( © 31 January 2012: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.)
The following statement forms one of the definitions of science:
To call something scientific, you should be able to create that something, undo it, and re-do or re-create it.
If you cannot create it, it cannot be called scientific.
Likewise, if you cannot undo it, and cannot re-create it again, then, that too will not constitute scientific.
As for example, you should be able to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, if you combine both, it should form water again.
That is science.
In the practice of medicine, can you give a healthy person a simple virus-caused health problem such as a common cold?
Can you give a healthy person asthma, knee pain, duodenal ulcer, diabetes, cancer or any such non-communicable disease?
If you can give, it would mean that you already know the exact cause that gives the disease.
If you cannot give, remove, and re-create after removal or healing, then your approach is NOT scientific.
Let us see a drastic example of an unscientific procedure:
A person weighs 100 Kg. If he is an Asian, his ideal weight should be, say, 65 Kg.
You can surgically remove portions of the ‘hanging’ flabby flesh from different parts of his body (e.g., thigh, buttocks), make him stand over a weighing machine, and show that his weight has come down to 65 Kg.
On doing so, you can label it as scientific surgical procedure.
Yet, the above ‘butchery’ approach, being totally unscientific, will not give the person any of the expected health benefits.
The correct scientific approach would demand recognition of the exact cause that had made him obese in the first place, eliminating that error, and bringing his body weight to the expected optimum.
Likewise, cutting away surgically a cancer growth, or burning off some of the body tissues by any of the so-called scientific means may not form the correct answer to solving the problem.
The burning procedure could be scientific. However, the approach is not.
One should know the exact cause (i.e., risk factor) of the cancer development, prevent it, and then cure or heal it altogether. This should form the correct and scientific sequence.
If this can be done, then, introduction of the exact risk factors into the body of a healthy person should, by right, give the same cancer.
Let me challenge, can anyone do that?
It can be done in the practice of Ecological Healing System.
We can ENLARGE a normal PROSTATE GLAND that would then lead to PROSTATE CANCER in a healthy man.
The PSA readings (Prostate Specific Antigen - a tumour marker, tested from blood sample of the person) can also be boosted up to dangerous levels.
We can then bring the readings down to near-norm.
Shrinking down the enlarged prostate gland can also be done to some extent.
The enlarged cells appear to be losing their original tensile strength and elasticity.
As a result, somewhat similar to a loosened rubber-band, contraction of the cells to their original norm does not seem to be 100% possible.
If it has turned into malignancy (i.e., cancerous), that too can be healed altogether.
However, the cancer ‘structure’ which often happens to be a ‘stone’ of mostly calcium oxalate crystals, does not seem to get dissolved. This necessitates the removal of the ‘stone’ only by surgical means.
A follow-up with chemotherapy and or radiations become redundant in such cases. They do not contribute to any health benefits to the sufferer. The belief that they help is only a fallacy (Palaniappan, 2010).
To do the required healing, you need to know the exact cause that gives rise to the prostate problem.
On knowing the cause, you can, as I had said earlier, give a healthy person the prostate enlargement and related increases in the PSA readings.
Let me describe an incidence that had led me to trace the exact risk factor for this problem.
* * * * * *
In the year 2000, I went (from Malaysia) to Coimbatore city in South India, with a view to finding the possibility of opening up a college for the teaching of my newly-founded scientific alternative medicine - the Ecological Healing System (EHS).
The residence I occupied there had an acre of garden space, with very fertile soil. The climate in Coimbatore is very conducive for agriculture.
Since gardening has been my most favourite pastime activity all the time, I started raising an excellent fruit orchard, and a garden of vegetables and flower plants.
I raised the best varieties, getting my seeds from the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University there.
While I took great pleasure in distributing my organically-raised vegetables and fruits to several of my relatives, neighbours and friends (for free), I started consuming them in unimaginably large quantities.
Health Advocates often have the following strong suggestions to you:
“Eat plenty of vegetables. They do a lot of good things to you, and you will maintain excellent health.”
I believed it. Yet, had doubts.
I am a firm believer in the words of wisdom put up by great sages.
The rule of any game should be “anything in excess will be dangerous!”
In spite of the above ‘mantra’ (hymn), as a daily routine, I made thick soups of ALL vegetables, and drank the whole lot of them, at least twice daily.
I was doing thus for about one full year, missing only at rare occasions.
During this period, I have been drinking 2 L of water daily, and urinating about 8 or 10 times.
By right, if I have been eating everything in mediocre quantities, consumption of 2 L water and urinating about 8 times daily should be sufficient for good health management (Palaniappan, 1998-2011).
While consuming far too much of vegetable soups, I should have consumed double the normal quantity of water - about 4 litres.
For that matter, even if I did consume plenty of water and urinated liberally, I am not too sure if the CALCIUM OXALATE crystals present in the soups could have gone out of my body.
On the other hand, if I consumed abundant water, then, I may not know the beneficial or ill-effects of the excessive soup consumptions.
Anyway, I did not change my water consumption regiment.
* * * * * *
While researching for the development of Ecological Healing System (EHS), I have found the following:
Under normal circumstances, an average Asian adult, weighing about 60 or 65 kg measuring about 5 ft. 6 inches tall, and living in the tropical climate, tends to require about 2 litres of pure water for a healthy living.
For a healthy living, water drinking alone would not help the person. That has to be accompanied by regular urinations.
If 2 L of water is consumed, nearly all of it should be voided as urine through about 8 or 9 times in a 24-hour day.
The above sequence would help in the utilisation of correct quantities of the nutrients and elimination of the excesses - even if they happen to be ‘good’ substances - as long as they are water-soluble.
Reduced water consumption or under-urination would result in the accumulation of the ‘good’ excesses to toxic levels.
The unwanted toxic substances that normally get eliminated through urinations would also stay back within the body, and get accumulated in the soft cells, along with the ‘good excesses’, thus giving the person some diseases (e.g., hypervitaminoses).
On the other hand, if the person happens to consume far too much of water (e.g., say, 5 L), he/she would naturally end up voiding abundant urine.
Excessive urinations would deplete most of all the water-soluble nutrients, resulting in the shortcoming of the required minimum for the upkeep of good health, through nutrient-deficiency diseases.
Intense details on the above may be read in my book “The True Causes of All Diseases” (ISBN ISBN 978-967-9988-13-0; Pub: Neo Health Care. Also available as an e-book through, or as a Kindle version).
* * * * * *
In about a year’s time, one morning, as I woke up, I could not void urine.
I did not resort to taking any synthetic diuretics, such as Lasix Furosemide.
Drinking coconut water too did not ease the problem. I had great discomfort accompanied with pain.
I went to consult a famous Urologist in Coimbatore city.
On doing several tests, which included ultra-sound, he confirmed that my prostate is enlarged (Benign prostatic Hypertrophy).
The doctor was of the opinion that at my age (I was 63 then; now, 74)), prostate enlargement is common, and that if it goes too bad, I can opt for surgical removal of the gland at a later date.
I took the medicines he prescribed for a week, and stopped when urination became smooth.
From then on, I stopped taking soups altogether, and the enlarged prostate gland stood still from then on - did not enlarge any further.
I started consuming food items that had least calcium oxalate, or even calcium for that matter. If they happened to have plenty of it, I found ways to leach them away before cooking/consuming.
Some 10 years have passed by, and I did not have any problem related to my prostate gland.
It did not become a tumour, and did not spread to other parts of the body.
Semen production, urination, etc. have been going on smooth since then.
When tested (a few times) in Selayang Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, even the PSA reading came to just almost nothing. (I will report the exact reading after checking my records later).
* * * * * *
The knowledge I had gathered through the above ‘MISADVENTURE’ had helped me to understand the risk factor for the occurrence of prostate enlargement in men.
A large number of Chinese men, a few Indians and fewer Malays in Malaysia came to me with this problem.
I could trace this enlargement in all of them to be due to their EXCESSIVE SOUP-DRINKING HABIT.
Almost without exception, all of them said they became health-conscious, listening to health advocates, and had consumed too much of vegetables.
Major part of my treatment for the problem included:
(a) stopping them from consuming soups of any kind altogether (since all soups are only extracts of calcium present in the entire lot of the vegetable or meat item used.)
(b) avoiding the consumption of vegetables that are rich in calcium oxalate crystals,
(c) removal of calcium oxalate crystals prior to cooking the vegetable matter,
(d) mildly acidifying the food with natural edible substances,
(e) drinking slightly excessive quantity of purified water that has an ACID pH (e.g., about 5.6 or so - rain water, or distilled water), and
(f) voiding more than the required number of urinations.
With all the above, within about two months, the patient’s PSA readings, assessed by approved laboratories, can be seen going down to be within the normal range, or even much lesser than that.
Strict adherence to the suggested food habits would help in keeping the PSA readings at a much lower level within the permitted range.
* * * * * *
“Cancer: Causes, Cure and Prevention” ISBN 978-967-9988-14-7; 624 pages. Pub: Neo Health Care, Kuala Lumpur.
IF YOU WISH TO QUOTE ANY PART OF THE ABOVE ARTICLE, KINDLY MAKE PROPER REFERENCES TO THE SOURCE - in accordance with the Copyright / Intellectual Property Protection Law.
That is the only benefit I would get. Kindly oblige.
With best wishes,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.
( © 31 January 2012: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.)
The following statement forms one of the definitions of science:
To call something scientific, you should be able to create that something, undo it, and re-do or re-create it.
If you cannot create it, it cannot be called scientific.
Likewise, if you cannot undo it, and cannot re-create it again, then, that too will not constitute scientific.
As for example, you should be able to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. Then, if you combine both, it should form water again.
That is science.
In the practice of medicine, can you give a healthy person a simple virus-caused health problem such as a common cold?
Can you give a healthy person asthma, knee pain, duodenal ulcer, diabetes, cancer or any such non-communicable disease?
If you can give, it would mean that you already know the exact cause that gives the disease.
If you cannot give, remove, and re-create after removal or healing, then your approach is NOT scientific.
Let us see a drastic example of an unscientific procedure:
A person weighs 100 Kg. If he is an Asian, his ideal weight should be, say, 65 Kg.
You can surgically remove portions of the ‘hanging’ flabby flesh from different parts of his body (e.g., thigh, buttocks), make him stand over a weighing machine, and show that his weight has come down to 65 Kg.
On doing so, you can label it as scientific surgical procedure.
Yet, the above ‘butchery’ approach, being totally unscientific, will not give the person any of the expected health benefits.
The correct scientific approach would demand recognition of the exact cause that had made him obese in the first place, eliminating that error, and bringing his body weight to the expected optimum.
Likewise, cutting away surgically a cancer growth, or burning off some of the body tissues by any of the so-called scientific means may not form the correct answer to solving the problem.
The burning procedure could be scientific. However, the approach is not.
One should know the exact cause (i.e., risk factor) of the cancer development, prevent it, and then cure or heal it altogether. This should form the correct and scientific sequence.
If this can be done, then, introduction of the exact risk factors into the body of a healthy person should, by right, give the same cancer.
Let me challenge, can anyone do that?
It can be done in the practice of Ecological Healing System.
We can ENLARGE a normal PROSTATE GLAND that would then lead to PROSTATE CANCER in a healthy man.
The PSA readings (Prostate Specific Antigen - a tumour marker, tested from blood sample of the person) can also be boosted up to dangerous levels.
We can then bring the readings down to near-norm.
Shrinking down the enlarged prostate gland can also be done to some extent.
The enlarged cells appear to be losing their original tensile strength and elasticity.
As a result, somewhat similar to a loosened rubber-band, contraction of the cells to their original norm does not seem to be 100% possible.
If it has turned into malignancy (i.e., cancerous), that too can be healed altogether.
However, the cancer ‘structure’ which often happens to be a ‘stone’ of mostly calcium oxalate crystals, does not seem to get dissolved. This necessitates the removal of the ‘stone’ only by surgical means.
A follow-up with chemotherapy and or radiations become redundant in such cases. They do not contribute to any health benefits to the sufferer. The belief that they help is only a fallacy (Palaniappan, 2010).
To do the required healing, you need to know the exact cause that gives rise to the prostate problem.
On knowing the cause, you can, as I had said earlier, give a healthy person the prostate enlargement and related increases in the PSA readings.
Let me describe an incidence that had led me to trace the exact risk factor for this problem.
* * * * * *
In the year 2000, I went (from Malaysia) to Coimbatore city in South India, with a view to finding the possibility of opening up a college for the teaching of my newly-founded scientific alternative medicine - the Ecological Healing System (EHS).
The residence I occupied there had an acre of garden space, with very fertile soil. The climate in Coimbatore is very conducive for agriculture.
Since gardening has been my most favourite pastime activity all the time, I started raising an excellent fruit orchard, and a garden of vegetables and flower plants.
I raised the best varieties, getting my seeds from the Tamil Nadu Agriculture University there.
While I took great pleasure in distributing my organically-raised vegetables and fruits to several of my relatives, neighbours and friends (for free), I started consuming them in unimaginably large quantities.
Health Advocates often have the following strong suggestions to you:
“Eat plenty of vegetables. They do a lot of good things to you, and you will maintain excellent health.”
I believed it. Yet, had doubts.
I am a firm believer in the words of wisdom put up by great sages.
The rule of any game should be “anything in excess will be dangerous!”
In spite of the above ‘mantra’ (hymn), as a daily routine, I made thick soups of ALL vegetables, and drank the whole lot of them, at least twice daily.
I was doing thus for about one full year, missing only at rare occasions.
During this period, I have been drinking 2 L of water daily, and urinating about 8 or 10 times.
By right, if I have been eating everything in mediocre quantities, consumption of 2 L water and urinating about 8 times daily should be sufficient for good health management (Palaniappan, 1998-2011).
While consuming far too much of vegetable soups, I should have consumed double the normal quantity of water - about 4 litres.
For that matter, even if I did consume plenty of water and urinated liberally, I am not too sure if the CALCIUM OXALATE crystals present in the soups could have gone out of my body.
On the other hand, if I consumed abundant water, then, I may not know the beneficial or ill-effects of the excessive soup consumptions.
Anyway, I did not change my water consumption regiment.
* * * * * *
While researching for the development of Ecological Healing System (EHS), I have found the following:
Under normal circumstances, an average Asian adult, weighing about 60 or 65 kg measuring about 5 ft. 6 inches tall, and living in the tropical climate, tends to require about 2 litres of pure water for a healthy living.
For a healthy living, water drinking alone would not help the person. That has to be accompanied by regular urinations.
If 2 L of water is consumed, nearly all of it should be voided as urine through about 8 or 9 times in a 24-hour day.
The above sequence would help in the utilisation of correct quantities of the nutrients and elimination of the excesses - even if they happen to be ‘good’ substances - as long as they are water-soluble.
Reduced water consumption or under-urination would result in the accumulation of the ‘good’ excesses to toxic levels.
The unwanted toxic substances that normally get eliminated through urinations would also stay back within the body, and get accumulated in the soft cells, along with the ‘good excesses’, thus giving the person some diseases (e.g., hypervitaminoses).
On the other hand, if the person happens to consume far too much of water (e.g., say, 5 L), he/she would naturally end up voiding abundant urine.
Excessive urinations would deplete most of all the water-soluble nutrients, resulting in the shortcoming of the required minimum for the upkeep of good health, through nutrient-deficiency diseases.
Intense details on the above may be read in my book “The True Causes of All Diseases” (ISBN ISBN 978-967-9988-13-0; Pub: Neo Health Care. Also available as an e-book through, or as a Kindle version).
* * * * * *
In about a year’s time, one morning, as I woke up, I could not void urine.
I did not resort to taking any synthetic diuretics, such as Lasix Furosemide.
Drinking coconut water too did not ease the problem. I had great discomfort accompanied with pain.
I went to consult a famous Urologist in Coimbatore city.
On doing several tests, which included ultra-sound, he confirmed that my prostate is enlarged (Benign prostatic Hypertrophy).
The doctor was of the opinion that at my age (I was 63 then; now, 74)), prostate enlargement is common, and that if it goes too bad, I can opt for surgical removal of the gland at a later date.
I took the medicines he prescribed for a week, and stopped when urination became smooth.
From then on, I stopped taking soups altogether, and the enlarged prostate gland stood still from then on - did not enlarge any further.
I started consuming food items that had least calcium oxalate, or even calcium for that matter. If they happened to have plenty of it, I found ways to leach them away before cooking/consuming.
Some 10 years have passed by, and I did not have any problem related to my prostate gland.
It did not become a tumour, and did not spread to other parts of the body.
Semen production, urination, etc. have been going on smooth since then.
When tested (a few times) in Selayang Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, even the PSA reading came to just almost nothing. (I will report the exact reading after checking my records later).
* * * * * *
The knowledge I had gathered through the above ‘MISADVENTURE’ had helped me to understand the risk factor for the occurrence of prostate enlargement in men.
A large number of Chinese men, a few Indians and fewer Malays in Malaysia came to me with this problem.
I could trace this enlargement in all of them to be due to their EXCESSIVE SOUP-DRINKING HABIT.
Almost without exception, all of them said they became health-conscious, listening to health advocates, and had consumed too much of vegetables.
Major part of my treatment for the problem included:
(a) stopping them from consuming soups of any kind altogether (since all soups are only extracts of calcium present in the entire lot of the vegetable or meat item used.)
(b) avoiding the consumption of vegetables that are rich in calcium oxalate crystals,
(c) removal of calcium oxalate crystals prior to cooking the vegetable matter,
(d) mildly acidifying the food with natural edible substances,
(e) drinking slightly excessive quantity of purified water that has an ACID pH (e.g., about 5.6 or so - rain water, or distilled water), and
(f) voiding more than the required number of urinations.
With all the above, within about two months, the patient’s PSA readings, assessed by approved laboratories, can be seen going down to be within the normal range, or even much lesser than that.
Strict adherence to the suggested food habits would help in keeping the PSA readings at a much lower level within the permitted range.
* * * * * *
“Cancer: Causes, Cure and Prevention” ISBN 978-967-9988-14-7; 624 pages. Pub: Neo Health Care, Kuala Lumpur.
IF YOU WISH TO QUOTE ANY PART OF THE ABOVE ARTICLE, KINDLY MAKE PROPER REFERENCES TO THE SOURCE - in accordance with the Copyright / Intellectual Property Protection Law.
That is the only benefit I would get. Kindly oblige.
With best wishes,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.