Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Thursday, November 17, 2016




(© 15 November 2016: Dr. V.M. Palaniappan, Ph.D.
e-Mail: vmpalaniappan@gmail.com; Mobile: 6-012-2071414.)
(The excellent platform provided by Googles is gratefully acknowledged)

You may want to view it yourself the nice Infographic by Siti Fatmah, released today (15 November 2015) by MIMS (Malaysia), entitled “The history of diabetes across the centuries” through the following URL:
http://today.mims.com/topic/infographic--the-history-of-diabetes-across-the-centuries-?country=Malaysia  &channel=gn-health-wellness&elq_mid=8165&elq_cid=4465
It appears an Egyptian Physician wrote for the first time some 3500 years ago about diabetes as a disease of frequent urination*.

(* According to the South Indian Siddha medicine, such a recognition dates back to 5000 years, and the diagnostic method they used had relevance to ants gathering around the sweet urine voided by the diabetics.)
Let me ask you this question:
Why should the brain induce frequent urination?

Please evaluate the above PHYSIOLOGY, comparing it with the following analogies:

(Analogy = When only one (or very few) aspect is comparable, it is called ANALOGY.
If ALL aspects are IDENTICAL, then it is called HOMOLOGY)

A mosquito injects into just one spot in your skin some concentrated venom.

That concentrate can kill all those cells at that spot.

Wanting to save the cells, the brain creates itch.

When it itches, you scratch.

The scratching disperses the venom to several adjacent cells, and that dilutes the venom, and thereby the venom loses its ‘power’ to kill the cells there.

Then, the itch stops.

Analogy-2: You keep sitting cross-legged for a long duration.

A while later the blood supply there will get impeded, and the resulting short-supply of oxygen can kill the tissues there.

To save the muscles, the brain creates a sensation of needle pricks.

This makes you massage that part of the body violently, and the free blood supply will resume. 

The pricking sensation too would stop immediately.                   

The dusts dispersed from a dusty carpet while cleaning it enter into your lungs, begin to irritate, and make you sneeze.

The sneezing is induced by the brain in order to remove those dust particles from blocking your breathing holes – the alveoli, thus saving your life from death due to choking.

Someone throws chilli powder into your eyes.

Your brain induces secretion of tears in large quantities. The purpose being to cleanse the tender eyes from getting severely damaged.


You see someone taking poison with the idea of committing suicide – may be because of his MIND is unable to withstand love failure.

The BRAIN does not want to accept death. SURVIVAL is its prime goal.

So, the brain induces PROFUSE SWEATING, and traces of the poison can be found dissolved in that sweat.

The brain induces uncontrollable urinations, and traces of the poison can be found dissolved in that urine.

The brain induces uncontrollable diarrhoea, and traces of the poison can be found mixed in that slimy faeces.

The brain induces shedding of tears, and traces of the poison can be found in that tears.

The brain induces running nose (sinusitis-like), and traces of the poison can be found in that slimy oozing liquid.

The brain gives him seizure (epilepsy), and that increases the blood pressure, which in turn enhances speedy transportation of the poison to all possible outlets for its elimination, before death could incur.

                                              *   *   *   *   *   *
Now, let us evaluate the occurrence of FREQUENT URINATIONS in TYPE-2 DIABETICS:

If you are a diabetic, your body voids plenty of urine frequently.

Why should your brain do that?

The brain wants to REMOVE ‘something’ that can either kill you, or damage your body severely.

That ‘something’ can be:

(a) the UNUTILISED SUGAR that keeps floating in your blood., or

(b) it can be any other POISON that has accumulated inside the body.

That sugar can ROT your (various) tissues, and eventually cause death*.

(* How exactly the Type-2 Diabetes develops?

Well, this aspect will be explained in PART-2 of this topic - that will be posted in due course.)

If that happens to be some kind of poison, that too can kill the tissues likewise.

Your brain wants to save you from that disaster, and therefore, induces frequent urinations ONLY IN ORDER TO REMOVE THAT UNUTILIZED SUGAR OR THE UNSUITABLE SOMETHING.

If tested, that something in the urine thus voided can be recognized.

 Now, what would happen if WE, by some means - may be with the use of some pharmaceutical DIURETICS drugs (such as Lasix Furosemide), induce MUCH MORE FREQUENT URINATIONS?

That unwanted and unsuitable ‘something’ + unutilized sugar would get leached out of the body rapidly (and fully), thus making the body RESTORE ITS FULL HEALTH.

Now, the question is, WHAT CAN BE THAT UNSUITABLE ‘SOMETHING’, and why or how do they accumulate to such enormous quantities?

To find the answer to this, we have to understand the body physiology of ALL ANIMALS on earth.
                                                     *   *   *   *   *   *

God, Nature, or the Process of Evolution has created a common feature in ALL animals – from tiny microorganism such as bacteria to 'giant-sized' elephants, or the most advanced humans:

Nature knows that our (or any animal’s) body would produce some end-products during the process of living.

These end products (e.g., carbon dioxide in plants and animals, faecal matter in animals) will have to be removed from the body, lest they would ruin their healthy existence.

Nature also knows that it is possible for the entry of exertional poisons into the body through water, air, and/or food.

In other words, one’s own poisons as well as those that may enter into the body from external sources will have to be removed on a regular basis.

Such a removal occurs through:

1. Defecation of faecal matter, and
2. Excretion of URINE.

We have learnt in Chemistry that each WATER-SOLUBLE substance has a definite SATURATION POINT – that is the capacity to dissolve in water.

Each toxic substance can have a different dissolving capacity.

To simplify the explanation, let us say, 5 teaspoons of poisons enter into our body through the air - being air-borne gaseous pollutants that may dissolve in water.

Another 5 teaspoons through the liquids / water (e.g., chlorine, preservatives in soft drinks, etc.).

Yet another 5 teaspoons through the food we eat (e.g., pesticides, preservatives, etc.)

These, making a total of 15 teaspoons, will have to be removed from the body daily, through URINATIONS.

Let us assume that only ONE teaspoon of the poisons would dissolve and get removed from the body in 100 ml of urine voided.

That (15 teaspoons of the poisons) may require a person to void 1500 ml of URINE.

If we drink 1 glass of water, some of it would get lost as sweat through the skin, as vapour from the expired air, from eye surface, and the like. As a result, 1 glass water intake may produce only ¾ glass of urine.

This would then mean that, if we want to void 1500 ml of urine, we may have to drink 2 L of water.

That is to say, if we drink 2 L of water daily, and URINATE 1.5 L of URINE also daily, then, ALL of the poisons may get out of our body, leaving it in a healthy state.

If, say, 200 ml of urine is excreted every time we void, then, we have to urinate 7½ times, or sensibly, about EIGHT TIMES DAILY.

At this, an important question arises:

What would happen if we do NOT urinate 8 times or 1500 ml of urine daily?



Let us see what it can be:
In our example, 2 teaspoons of poison will get removed from the body through 1 urination of 200 ml.

If a person is going to drink 2 L of water, he must urinate 8 times to remove the whole lot of 15+ teaspoons of the poisons.

If a person urinates only THREE times daily, his body would throw out 600 ml of urine which will contain only SIX teaspoons of the poisons.

That means, about 10 teaspoons of the poisons would stay back within the body EACH DAY.

At this rate, in ONE YEAR his body would have accumulated (365 x 10) 3650 teaspoons of it.

This will be 36,500 teaspoons in 10 years.

Under normal circumstances, our (or any animal’s) body has tremendous tolerance limits for any adverse conditions.

I have found (clinically) that those who under-urinate this way – only thrice daily, to develop TYPE-2 DIABETES IN ABOUT 8 YEARS’ TIME*.

(* As indicated above, the exact sequence of type-2 diabetes development will be explained in Part-2 of this article, at a later date, in this Blog).
Based on our assumed quantifications, it appears that the tolerance limit for a person is to withstand some 30,000 teaspoons of the poison before he would turn into a Type-2 Diabetic patient.

Thus, if a person regularly urinates only TWICE daily*, the 30,000 tolerance limit would arrive at an earlier date – in about 5½ years’ time.

(* Mr. X was unemployed until his 25th age, so he has been urinating liberally, just by responding to the urge for urination.

Subsequently, he worked as a JUNIOR for next five years. He had adequate free time to urinate then and there.

In his 30, he was appointed an EXECUTIVE, and he became fully occupied with works, meetings, seminars, and the like that he had NO free time to frequent the toilet.

Further, if he urinates frequently, the staff there could mistake him to have had diabetes.

In addition, having become a highly paid executive, he has started drinking fruit juices and the like, rather than drinking plain water.

Thus, from his 30th year, he has REDUCED his urination frequency to just ONCE during office hours, and twice at home.

 The Air-Conditioner is his office DEHYDRATES (sucks most of his body water as an unrecognizable, 'insensible perspiration'). As a result, he does not get the urinal pressure any more. Further, only very little urine gets excreted.

His body begins to smell urine, which he does not recognise, but others do.

Since the 'toxic' substances are accumulating within his body (stored in the soft cells), he puts on weight. That, naturally, gets attributed to his becoming wealthy.

When he reaches 36, he goes for an EXECUTIVE MEDICAL CHECK-UP, since the medical bill is paid by his office. 

The doctor tells him he has developed TYPE-2 DIABETES!

About two decades ago, this disease was called Rich Man's Disease, or "Executive's Disease".

Nowadays, nearly all the office-going people tend to work in air-conditioner environment, and that makes nearly all of them diabetic!

I have found the following:

If you drink 2 L of water, and urinate about 8 times or so daily, you tend to remain HEALTHY all the time, in spite of taking sugary food and plenty of carbohydrates. 

From time immemorial, ALL people in the tropical countries have been eating RICE (carbohydrate) as their staple food, ate sugared snacks daily, and they never developed diabetes. 

The people belonging to COLD countries took meat mostly with wheat, essentially because rice would not grow in their land - imports and exports didn't exist during the ancient periods.


If a person drinks 2L or MORE of water, and UNDER-URINATES (e.g., thrice or four times only) he develops just type-2 diabetes.

If he drinks very little water (e.g, just 200 or 300 ml) and therefore UNDER-URINATES, he appears to get HEART ATTACK & TYPE-2 DIABETES.

A person drinking only fruit juices, soft drinks, and soups (and NO water at all), AND UNDER-URINATES (about twice or thrice), tends to get CANCER.

He who does NOT drink any kind of liquid at all has been found to develop LEPROSY!
(Brain tries to remove from the body the much-concentrated poisons by rotting the tissues)

(I was able to completely cure a few leprosy patients, and the major part of the treatment included training the patient to drink water and void urine adequately, as part of the detoxification programme.)

He who urinates FOUR times daily, would become diabetic in about 11 years.

Thus, one urinating FIVE times daily, would get it in about 14 years’ time.

He who urinates SIX times, would turn diabetic only after about 22 years or so.

So, if a person wants to stay in a health state forever, without getting the type-2 diabetes, he should drink about 2 L of water (not soft drinks, juices, soups, etc.), and urinate about 8 times daily.
                                                  *   *   *   *   *   *
I have conveniently skipped explaining as how does the brain work in this case to induce the type-2 diabetes, and WHAT EXACTLY THAT POISON IS.

Similar to the examples explained as ANALOGIES above, when the body accumulates poisons beyond its tolerance limit - the “threshold point”, the BRAIN induces / forces / compels  the body parts to EXCRETE urine FREQUENTLY, so that all the accumulated poisons would get removed from the body, allowing it to be in ‘relatively’ a healthy state.

The term ‘relatively’ has some relevance:

If ALL the 30,000 teaspoons of the poisons get stagnated within the body - exceeding the body’s tolerance limit, then the body WOULD STRAIGHT AWAY:

(a) Begin to rot and decompose giving rise to gangrene.

(b) The eyes would develop cataract and go blind.

(c) The penis would develop erectile dysfunction (impotency) and turn the person sterile.

(d) The nerves would collapse, and lose its function, and

(e) The entire body too would collapse, resulting in the DEATH of that person soon.

On the other hand, if the brain can induce the occurrence of Type-2 Diabetes which is linked with increased and frequent urination THAT would eliminate substantial quantities of poisons from the accumulated 30,000 teaspoons. This would then keep the person ALIVE for several more years, instead of an instant death.
(The development of type-2 diabetes can be categorized as an auto-immune disease, very much similar to osteoporosis.)
                                                    *   *   *   *   *   *

Well Friends,

I hope you are able to realize the facts related to Type-2 Diabetes.

In brief, it is the HABITUAL UNDER-URINATION that gives rise to Type-2 Diabetes, and this has absolutely NOTHING to do with eating too much of sugar or carbohydrates!

Since the Medical Fraternity has missed to understand this phenomenon, they are not only NOT able to CURE the Type-2 Diabetes, but are unable to even CONTROL it. That is precisely why the number of sufferers has been going higher and higher along with time.


May I therefore urge Dr. Margaret Chan - the Director General of WHO to quickly recognise me.

Since we cannot expect Dr. Margaret Chan, as the DG of WHO, to read this kind of BLOG-posted articles, only those who happen to read my (this) article & this BLOG, should take up the matter to the DG's attention, so that the millions world-wide can be saved at once.

In the name of GOD, may I request every Reader of this article to do his/her best to help humanity.

I will soon post my SECOND PART of this article that would explain in exact terms the POISON that give rise to Type-2 diabetes.

With thanks and best wishes,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

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