Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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Indemnification: All my articles are based on MY OWN research, and I strongly believe that they are true. I have been requesting the W.H.O. and Malaysian Ministry of Health to evaluate my discoveries. Until they are approved for use, the Readers of all my articles should get the approval of a Registered Medical Practitioner prior to practising them, and I should not be held responsible for any mishap at all.

With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Saturday, January 30, 2016



(© 30 January 2016: Dr. V.M. Palaniappan, Ph.D.)

I am able to exclaim with such a great definiteness that MORBID OBESITY can never be lost through exercises.

If I may add to the above another identical statement with equal definiteness, it will be that MORBID OBESITY CANNOT BE REVERSED THROUGH FOOD REDUCTIONS as well.

This is so because, they have absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH FAT ACCUMULATION, as has been totally misunderstood by all the researchers involved in this area of health science.

May I emphatically put it, based on my 41 years of study in this area, that ALL the DISEASES linked to OBESITY are the result of certainly NOT fats and/or oils (or EXCESSIVE CALORIES), but of the ACCUMULATION of far too much of CALCIUM inside the CELLS.  

If the obesity or body weight has anything to do with just food/calories, then, the strenuous exercises, or even STARVATION should be able to reverse the process*.

 (* You can often see some obese people starving, but yet, they would not lose any bit of their weight. Instead, many of them would complain that their body weight has been increasing non-stop.

Of course, scientists would then label such situations as ‘adament’ fat, and the like**.)

(** In Malaysia, recently, in the POLICE force, they declared that promotion will not be given to those obese officers if they fail to reduce their obesity. Most of the people are said to have been sincerely (a) cutting down on their food, and (b) doing strenuous exercises. Nevertheless, numerous people appear to have failed to achieve any success. It seems, consultations with medical doctors too did not help them to any extent.

Now, after reading this, people, including those Police Officers, should know why they couldn’t succeed in their sincere attempts.

If I am consulted by either the Police HQ, or the Ministry of Health, I would gladly guide them to succeed through a very simple DECALCIFICATION PROGRAMME.

Our present Minister for Health appears to be going all out to restore the health of all Malaysians, and also those foreign nationals working here on permits. As it is, he seems to be fully concentrating on weeding out the serious viral epidemics.

Anyway, I hope he would soon invite me for a possible implementation of my programme for the benefit of all the people here.)

*   *   *   *   *   *

Of late, a new explanation that appears to be another attempt in this series is the news that has appeared in Medical Xpress (28 Januray 2016), http://medicalxpress.com/news/2016-01-wont-weight.html?utm_source=nwletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ctgr-item&utm_campaign=daily-nwletter with the following heading:

Why you won't lose weight with exercise alone
Our bodies adapt to higher activity levels, so that people don't necessarily burn extra calories even if they exercise more.”  (Herman Pontzer, University of New York, in Cell Press journal Current Biology, 28 Jan. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.12. 046)

 Dr. Pontzer and his fellow workers have also found that “The most physically active people expended the same amount of calories each day as people who were only moderately active," and that has relevance to the above theory he has put up.  

*   *   *   *   *   *

I strongly believe none of the above explanations would fit into the reality.

Please think of the SHEEP/LAMB in cold countries or mountains, and compare them with the GOATS that live in the lowlands of tropical countries.

The sheep has a definite need to protect itself from the freezing cold, more so in winters. The only thermal protection they have is to develop a THICK layer of FAT – the lard!

So, even those herbivorous animals that are 100% vegetarians, synthesize FATS, form very thick layer under their skin, and withstand the intense cold.

Whereas, the tropical-living goats do not develop such a thick layer of fat, even if they OVER-EAT (graze) abundant GRASSES (or vegetable matter), similar to the elephants.

In other words, eating EXCESSIVE FOOD – a lot more than what is needed for its survival, whether the food be are of animal origin or of plant matter (OR, accumulating unlimited quantities of CALORIES), will NOT make an animal MORBIDLY OBESE, with thick FAT LAYERS under their skin of TROPICAL animals.

Likewise, EVEN INADEQUATE food consumption would, out of necessity, would enhance the production of FAT CELLS/lard (adipose tissues) in the animals that are genetically-designed (during the process of evolution) to live in the COLD countries.

Thus, excessive food/calories will NOT give rise to THICK FAT LAYER in tropical goats, and reduced food consumption will NOT prevent the formation of such thick fat layers in SHEEP.

It should be clear from the above observation that MORBID OBESITY in ALL the people, irrespective of the CLIMATE or ENVIRONMENTAL TEMPERATURE, will NOT occur due to OVER-EATING or accumulation of EXCESSIVE CALORIES.

The humans in cold countries do NOT live directly in the midst of ice, as does the mountain sheep. Even if they happen to live in the Polar Regions, they CREATE WARMTH and live in its midst. So, humans should not be compared with animals that live in the open in cold regions*.

(* Sheep can live in the open areas in the high mountains, whereas man will die there, without protection.

However, he would eat MORE food to derive more calories so as to him warmer there.

If he happens to eat ABUNDANT food – more than what is required, such food energy will get stored, perhaps only a little in the form of adipose tissue. However, that extra food as such may not give him the diseases, such as kidney stones, diabetes, heart blockages, blood vessel thickenings (atherosclerosis), etc**.)

(* All these diseases need something else than the mere adipose tissues.)

The truth is, irrespective of the climate or geographical location (latitude or longitude), it is simply THE ACCUMULATION OF CALCIUM WITHIN THE CELLS that INCREASES the body WEIGHT of a person.

Such calcium accumulations, when they EXCEED the body’s TOLERANCE limit – the threshold point, give rise to the DISEASES – the morbid obesity!

The above being the case, if a person is going to starve, or does even non-stop strenuous exercises and burn totally all the calories to zero balance, of what use can that be for the removal of calcium from the cells?

The calcium will not get reduced any bit. Instead, the exercises would only INCREASE the build-up of MORE calcium* within the cells, and that would then increase the total body weight.

(* due to loss of water through dehydration, and thereby giving rise to under-urination.)

However, when an obese person does strenuous exercises, he does lose some of his body weight – to statistically significant extent.

Now, how does this happen?

The LITTLE adipose tissues that have become the STORED food energy get lost, and that would naturally give SOME amount of positive result. That will be all to it.

We can consider another situation:

When a person eats MUCH LESS food all the time, he does NOT become obese.

In this case, of course, even the little adipose tissue would not form. However, the little food would only contribute little calcium. So, THAT little calcium will not be able to bloat up the cells (i.e., inflammation will not occur).

If a person consumes TOO MUCH of food, that BULK would naturally contribute TOO MUCH of calcium, which will make him truly obese, with diseases.

Yet, some people who consume too much of calcium do not seem to become obese. How can this be explained?

This takes us back to the original explanation I have been offering all the time.

ALL UNWANTED EXCESSES (in this case, the calcium excesses) will get REMOVED from the body through URINATION.

The problem of EXCESSIVE CALCIUM ACCUMULATION and RELATED MORBID OBESITY would occur only if the person UNDER-URINATES all the time.

Reduced urination can remove only a reduced quantity of the calcium excesses.

Most of the calcium excesses would stay back within the body of the under-urinating person*.

(* This has relevance to the saturation point of salt)

As said earlier, these calcium excesses enter into the cells and get stored.

Naturally, such storages would increase the body weight, and this weight has nothing to do with adipose tissues, nor expendable food energy.

Calcium is a plain mineral that normally goes into the makeup of some of the body structures, such as bones, teeth, nails, and numerous other components, but would not provide energy for work.

The basic requirement of a person happens to be about 450 or 500 mg of calcium, on a daily basis.

While this being the case, if the person consumes, say 50,000 mg of Calcium, and does not have any food-derived energy in him, THIS calcium excess would not provide him any bit of energy.

How do these calcium excesses accumulate within the body of a person who does not take mega doses of calcium supplements?

Let us see the process:

*   *   *   *   *   *  
In the process of defining certain phenomenon, I will be repeating a few statements, and I hope you will not get ‘fed up’ with my behaviour.

Such a repetition becomes imperative essentially because, I cannot change or alter the TRUTH, simply for the sake of avoiding repetitions.

Some of the substances that enter into our body through air, water, and food can dissolve in water, and a few others will not dissolve in water.

Salt, sugar, calcium, etc. are water-soluble.

If we happen to consume excessive salt or calcium, those excesses will get out of our body before harming us.

When it comes to sugar, for instance, if we consume excesses of it, under normal circumstances, it will not get out of the body as part of the urine. Instead of it, it will get converted into stored energy in the form of adipose tissues – similar to a battery.

*   *   *   *   *   *
When it comes to EXCESSIVE SALT consumption, the story appears to be different:

I am sure you can recollect the meaning of the word  “Catalyst”, if I mentioned it here.

A catalyst is also a ​substance that ​causesor ​speeds a ​chemical reaction without itself being ​changed.  http://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/catalyst)

SALT should be considered as a CATALYST.

It will speed up the functions of the brain and central nervous system, besides several other activities, without itself getting lost or used up in that process.

Once its work is over, it gets out of the body as part of the urine, and does NOT cause any harm to the body at all!

However, if the person UNDER-URINATES, then those used-up salt + the new salt intake though regular food consumptions, end up becoming TOO MUCH in quantity, reaching undesirable levels.

Only then, the blood become thickened, resulting in RAISING its PRESSURE, but not otherwise*.

(* So, this would explain that salt is NOT a culprit for blood and heart diseases. It is UNDER-URINATION, perhaps also related to REDUCED water consumption, OR loss of body water through sweat-out exercises, dehydration by air-conditioners, and the like.)

*   *   *   *   *   *
How about CALCIUM?

It is similar to a BRICK in the building construction.

If men require about 450 mg of bricks daily to build up the day-to-day utilities, women’s need will be about 500 of them.

When MORE bricks are delivered, what do you think would happen to such excesses?

Under normal circumstances, the EXTRA bricks are returned to the supplier – sent out of the body in the urine.

If and when a person UNDER-URINATES, then, these calcium excesses, for want of choice, get STORED within the body.

The only available store house appears to be the CELLS.

All SOFT cells in any part of the body has the potentials to store these calcium excesses.

Likewise, all the BONE cells too have identical capacities.

The choice appears to depend upon the availability or unavailability of vitamin-D.

If the body of that person has enough of vitamin-D (either through exposure to sunshine, or through supplementation), those calcium excesses would end up getting impregnated to become part of the skeletal system.

In the absence of vitamin-D, those calcium excesses will enter into the soft cells, and stay there.

The problem would become immense only when such calcium accumulations reach a stage that cannot be tolerated any more.

The soft cells, for instance, would split continuously (mitotic cell divisions) to accommodate the continuously coming up calcium excesses. This would then make that location – the tissues, to bloat up, resulting in INFLAMMATION.

A while later, along with progressive additions, these swollen structures would become lumps, tumours and cancers.

If the calcium excesses enter into the LYMPH DUCTS, accumulate and dry up there, then cancer of the lymph ducts develop.

Entry of the calcium excesses into the bone marrow can give rise to any of the leukaemia cancers.

*   *   *   *   *   *
The prevention of disease-causing overweight, obesity, stone diseases, type-2 diabetes, hypothyroidism, heart blockages, tumours and cancers can be achieved by an extremely simple method – all that is required is LIBERAL URINATION.

Through my 41 years of study, I have found that a person will have to drink about 2 – 3 L of plain water (not juices, and the like), and URINATE nearly ALL OF IT.

Such an Input/Output, if monitored correctly, should give a ratio of 1.0.

A ratio not exceeding 1.2 appears to be safe to keep a person in a healthy state.

Anything beyond that, 1.5 or 2.0, for instance, would indicate that the person has already developed HYPERHIDROSIS (sweating profusely in palms, feet, and all over the body), and is also in the process of becoming overweight and morbidly obese.

*   *   *   *   *   *
By practising the above, I have cured a large number of patients who came to me with such non-communicable diseases, during the past 41 years.


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Dear Friends,

Thanks for reading this long article.

If you have the means of communicating with the Authorities of W.H.O., kindly do so, and God will bless you for that!

OK, bye,

Dr. Palani, Ph.D.


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