Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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After reading my articles, if you are convinced of their worthiness/ usefulness, you may want to kindly spread the news to your friends suggesting to read what you had read.

My ambition is to reach out to the World Health Organisation, so that my findings will become useful to people worldwide.
I will be happy to cooperate / coordinate with any scientist for the furtherance of my findings.

I am extremely THANKFUL to GOOGLE for their fantastic and free services all the time, for reaching out to the public at large.

Indemnification: All my articles are based on MY OWN research, and I strongly believe that they are true. I have been requesting the W.H.O. and Malaysian Ministry of Health to evaluate my discoveries. Until they are approved for use, the Readers of all my articles should get the approval of a Registered Medical Practitioner prior to practising them, and I should not be held responsible for any mishap at all.

With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013


(© January, 2013: Dr. V.M.Palaniappan,Ph.D.)

Post-tsunami seizure attacks in Japan appear to have increased significantly. 

The New Straits Times, published in Malaysia has presented the news today (Tues., 22 Jan.,2013, p.32), as reported by Agencies, quoting the source journal Epilepsia.

It seems some 13 patients with seizures were admitted to the hospital during the first eight weeks after tsunami, compared to one during identical time span before the tragedy.

This clearly indicates that something that had happened due to tsunami had triggered the attacks.

What could that be?

Please read this write-up, and you may find the true cause for the increased attacks at the post-tsunami period.
*     *     *     *     *     *
The information I am presenting here, which I have gathered in the process of treating a few patients during the past three decades, should prove useful for further research, for the prevention of epileptic seizures, for rehabilitation programs, and possibly for a complete cure of the disease.

(It may be of interest to the Readers to know that I have been a Life Member (not as a patient) of the Epileptic Society of Malaysia, since its inception some fifteen years ago.)

The discipline I have been practicing is called “Ecological Healing System”, and that comes under the umbrella of the complementary medicine called "Naturopathy".

My area of research and practice have been further categorized and registered under what is being popularly called “Botanical Medicine”, by the Complementary Society of Malaysia.

*     *     *     *     *     *
I have personally done some minor research in the area of epileptic seizures in Malaysia and India, and have been offering some help to the sufferers, with reasonable success.

Let me describe what appear to be the most important risk factors that initiate or trigger such seizures.

*     *     *     *     *     *
Please follow the steps I am describing here, to find the logic in my interpretations:

If we catch our nose and close the mouth tightly, oxygen supply to the brain gets completely cut.

After a brief moment, the oxygen that is in various parts of the body gets totally exhausted.

We then feel dizzy, while at the same time, we shake our head violently, push off the person who is catching our nose and closing our mouth, and do our best to free ourselves so that we can breathe in some air (i.e., oxygen).

In other words, we put up a struggle to breath-in. Failure to do so would result in comma, followed by death.

If oxygen availability does not resume, we faint, enter into a comma stage, and then die.

In the case of an epileptic patient, no one catches the nose or closes the mouth.

However, an incident that can be compared to cessation of oxygen supply to the brain occurs.

The victim breathes-in AIR.  To that extent, it is fine.

Yet, the air, instead of having NORMAL quantity of OXYGEN in it, tends to have OTHER GASES (- if not, it may contain very little oxygen that may NOT be enough for a person to continue living).

When such a situation occurs, the person feels DIZZY initially. Then, faints.

If the same situation continues, the person may enter comma, and then die.

However, the brain, in the process of struggle for existence, puts up a struggle as a last resort.

What happens when we run, say, 100 meters?

We pant. We inhale abundant air to cope up with the emergency need for extra oxygen. In that process of body shivers, and our head may shake as well.

When a person faints, being in a unconscious state, he may not be able to voluntarily inhale well.

Under such circumstances, if the brain can make the body shiver violently - an act that simulates the 100 meter-run, then the body would start panting, and that would enhance rapid oxygen intake.

Once the oxygen supply and its need (i.e., the Biological Oxygen Demand - the BOD) get balanced up, the shivering - in other words, the SEIZURE, stops.

Here, we should consider the act of seizure - the epileptic attack, as HUMAN-FRIENDLY, rather than a disease.

This is very much similar to cough, cold, sneezes, skin itch, and the like.

When our the breathing holes - the alveoli, get blocked by either dust particles or water droplets, our brain induces sneezing, and that removes the blockage, and enhances easy air exchange for continued survival.

Cough does identical ‘service’ to humans.

When a mosquito stings us, it ejects into our cells some poison.

If we leave the poison droplet in a concentrated form at one spot, the white cells in our blood may not be able to fight it out. As a result, the tissues there die, and the whole spot turns dark or blackish, indicating the death of tissues there.

Under normal circumstances, when a mosquito (or any other bee, for instance) bites us, the skin gives us an alarm in the form of an itch.

The itch induces us to scratch the spot. In that process, the poison, instead of being in a concentrated form in one spot, gets dispersed and diluted. This enables the white cells to successfully combat and win. As a result, our tissues at the affected spot would continue living in a health state.

Thus, itches are human-friendly.

Likewise, seizures should be considered human-friendly - and not a disease, as pointed out above.

*     *     *     *     *     *
Now, the next question arises:

What displaces the oxygen content in the air that is inhaled by the victim?

To understand this, we have to trace the composition of the air in the immediate environment that prevails at the time of a seizure attack, or just before that moment.

*     *     *     *     *     *
I have traced some of the details.

I have seen many Dispatch Boys (whose job is to ride on motorbikes within the city and deliver letter, parcels, and the like to the addressees) getting this problem.

They often ride motorbikes during peak traffic periods. The often need to stop at every traffic light.

While awaiting for the green light, they have no choice except to inhale the ‘terribly’ polluted air.

Often, such air tends to contain abundant carbon monoxide and several other poisonous emissions.

Such ‘filthy’ air tends to contain much less oxygen, and a lot more of the poisonous gases.

This creates a heavy demand for oxygen (- the BOD) in the Dispatch Boy.

Prolonged inhalation of such a bad air can give the boy dizziness and headaches.

*     *     *     *     *     *
When one eats food, its digestion and utilization in the digestive tract and elsewhere in the body require oxygen.

Oxygen dissolved in the normal cool water provides some of such needs.

(If aquarium fish is allowed to live in such water, it would die soon for want of oxygen. Of course, if air-bubbles are created, the water gets back it oxygen, and the fish can continue living, using the dissolved oxygen.)

The above being the case, if the Dispatch Boy drinks BOILED water while taking his lunch, another BOD would arise in him. 

This can worsen the situation.

*     *     *     *     *     *

In the process of offering prayers, some people burn JOSS STICKS, CAMPHOR, and INCENSE.

From time immemorial, the incense is burnt in temples and homes with proper ventilation. 

They are burnt in small quantities that are not harmful to humans.

In fact, these fumes are believed to eradicate many disease-causing microorganisms, besides being a deodorant that drives away foul smell.

The incense (called ‘sambirani’ in Tamil) is an insecticide. The smoke is capable of killing all kinds of small insects, including head lice, mosquitoes, cockroaches, and the like.

I burn a little of this daily morning in a specially-designed mud container, keep it in front of the alter, pray for a short while, and then carry it in hand to all parts of the house. Finally, I keep it in the store room where I keep all my groceries.

As a result of the above practice, my house is totally devoid of lizards, cockroaches, spiders, mosquitoes, and the like.  My groceries too are clean all the time, devoid of the normal pests.

I have seen some strong and well-built people wanting to enter into a trance, often inhale this fume intensely.  The weaker ones, if they did so, may even faint.

The usage can become dangerous only when these are burnt in large quantities. They begin to emit plenty of fumes and fill the room - often displacing the oxygen content that was there.

Apart from this, burning of camphor, if the windows are closed, can deplete rapidly the little oxygen content present in the already stale air.

*     *     *     *     *     *

Among Indians, I have very often seen the following to happen:

People have been made to believe that there is no cure for epilepsy.

Therefore, the parents of these victims, wanting to seek the Divine help, let their suffering ‘children’ sleep in the prayer rooms where they have their deities. Then, they burn the joss sticks, camphor, and also incense.

Wanting to conserve the fumes, with the false believe that the fumes would do good to their children, they close the windows.  Some may do so with a view to keep away the mosquitoes, or even cold air.

If a person sleeps in that environment, without any doubt, his brain would end up severely poisoned.  Lack of oxygen to the brain makes it worse.

As a result of all the above, the body starts shivering. That is brain’s way of enhancing panting for increased oxygen uptake, as described earlier in this article.

Needless to say that this results in EPILEPTIC SEIZURE.

Such an attack would remain for a prolonged period until adequate oxygen gets back to the brain.

Every person getting a seizure would regain consciousness after a while - especially after the oxygen input becomes normalized.

Quick recovery would become possible if the widows are opened, crowd is dispersed, pollutants are kept aloof, and the clothes worn by victim are loosened.

 *     *     *     *     *     *
One thing appears to be clear: inhalation of poisonous air and depletion of oxygen appear to be the major risk factor for this disease.

People working in chemical stores can become victims.

People entering into under-ground sewerage ducts can get seizures, and can even die of such poisonous gases.

*     *     *     *     *     *
In the process of trying to cure epileptic patients, I have traced a few more risk factors that appear to play important roles in giving this disease.

When we eat chocolates, pastries, biscuits (any kind), peanuts, over-ripe papaya (or any other excessively ripe fruits), our faeces becomes soft, shapeless and slimy, and we may defecate twice or more number of times small quantities of the faecal matter, often feeling improper or inadequate ‘evacuation’. Such a state would be accompanied by frequent releases of foul-smelling flatulence.

(Any smell that makes us feel uneasy, or repulsive as it occurs in the case of flatulence, should be considered a poison to our body! 

In other words, all poisonous gasses smell repulsive / unbearable.)

(I have been calling the occurrence of slimy stools as “Chronic Constipation” in all my books. Whereas, the medical fraternity calls it diarrhea.)

When such a condition occurs, the wall all along the lower part of the intestine, especially the colo-rectal region, absorbs the toxic substances.

I have found in ALL the epileptic patients, without exception, the occurrence of Chronic Constipation.

The poisonous gasses that develop from the decomposing slimy faecal matter in this group of people get reabsorbed into the body, thus poisoning the brain!

This worsens the health status of the victim, and he develops severe seizure attack.

*     *     *     *     *     *
A few more practices that are invariably common among the seizure patients include the following:

They tend to cover their faces with blankets while asleep.

Keeping away mosquitoes or cold air, or even bright light could be the reason for such a practice. Unfortunately, during this process, fresh air too keeps off.

When they do this, they begin to breathe in repeatedly only the stale air that is rich in its carbon dioxide content.

Most of the victims keep their bedroom windows closed all the time, thus preventing ventilation to a significant extent.

As a result of these bad habits, the patient ends up with oxygen shortage. Needless to repeat that such a situation would inevitably give severe and frequent seizure attacks.

*     *     *     *     *     *
I should not miss stating another fact here that is closely linked to epileptic attacks.

We know very well that carbohydrates and fats digest relatively easily in our digestive system.  Whereas, proteins take much longer time to break down.

Some of the proteins (such as dhor dhal, some of the dried bean seeds, etc.) which can be termed as “bad proteins” tend to release plenty of gasses even before they can get digested.

These gasses too appear to be disturbing the body physiology of the epileptic patients.

A point, worthy of noting is, that most of the epileptic patients seem to be consuming far too much of such high and bad protein diets.

*     *     *     *     *     *
Some of the epileptic patients, I have traced, were even inhaling the volatile gasses that evolve while pumping petrol to vehicles. They seem to like it.

It should be worthwhile remembering that even the smell that comes out of eraser white markers can trigger an attack if the person happens to be prone to seizures.

*     *     *     *     *     *

Talking of the epileptics and seizures, it may be of interest to know that nearly ALL humans have traces of epilepsy in them.

Let me make you recognize the ‘fault’ in you:

Try to recollect this:

Some time back, could be a few months ago, or even a few years ago, either frequently, or very occasionally, have you not JERKED suddenly while you were fast asleep?

Such a jerk could have lasted only for a second or two.

After such a jerk, you could continued sleeping, forgetting altogether the next morning that you had such an ‘attack’ the previous night.

You cannot deny this. You must have experienced the jerk, except that you never recollected its occurrence until this moment.

Would you accept it?

Well, that is seizure!  A ‘mini’ attack!

What could have give you that?

It occurs due to the accumulation of poisonous gasses in your brain! It is almost identical to epileptic attacks. The jerks tend to indicate the release of such poisonous gasses.

While conducting Group Therapy sessions, I make everybody release their poison accumulations so that the efficiency of their brain becomes excellent.

In that process, they would realize the release of such gasses, and they would never again get such nocturnal jerks. They would never ever develop any epileptic seizures.

Here, the RATIO between Carbon dioxide and Oxygen becomes NARROW, and that gives them some likeable momentary dizziness - as if they are drunk!

*     *     *     *     *     *
Well friends, if you sum up all the above, you will end up developing a program for the total prevention or even a curative procedure for epileptic seizures.  You can cure them without the use of drugs!

I have given a short, but vivid description of these details in my book “HUMAN DISEASES”, wherein I have re-defined 101 common diseases people suffer from, with reasons, curative procedures, etc.

If you happen to be in Malaysia, you can order for a printed copy of the book. If not, you may want to kindly wait until my e-book is posted in our BLOG / WEBSITE.

With best wishes,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


©   January, 2013: Dr. V.M. Palaniappan, Ph.D. 

People tend to get DIZZINESS (1) if they run short of food energy due to starvation that results in low blood sugar content, (2) if their blood pressure goes very high,    (3) if their Red Blood Cell count gets drastically reduced, and (4) if their blood flow to the brain gets impeded, and the like. 

In addition to the above, some tend to get such dizziness AFTER eating FOOD

This too can prove to be dangerous, if left uncorrected.

Of course, all the above appear to be mostly related to iron and oxygen inadequacies.

Do you know why?  

BEFORE WE CAN PROCEED ANY FURTHER, WHY NOT YOU PLEASE VISIT THE FOLLOWING SITE, AND GET TO KNOW THE LIFE CYCLE OF THE RED BLOOD CELL - THE ERYTHROCYTE.  (That will prepare you to appreciate this article better): http://faculty.ucc.edu/biology-potter/life_cycle_of_the_erythrocyte.htm

Nearly every sufferer appears to be confused over this sickness.

Many do not seem to know the cause for this problem. 

Two different categories of people tend to get this 'disease'. They are: 

(a)  Regular night-time workers - such as night watchmen, night shift workers, night-time taxi drivers, 24-hour restaurant keepers, night-shift medical professionals, night-time workers at call centres, and several other categories of this kind.


(b)  Those who do NOT eat any VEGETABLES at all + eat very little meat (or eat inadequate food quantity all the time, more or less similar to Anorexia nervosa people)! 

Let me explain here what exactly can be the cause for such a problem. 

On knowing the cause, one can try to correct the causative factor, and lead relatively a trouble-free life.

If the dizziness still persists even after following the method described here, he/she should, of course, go for other forms of diagnosis, including CT SCAN, Blood Test, and the like.

*  *  *  *  *  *
There are certain facts we have to understand even before we can learn to correct the problem.

Well, all of us do realise that we are DAY-TIME (and not nocturnal) 'animals', unlike owls and bats.

The word 'METABOLISM' refers to two aspects of our body's function: 

One is, the process of construction, and this is called ANABOLISM (e.g., growth of a child, healing of wound, replacement of red blood cells,etc.)

The other refers to the process of destruction (or, breakdown into smaller substances), called CATABOLISM (e.g., digestion of the consumed food).

Thus, BOTH - the catabolism and the anabolism together constitute Metabolism!

During day time, in the day-time animals, food is eaten, it gets digested and absorbed.

During night time, in us, the tissues grow, using the already-digested food components (e.g., Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats and Oils, Vitamins such as Vit. A, B. C, D, etc., and  minerals such as Calcium - Ca, Magnesium - Mg. Iron - Fe, Potassium - K, Zinc - Zn, Copper - Cu, Manganese - Mn, and the like). 

If we eat during DAY-TIME, that food will get DIGESTED. 

This happens because, the intestine pushes down the food well - that is called peristalsis

Various digestive enzymes secrete at different spots along the intestine, and help in digesting the various components of the food.

Significant quantity of the BLOOD gushes to the intestines to TRANSPORT the DIGESTED food to the LIVER - through the HEPATIC PORTAL VEIN.

As a result of this, blood supply to other parts of the body, especially the BRAIN, gets REDUCED.

OXYGEN availability is a MUST for the brain at all times.

If Oxygen supply to the brain STOPS for any reason, it results in the COLLAPSE of several body functions, and DEATH occurs almost instantly.

If Oxygen supply gets REDUCED, it will give rise to confusion, headache, migraine (if accompanied by lack of food energy), and even comma - the brain failure.

Since significant quantity of the blood goes to the Heptic Portal Vein AFTER eating food, LESS Oxygen goes to the BRAIN, and that makes the person SLEEPY.

That is why we feel sleepy AFTER a HEAVY meal.

Again, that is why, it is important not to EAT TOO MUCH food JUST BEFORE any EXAMINATION - the brain function - its efficiency to retrieve stored information may get reduced.

(That is perhaps why some parents ask their children to eat half-stomach before examination, but give their children a small glucose drink.

However, glucose drinking should NOT form a habit. Lest, that alone can prove to be dangerous in several ways - for more information on this, you may want to read my books "Diabetes: Causes, Cure and Prevention"  and "Cancer:Causes, Cure, and Prevention").

On the other hand, when our stomach is EMPTY without food, the blood supplies abundant Oxygen to the brain.

A rich supply of Oxygen would make the brain more efficient. Deep thinking would become possible only if the stomach is empty.

That is why, some people suffer from INSOMNIA - inability to sleep.

If you eat your dinner, say, at 7.00 p.m. (which, of course, is good), and go to bed at, say 11.00 p.m. (late night sleep is, of course, bad), your stomach would become empty.

In this case, the brain is bound to receive plenty of oxygen, and that will start 'thinking' or contemplating of all matters, keeping you in an 'actively vigilant' state. Thus, you end up with INSOMNIA.

Anyway, if you wish to sleep, you can drink a glass of WARM, mildly alkaline drink (not coffee or tea), or even diluted MILK (if you happen to be a growing up child or a Skeletal or Thin person), and go to bed within next 10 or 15 minutes - you will be nicely 'knocked out'!

*   *   *   *   *   *

Well, after knowing all the above details, we can now proceed to understand the fact behind dizziness that occurs AFTER food among NIGHT-TIME WORKERS and PEOPLE who abstain from eating VEGETABLES (and enough of meat items) for prolonged periods.

(In other words, this kind of dizziness can occur in people who do not eat ENOUGH food - they eat EXTREMELY little food, almost similar to Anorexia nervosa cases)

(If BLOOD is examined, then, the following shortcomings will become noticeable:

The Haemoglobin, the normal range being 130-180 g/L, it would read MUCH LESS - significantly LESS: e.g., it can be 110 or so.

The RED BLOOD CELL (RBC), instead of being anything between 4.50 and 6.50 x 1012/L, it can be e.g., 4.00 or so.

The PCV (Packed Cell Volume ), the normal range being 0.40 - 0.55 L/L, it can be e.g., 0.35 or so.

Contrary to the above, the RDW (Red Blood Cell Distributor Width), instead of being between 11.0 and 15.0%, it can be e.g., 16.0% or so.

If your blood test readings have a similar pattern, then, it can nearly confirm that you are suffering from IRON DEFICIENCY due to reasons described above - i.e., you did not eat enough food, or consume enough of iron containing items.)

*   *   *   *   *   *
We know that it is the RED BLOOD CELL (Erythrocyte) that carries the Oxygen to the brain and other parts of the body.

During DAYTIME, in the process of CATABOLISM, about 0.2% of the OLDER, AGED, RED BLOOD CELLS die out DAILY.

By night, while we are DEEP ASLEEP, NEW Red Blood Cells are produced.

In other words, the day time loss of the 'aged blood cells' gets replaced while we are asleep.

This requires some extra IRON - in addition to the recyclable old iron remnances.

Iron comes from the food we eat - especially the GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES. (Of course iron also comes from other sources such as the liver and other body parts of the animals).

It is Iron mineral that forms the HAEMOGLOBIN component of the Red Blood Cell. 

So, if we do not eat enough of iron-containing food items, the REPLACEMENT of the DEAD Red Blood Cells (RBC) may not occur in a proper manner.

Along with time, the LOSS of RBC can become substantial, resulting in giving the undesirable dizziness.

*  *  *   *  *  *
The above being the case, why should a NIGHT-TIME WORKER, even if happens to be eating plenty of green leafy vegetables, get such dizziness?

Well, for the ANABOLISM - the constructive process - i.e., the production of the lost RBC to occur, the person MUST BE IN DEEP SLEEP.

If the person keeps AWAKE during NIGHT time, even if he sleeps very deeply by daytime, the RBC production WILL NOT OCCUR!

The above is so because we are DAY-TIME 'animals'!

(For the same reason, it is considered BEST to have SEX RELATIONS by night time, rather than during day-time hours.

Siddah and Ayurvedic medical systems recommend night-time sexual unions for best child reproduction!).

So, in the body of a night-watchman or any night-time worker, the number of RBC cells gets reduced.

Over a period of time, when such a reduction reaches a significant level, the person starts getting dizziness.

Another noteworthy point is, ALL these night-time workers, for want of enough RBC, develop HIGH (SYSTOLIC) BLOOD PRESSURE.

This process happens, because, the brain, in order provide the required quantity of oxygen to all parts of the body, gushes the blood - and that creates a greater pressure within the blood vessels of the person.
*   *   *   *   *   *
Now, what can be the best remedial measures for both the above problems?

In the case of the person who refrains from eating green leafy vegetables, he/she should start eating such green leafy vegetables (e.g., spinach of all edible kinds) - at least one serving daily. Or, eat two servings on alternate days. Consuming them at least twice a week should be considered a MUST.

Such a eating habit would correct the dizziness in a month or so.

If the dizziness happens to be severe, then, the person should ALSO take SMALL doses of synthetic IRON MINERAL Pharmaceutical preparations - liquid forms are better compared to iron tablets.

In doing so, one should NOT take massive doses of the iron tablet with the assumption that the body would use only what it wants and throw away whatever happened to be in excess.

The above claim (or theory) does not seem to work well in all cases. 

Massive doses can give rise to IRON TOXICITY!

The right quantity a person may require has been assessed by several health-care bodies to be about 20 mg DAILY.  (Slight variations may not matter much, provided the person drinks about 2 L of water daily, and urinates nearly all of it.)

(For more information on this, you may want to read my book "Heart Problems, Diabetes, and Related Diseases")

*  *  *  *  *  *

HOWEVER, in the case of night-time workers, iron supplement will NOT cure the problem. Likewise, taking medications for HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE will also not help in the long run.


If they do sleep well by night, their dizziness would disappear, and their high B/P would return to NORMAL - i.e., about 120 or so.

*   *   *   *   *   *

CAUTION: You must consider all the above information only as a guideline.  

In reality, if you happen to have dizziness, you must consult your regular doctor for exact diagnosis and  remedy.

HOWEVER, my strong suggestion to everybody is:

Please do NOT avoid eating vegetables.  

You MUST eat some vegetables, preferably on a daily basis.

Do NOT keep awake into late-nights.  Of course, no much harm will be done if you keep away during examinations, during festivities, during travel, and the like.  However, remember not to prolong the 'bad' habit!


Well friends,

I am glad to have put up this article for your benefit after a time-gap of about 45 days.  

I was in India - in Coimbatore city, taking care of some 55 people!  Most of them had type-2 diabetes, two had type-1, one with Parkinson's disease, a few with very high blood pressures, many with knee, neck and back pains, a few with menses and related problems, and so on.

I enjoyed being with these people - they were extremely cooperative, enthusiastic, offering help to promote Ecological Healing System through several means.

My long-time friend Mr. Chandrasekaran Chakravarthi - the Wavetell Mobile Mall owner (- he who found the cancer-stricken shell that formed the picture of the har cover page of my cancer book) was of tremendous help in every respect, without whom I would have been totally stranded. I thank him a lot, most sincerely!

While in India, I was unable to do any productive writing. That is because of the 14 hours of power cut on a daily basis! That gave me indescribable sufferings!

The only factor that kept me going in Coimbatore was the 'People Factor'.  They were so good to me.

One gentleman, Mr. P.S. Sampath Kumar (who had no health problems, but attended my Group Therapy Sessions for the Prevention of All Diseases), went all out to the extent of setting up, what is popularly called "UPS" system (i.e., Uninterrupted Power Supply) in the place of my residence, requesting me to stay back in India so that I can continue to contribute more to his fellow-citizens there. 

Another gentleman, Mr. Balashanmugam - the Manager of Rukmani Press there, also a participant of the Group Therapy I conducted, was of immense help. He and his son Mr. Ragu went out of their way to take care of me in several respects, including the provision of a transport for me all the time!

Yet, I had to return to Malaysia for several reasons: one among them, besides the prolonged power-cut, is the UNAVAILABILITY of UNIODISED salt!

The mosquito menace, dirty environment, the chaotic, dirty and uncomfortable transport system where there is no guarantee for anybody's life, bad work ethics of the labour force and the like, the rate of inflation, etc. are much discouraging for a foreigner to stay there for prolonged periods. 

However, the people there, their love and affection, their help and companionship, their admiration of my research findings in the area of health management, AND the beautiful CLIMATE that prevails in Coimbatore city, are the few best ATTRACTIONS that made me promise them that I WILL RETURN FOR ANOTHER SHORT PERIOD in JUNE, 2013.

So, friends, I hope, I can keep contributing to our BLOG almost non-stop until then - that will be on provided your patronage is there all the time!  

Please tell your friends to visit our BLOG, and read the many articles that can benefit them to live a pain-free, healthy and prolonged life.

Soon, our WEBSITE "ecohealingsystem.com" and/or "ehealingsystem.com', which is still under construction should become ready for a follow-up.

OK, friends, Bye until my next presentation.

With best wishes,
Dr. Palani