Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Sunday, June 27, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

74. Palpitation

The normal rate of heart beat/pulse should be about 65 or 70 per minute. If such a rate increases to a very high reading, then it is called palpitation.

Increased male sex hormone called androgen increases the rate of heart beat. Such a situation can also occur when the number of red blood cells in the blood gets reduced for some reason.

When a person receives a shock, his heart beats faster. Thus, palpitation tends to indicate stress and tension.

This kind of momentary palpitation can occur if a person runs rapidly.
Palpitation enhances increased oxygen availability to the brain and other parts of the body.

If such a palpitation becomes a permanent feature, then it should be considered as some kind of a health problem.

Prolonged palpitation tends to reduce the lifespan of a person. Therefore, it should be normalised.

Those who have palpitation can become short-tempered easily, and are often very sensitive. They tend to lose peace of mind as well.

Increased heart beat increases the rate of metabolism, which may not be good. Therefore, to normalise the metabolic activity of the body, the palpitation should be normalised.

Consumption of sea salt (cooking salt) through food in the right quantity would normalise the palpitation. Meditation too would stabilise it.
See Tension and Stress, Nervousness, Hyperactivity, Epilepsy, Salt-caused Diseases, and Thyroid Problems.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

73. Palm Sweating

When a person consumes excessive water, and under urinates, his body including palms, will sweat profusely. This condition is called hyperhidrosis.

Recently, specialists in modern medicine have come up with a surgical measure to stop palm sweating. This involves slitting a nerve at the nape of the sufferer.

Such a surgery, besides incurring a severe loss of money, is bound to create several undesirable side-effects. Further, the sweating might cease only at the palms, and may not in other parts of the body.

Both palms of a person suffering from this disease will become cold, due to the presence of moisture as a result of the hyperhidrosis. Shaking hand with such a person will feel repulsive.

The sufferer himself/herself would find it a nuisance to handle papers, foods, etc., for all these would get spoiled by the moisture exudates in their palms.

Since the above is directly related to hyperhidrosis, a cure of hyperhidrosis alone will cure the palm sweating problem. Once corrected, the palms would feel dry, warm and nice.

Hyperhidrosis is completely and easily curable within three weeks, through a non-invasive technique.

I have described in elaborate detail the method for the cure of this problem in my book “:Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Sneezing and Sweating” (Palaniappan, 2001).

See Hyperhidrosis

Friday, June 18, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

72. Osteoporosis

Bones are made up of calcium. When the calcium dissolves away from the bones, pores form on them. This weakens the bone, and as a result, they can break very easily. This is often found among the elderly people, especially among the menopaused women.

If a person eats too much of protein, during the process of its breakdown, some sulphur containing amino acids are formed. Such acids can dissolve some of the calcium from the bone surface (Lennon et al, 1966; Lemann et al, 1979, Breslau et al, 1988) and release it into the blood. It is said that this can weaken the bones in people.

In my opinion, this process may not significantly form pores, and hence, may not weaken the bones. Therefore, this cannot be the sole cause for osteoporosis. Reduced consumption of calcium, for example, 300 mg/day in some Asian and African countries has resulted in normal bone development (Nicholls and Nimalasuriya, 1939; Hegsted et al, 1952; Malm, 1958)..
So, inadequate calcium intake also does not seem to affect the skeletal system in any way. In other words, osteoporosis may not occur because of calcium shortage in foods.

If so, what else could cause this disease, especially in women who are menopausing?

While the aetiology for the occurrence of osteoporosis still remains obscure to many, I have traced the cause for the problem. Let me give an analogy here, so that understanding the exact phenomenon of this disease will become much easier.

Let me give you a piece of stone that weighs 1 kg to hold in your hands. You can do it at ease.
Let me give you 5 kg of the same. You can hold it. If I add another 20 kg, you can still hold it but with some difficulty.
What would you do if I added another 100 kg, making it to a total of 126 kgs.? You would drop off the whole lot of 126 kgs.
The question is, why should you drop all the 126, when in fact you can hold the 26 kgs?

The brain functions in the same manner. When a person gathers either less or the required optimum quantity of calcium, the brain allows all of them to be absorbed and utilised.

The brain tends to allow some more of it. However, when far too much of calcium accumulation or retention beyond tolerance limit of the body happens, the brain sheds off all the calcium, including that which is needed for the upkeep of the skeletal system*. This results in the formation of pores in the bones, and we call it osteoporosis.

(* This appears to be similar to the total withdrawal of insulin production in the case of type-1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.
Here, when a person takes normal amount of sugar, equally normal amount of insulin secretes.
When the sugar uptake is increased, the insulin secretion also increases. When the sugar input increases to an unbearable level, then the brain totally withdraws the insulin production, giving rise to the type-1 disease.

Another case of identical brain behaviour seems to occur in connection with the total withdrawal of thyroxin when the person consumes intolerable quantity of iodine, often through the artificially enriched (iodised) salt intake.)

A continuous secretion of (probably) lactic acid in the body may be responsible for the removal of calcium from the bones.

Let us see what happens in the case of a woman. Why should she develop osteoporosis?

Every woman keeps on accumulating calcium through the food she ingests, and that gives her some amount of weight increase, and her face, breasts, etc. start looking a bit ‘filled’ or plump.

At monthly intervals, when she menstruates, a substantial quantity of calcium gets lost in the discharge. This makes her lose some amount of her weight, and her face and eyes become ‘sunken’, and her breasts tend to become a bit soft. All soft tissues in her body too may become tender.

After the menses, as days pass by, her body becomes ‘filled’ again, only to lose it during the next menses. Thus, it goes on and on until the woman stops menstruating.
With the onset of menopause, when she stops menstruating, the regular and repeated loss of calcium does not occur any more. Instead of it, the calcium accumulation keeps on going without any check.

Such a non-stop calcium increase makes the woman put on plenty of weight. Her face becomes increasingly swollen, breasts become firm and huge, and all parts of her body, especially wherever there is soft tissues, become enlarged (i.e., hypertrophy occurs).

This process will go on until such time when the body cannot stand any more addition.

In other words, when the calcium accumulation goes beyond the tolerance limit, or threshold point of the body, the brain activates the removal of the calcium from all parts of the body, especially the skeletal system and the teeth, by secreting some acid substances, in this case, it could be the lactic acid, as pointed out earlier.

This results in the formation of pores all over the bones, weakening them to the point of making them break.

Thus, osteoporosis gets established.

Practically all health advocates, for want of this know-ledge, and also on the assumption that the loss of calcium is due to some ageing process or cessation of oestrogen production, administer stronger doses of calcium to replace the lost quantity.

This forms a mockery of the brain’s function. Upon such an increased input, the brain tries to speed up the process of losing it from the body, and as a result, the woman tends to lose her teeth, develops hunch back, suffers unbearable pain, and dies much sooner.

This proves that calcium treatment to menopaused women should be considered a misadventure that warrants an immediate reconsideration by the medical faculty.

See Hyperacidosis, Menopause, and Obesity.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


71. Obesity

A person becomes obese only because of the following two factors:

(a) Over-eating food, i.e., consuming food more than what can be spent through work. The unused food excesses accumulate within the body, and stay as fat. This makes the person big-sized with flabby and toneless muscles and over-weight. However, an obese person of this kind will not have any major disease, as long as he/she drinks adequate quantity of water (about 2 L or more), and urinates well (8 times or more).

(b) Even if a person is going to eat moderate quantities of food, if he under-urinates all the time (e.g., 2-3 times daily), he is bound to put on weight, due to the accumulation of calcium within his body. In this kind of obese person, the muscles would look tough and well-built. A few of the major diseases (e.g., blood vessel thickening, heart blockages, stone diseases, tumours, lumps, cysts, fibroids, white discharges, erratic menses, hypothyroid problems, prostate enlargement, cancers, etc.) will certainly occur in this group of obese people.

If the features described under (a) and (b) above occur in combination, then the person would take up a huge body form, besides getting more than one of the above diseases.

To maintain a slim figure, one should do the following:

• eat slowly (avoid hurried eating)

• eat low density foods

• eat low protein diet

• avoid milk and other dairy products

• avoid calcium-enriched beverages, chocolates, too much of anchovies (ikan bilis) and other sea foods such as prawns, crabs, shellfish, etc.

• avoid eating constipating foods such as biscuits, cakes, chocolates, groundnuts, peanut butter, over-ripe papaya, snacks made of super-refined flour, etc.

• should eat some oily, sugary, and salty foods

• should drink about 8 glasses (2 L) of clean water daily

• should urinate 8–10 times daily, without holding back urinal pressure, and without sweating much.

• avoid using hot water for bathing (tepid/lukewarm, OK)

• avoid using fan at high speeds

• if using air-conditioner, use it at 25oC or so

• do ‘Breathing Exercise’ as described in the obesity book
• do ‘Body Rubbing Exercise’ as described in the obesity book.

• do ‘Body Towel Massage’ as told in the obesity book.

• if married, have regular sex relations (8-22 times/month)

• do not do any physical exercise that would promote sweating.

Following strictly all the above would prevent a person from putting on weight. If already obese, he/she would gradually lose it. If a person does most of the above, but not all, he/she will not get the expected result.

I have seen some people doing all else except swallowing rapidly (without chewing) high-density foods in large quantities per mouth full, all the time. These people would only put on weight, instead of losing it.

My book on obesity contains elaborate information on all of these, with the required statistical information for a better understanding of the phenomenon.

Information on my obesity book can be seen at the back pages of this book.
See Calf Hardness, Body Weight, Kidney Stones.

Monday, June 14, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

70. Nervousness

Nervousness appears to be a psychological problem. It seems to be associated with the fear for various things, such as fear of failure, fear of death, fear of bankruptcy, etc.

When this happens, the heart starts beating rapidly, resulting in palpitation.
The latter is induced by an increased secretion of the male sex hormone called androgen, which is produced by the adrenal glands, situated above the kidneys.
The palpitation decreases with increased intake of cooking salt (sodium chloride). Normally, all Skeletal and Thin category persons take plenty of salt through their foods.

They also consume abundant water (e.g., >3 L, daily) and urinate liberally (>12 times/day). Since salt is highly soluble in water, most of it gets lost in the urine.
This results in salt inadequacy and increased production of androgen, giving room for increased nervousness.

Therefore, one can notice that all Skeletal and Thin persons tend to be short-tempered and highly sensitive all the time.

My study has shown that all the obese people always prefer to take very little salt.
Yet, since the obese always under-urinate (2-3 times/ day), their body tends to retain any little salt they may consume, which over a period of time, accumulate to reach to a very significant amount, resulting in (a) the reduction of androgen production and (b) the increase of blood pressure.

The reduction of androgen output in the obese, reduces the rate of heart beat, and that in turn reduces the nervousness and anger in them. Most of the obese are normally cool-headed and relatively insensitive.

See Palpitation, and Tension & Stress.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan

69. Migraine

Unbearable, one-sided headache with various associated symptoms is called migraine.

The brain requires a constant supply of oxygen and food energy. Both these are transported to it by the blood. In the total absence of either one of the two, the brain will collapse, leading to an almost instant death.

Any disturbance to the blood circulation at the brain region would mean a short supply of either the energy or the oxygen, or both. This will give rise to migraine.
A constriction of the finer blood vessels in the brain due to an accident can also give rise to migraine.

At times, a severe loss of blood due to accidents, or a drastic reduction in the quantity of red blood cells in the blood for any reason can give this problem.

Absence of oxygen in the respired air can give rise to severe migraine. This can happen when a person is locked up inside a room that has no ventilation at all.

Some people who sleep with their face covered with a thick blanket get migraine because of the repeated inhalation of their own carbon dioxide, rather than some fresh air.

Severe starvation for prolonged periods resulting in the unavailability of food energy for the efficient functioning of the brain can also result in migraine.

The cure for migraine requires a good blood and lymph fluid circulation, which can be enhanced through the practise of Body Towel Massage and Body Rubbing Exercise. Breathing Exercise will be of tremendous help in its preven-tion. Wearing tight hear-gear (e.g., caps, hats and bands) should be avoided.

Regular and adequate food consumption will be of great importance. Carbohydrates (e.g., rice, potato) should be consumed relatively more in quantity than the rest.
Acute migraine attacks can be eased with the administ-ration of a glucose drink (250 ml water + 10 grams glucose) and encouraging the patient to breath in some fresh air.

One should also ensure that the quality of blood, in terms of its red blood cell composition is maintained in a good state.

This can be achieved by consuming iron-rich vegetables, and also by the avoidance of under-urination that favours the accumulation of calcium which suppresses the absorption of iron present in the foods eaten.

Those who are prone to migraine attacks should wear only loose clothes. Tight belts, under clothes, etc. should be avoided as far as possible.

See Anaemia, Headaches, Laziness, Memory Failure.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Human Diseases Redefined

68. Menses Problems

A female child, growing up eating normal foods and drinks in mediocre quantities, will attain puberty at the ‘right’ age of about 12. From then on, she would have uncomplicated menstrual discharges regularly at monthly intervals.

The above situation changes if the girl happens to habitually under- or over-urinate.
Under-urinations lead to the accumulation of calcium in various parts of the body, and adversely influences the attainment of her puberty and also the subsequent monthly discharges. The former gets delayed, and the latter becomes erratic.

Consumption of excessive water (about 3 L), and over-urination lead to the depletion of most of the wanted nutrients from the body. This prompts the body to attain an early maturity, and subsequent menstruations become erratic, with severe pain – the Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT).

Strenuous exercises that induce the secretion of the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and influence the production of the female hormone oestrogen, the intake of synthetic drugs in the names of vitamins, minerals and food supplements, etc. would also disorganise the menstrual pattern in a female.

See Pre-menstrual Tension (PMT), and White Discharges.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Dear Friends,
Did you read a news in The Star newspaper on Monday 31st May, page N3?
The news came with the title “Award -winning teacher’s secret - reading and sex
To start with, it appears, we are becoming increasingly ‘modernised’.
Talking about sex was taboo all these years. Now, the time has come to declare the details openly.
It is OK to declare to the public as how many times you have sex in a month.
A handsome looking man, aged 41, has mentioned to the Press that he has been having sex daily night, after reading some books, in the company of his wife.
I have good admiration for him.
Do you know why?
Because, I have clearly indicated in my book “Sex Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention” that having sex daily night is very good for the maintenance of very good health. (You can find a lot of very interesting items in that book!)
If you are going to record the events in your diary, and if you added up after the month is over, it would come to only about 16 to 22 times a month.
However, you would feel as if you have been having it daily night.
OK, let us see the science of it:
The seminal fluid contains abundant CALCIUM.
If you have read my books, especially the “The True Causes of All Diseases” & “Cancer: Causes, Cure and Prevention”, you would have recognised the fact that it is EXCESSIVE calcium that makes a person obese, gives rise to heart problems, kidney stones, prostate enlargement leading to cancer, and even dandruff.
If a man is going to have sex daily night, most of the excessive calcium would get out of his body, and that would leave him in a healthy state.
According to my study, he who is going to have sex daily night will not get heart attacks. He may not become obese or overweight, either.
All the above refer to a MALE.
If so, how about the woman? Is it not good for her?
In the case of the woman the menstrual fluid carries in it a real large quantity of calcium.
A woman who has regular sex (blend with love) with her husband, will be producing plenty of the female hormone called oestrogen.
Such a good supply of oestrogen will regulate her monthly menses in perfect state..
In other words, regular menses is of great importance to a woman if she does not want to become obese, overweight, develop cyst, fibroid, lump, excessive white discharge, etc.
In fact, I have recorded in my Cancer book that those women who do not have much sex are the ones who tend to develop breast lumps. They sure tend to have highly irregular menses.
Thus, a regular sex between husband and wife is of great importance for the maintenance of good health.
While having sex, towards the end stage, very deep breathing occurs.
Such a breathing helps tremendously in many ways.
In the first place, the memory improves, because of the deep breathing. Plenty of oxygen enters into the brain. Forgetfulness goes off. You become alert and active. Digestion improves. Headache goes off. Bad breadth too goes off !
The lung expands very well, thus enhancing continued deep breathing for next several hours. This is one of the reasons, you get very good sleep after sex.
Anyway, sex is God-blessed.
If you are married, and if you do not have sex, it is not right!
Don’t forget: Plain sex has less value. Sex, blended with love, has very good value!
Masturbation gives you friction heat. If you are a man in your thirties or more, you can do that only twice or thrice a week. Doing more than that will make your body acidic.
Doing it once a week should be OK if you are in your fifties or sixties.
When your body becomes acidified, you would get virus infections. To start with, you will get common cold and flu. Then, more serious forms of viruses can infect you!
Anyway, please feel free (and not guilty) to have regular sex with your wife!
Oh, Dear Friends,
I am going to be away for an International Conference for two weeks, with effect from next week.
They have accepted my paper “Breast Cancer: Why and How does it Occur, and
How to Prevent / Cure It?”

So, I will be very busy preparing for the conference. Therefore, I will not be able to write NEW creative writings for our BLOG for next three weeks or so.
However, I intend to request our friend Mr. Vasudevan to post some of my articles from my books.
In spite of being equally busy, he has agreed to post on and off some of my articles
So, kindly bear with me for disappointing you.
Also, please do NOT send your Book Orders until the end of JUNE.
Once I am back, I will communicate with you …
Yet, if I can find time during the interim period, I will sure write some thing that will be of use to you.
OK, bye,