closely observed, where the husband had leprosy, the wife had the habit of drinking about 4 litre of water daily, urinated lesser number of times, and often went out of the house in the hot sun (in the southern state of Tamil Nadu in India) to do her marketing and the like.

She was obese, diabetic and asthmatic. Until her death at the age of 58, she never developed leprosy.

They had two daughters, following the lifestyle of the mother, and they too are still quite healthy. However, their son, who followed the lifestyle of the father, had leprosy.

I had the opportunity to treat the son for a complete cure, and that took about two years. He is married, and has a son. All of them are healthy without any such leprosy problem.

A cure for leprosy should include, drinking the required quantity of water, urinating almost all of it to maintain the input-output ratio to remain at 1.0, with moderate exposure to sunshine, consuming some amount of oily foods, and avoiding consuming vitamin-D and calcium-enriched foods.

Of course, the Body Rubbing Exercise, Body Towel Massage, Breathing Exercise, Intestinal Cleansing, etc. will play a major role in the restoration and upkeep of the body in a healthy condition.

See Duodenal Ulcer, Obesity.


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

64. Leg Pain

Over work coupled with under-consumption of food gives a person the leg pain.
Let us assume that a person consumes in a day some 1600 calories worth of food. If he/she is going to over work using 2000 calories worth of energy, a shortage of 400 calories would result.

The brain burns the already stored fats and supplies to meet with the shortage of 400 calories.

If the person does not have stored fats in his body, then, the next choice for the brain will be to burn off the soft tissues, such as that present in the chin, nape, breasts, buttocks, thighs and legs, and also from breasts of women.

This results in ‘muscle loss’, and such regions become soft and tender, losing their hardness (at the calf, it is the cH that gets reduced). This gives the person intense pain, giving comfort when massaged.

The correction procedure requires eating more of energy giving food (preferably high-density food such as meat), or a reduction in the work load of the person, or both.
The energy obtainable from food should always be equal to the energy that is going to be spent in working. Otherwise, this kind of pain, and also duodenal ulcer are bound to occur.

Often these two problems develop only in the Skeletal or Thin people, and not in the obese people, for that latter group eats abundant foods than that required for their works.

As a temporary or instant help to overcome calf or leg pain and also the duodenal ulcer, the sufferer can be orally administered with glucose drinks. However, this should not be continued as a regular option, since it can lead to the development of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, type I.

Another important reason why a person can get leg pain is related to sedentary lifestyle, with no exercise for the legs.

We often say physical exercise keeps a person fit. Some take this too far to the extent of saying that one should do sweat-out serious exercises such as jogging.
In reality, going to workplace and moving around here and there alone should be enough for a person to keep fit.

A woman working in the kitchen or a retired person sticking to his/her chair with very little walking activity would certainly become ‘unfit’, and would get leg pain.

The only hope for overcoming leg pain in this case will be to go for an evening or morning walk, covering about a mile‘s distance. Climbing staircase a few times daily too would help.

See Calf Pain, Calf Hardness, Obesity, and Body Weight.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

63. Laziness

There could several reasons for this problem.
When a person does not eat enough food, he/she will become energyless. This alone can make the person lazy.

This perhaps is the brain’s way of conserving the last bit of energy the person may have, since the body would need some minimum amount of it for its vital functioning.
To overcome laziness, one may need to eat more of energy-giving food.

Taking a hot beverage, such as coffee for instance, would make available some amount of instant energy, and the laziness would disappear on its own.

Non-diabetics could take (only occasionally) a glucose drink to overcome this problem.
If a person happens to be in a room with little ventilation for long hours, he/she could become lazy.
This happens for want of oxygen, for it is oxygen that combusts (burns) the food to release energy. This can happen even if the person has eaten stomach full.
Some deep breathing exercise in a place with fresh air would replenish oxygen shortage almost immediately.

While sleeping, if a person happens to cover his face (i.e., nose) with a blanket or comforter, he/she would become much lazier when he/she wakes up. This again is due to reduced inhalation of oxygen, and increased uptake of carbon dioxide.

If a sedentary person habitually does shallow-breathing, he/she would not get enough of oxygen, and that would keep him/her lazy all the time.

A sports person, as long as he/she is active, would never feel lazy, for he/she would be breathing deeply all the time, which would ensure a very rich supply of oxygen for the release of the needed energy.

See Memory Failure, Stupidity.


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

62. Laryngitis (Sore Throat)

This refers to the inflammation of the larynx, giving rise to sore throat.
Causes given by Thomas (1985) include: Improper or over-use of voice, exposure to cold or wet, infections, and/or inhalation of irritating vapours and dust.

If we drink very hot coffee or water, the tender tissues at the larynx can get burnt. Likewise, cold drinks too can give rise to such a problem.

I have traced this problem to occur when a person drinks or eats foods, fruits and drinks that are very highly acidic. The acid substances tend to erode the tender tissues at the throat, giving rise to this problem.

Thus, if a person eats too much of mangos, he/she would soon develop laryngitis.
This can be cured by drinking sugared lemon or orange juices extracted from fresh fruits, eating sea-coconut (Borassus flabellifers), coconut water, etc.

See Hyperacidosis.


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

61. Kidney Stones

Davis et al (1970) have recorded that some 350mg of calcium gets out of the body daily through urination alone.

In reality, abundant calcium and creatinine (also alkaline) accumulate within the body of all those people who habitually under-urinate all the time.

The excessive calcium in the under-urinating people tend to combine with vitamin-D, if they happen to be working under the direct sun in the tropical climate, and form several cysts in the kidney as well. The latter is called cystic kidney.

The kidney stone is also known as renal calculi. This is composed of urates, oxalates, phosphates and carbonates (Thomas, 1985).

Most of the oxalates come from the green leafy vegetables. They can be removed to a substantial extent by adding garlic, while cooking. Even tamarind being an acid substance, can remove oxalate crystals from vegetables.

The lactose present in milk helps in the absorption of calcium (Flatz and Rotthauwe, 1973). Therefore, avoidance of milk would also help in the prevention of kidney stone formation.

Drinking on a regular basis some distilled or rain water would dissolve away the kidney stones as well.

Acid fruits are of great help in clearing these stones. Malaysian fruits such as rambutan, durian, duku langsat, jack fruit, mango, pineapple, papaya, etc. should be considered very good for this purpose.

Adequate water consumption and liberal urination are of absolute necessity for the prevention of renal calculi.

See Back Pain, Obesity, Calf Hardness, Angina, Breast Lumps, Menopause, Brain Tumour, and Hypercalcaemia.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Human Diseases Redefined

© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

60. Juvenile Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus Type I)

This is also called Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, type I, and this can occur in adults as well.

If a person refrains from consuming carbohydrates and sugars, the brain gradually withdraws the secretion of insulin. If this happens, the person gets type-2 diabetes mellitus, requiring the intake of insulin tablets. In brief, this is known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). In practise, these people are normally given with insulin tablets only.
However, if the situation worsens, doctors tend to prescribe even the type-1 patients insulin injections, as if they are insulin-dependent cases.

On the other hand, if the person happens to take far too much of sugar frequently, and also on a daily basis, he/she would develop this insulin-dependent diabetes.
With optimum sugar/carbohydrate consumption, optimum insulin secretes.

With excessive sugar/carbohydrate intake, in order to digest all of it, excessive insulin secretes.

If such excesses go beyond the body’s tolerance limit, i.e., the threshold point, then, the brain, with a view to saving the person from undesirable collapse, suddenly and totally withdraws the secretion of insulin altogether.

This situation results in creating a need for insulin injections for digesting subsequent sugar/ carbohydrate consumptions. Thus, the patient develops a dependency for insulin from external sources.

This happens in a manner identical to the development of hypothyroidism, leukaemia, etc., in that the result due to the production of self-destructing auto-antibodies by the brain. It is an auto-immune disease.

See Diabetes Mellitus, Types I & II.

Human Diseases Redefined

© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

59. Itch on Skin

My book on Hair Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention has all the needed details on this subject.
When a mosquito bites us, we develop an itch almost instantly.

The sense of itch should be considered a ‘friendly’ body language that tells us that some venom has been injected into our body, and that if the injected poison is allowed to stagnate within a few cells at one spot, then, (a) such cells and tissues would soon die, (b) because of the differences in concentrations between the poison and the lymph, the transmigration of the venom for its disposal through the process of osmosis will not occur*, and (c) if the concent-rated venom happens to enter into the blood stream, it can keep on destroying even the living components of the blood.
Thus, a chaos can result.

(* In the process of osmosis, the concentrated solution will ‘suck in’ the diluted solution. Since the injected venom tends to be stronger than the blood or lymph fluids, osmosis will not occur. Instead of it, a reverse osmosis may occur, in which case, the blood or lymph fluid will have to flow out and accumulate the poisoned spot, resulting in a ‘water-logged’ condition, similar to oedema.)

In order to overcome all the above possible mishaps, the brain creates an itch there.
By this, it ‘tells’ us by giving us a strong desire to rub or scratch the bitten spot violently, so that the venom would get dispersed into several more adjacent cells, and become diluted and weaker.

A weaker poison will lose its potency, and thereby will become harmless.
Subsequently, the diluted poison can be absorbed by the blood stream, and disposed off from the body through urinations.
For the above reason, when doctors inject some chemicals (in the name of medicine) into our body muscles, it would be better to massage the tissues there.

See Hair Problems, Scalp Itch, Psoriasis and Eczema.