Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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Your needs / Objectives / Indemnification

After reading my articles, if you are convinced of their worthiness/ usefulness, you may want to kindly spread the news to your friends suggesting to read what you had read.

My ambition is to reach out to the World Health Organisation, so that my findings will become useful to people worldwide.
I will be happy to cooperate / coordinate with any scientist for the furtherance of my findings.

I am extremely THANKFUL to GOOGLE for their fantastic and free services all the time, for reaching out to the public at large.

Indemnification: All my articles are based on MY OWN research, and I strongly believe that they are true. I have been requesting the W.H.O. and Malaysian Ministry of Health to evaluate my discoveries. Until they are approved for use, the Readers of all my articles should get the approval of a Registered Medical Practitioner prior to practising them, and I should not be held responsible for any mishap at all.

With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Monday, August 31, 2009


© 1998-2008: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan: Registered at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: International SB Nos. 978-967-998-05-8; ++06-6; ++07-4; ++08-2; ++09-0; ++19-4; ++11-6; ++12-3; ++13-0.

PART-6 Startling Revelations


While writing this Megaseries (similar to what I have been doing in all my books), I have been using very simple English language, so that the message can be easily understood by even those who have very little school qualifications. I have purposely avoided the usage of high-sounding Latin and Greek terms that often discourage us from reading.

At the same time, the information contained in this article are very complex, and are of the highest possible standard that would tremendously benefit ALL medical professionals for their understanding of the true causes of all the diseases.

The medical researchers all over the world could focus on the relevance of the facts given here for the furtherance of their reaseach works for the benefit of mankind.

Those who wish to challenge the revelations here should first read and understand the contents of ALL parts of THIS series AND also ALL my books. This would necessitate them to wait until I have finished presenting this Megaseries.

May I, therefore, request every Visitor to this Blog, to read the presentations here a bit slowly so that every detail is very well understood. Second and third-time reading of this would give more and more meaning, and that would certainly help every Reader lead a disease-free, energetic, totally healthy and prolonged life.

I beg you: Please read this in FULL. You sure stand to benefit, beyond any doubt. Please….

* * * * * * *

The causes of obesity and the process of different cancer formations are described.


In Part 5, towards its end, I mentioned that most of the people do not seem to be in perfect health.
I also said that my study indicated that only 2% of the population are in perfect health. All others have one or more problems.

Let us see the deviations from the previously stated perfect health:

People can constipate for various reasons. The following could be some of them:

  • Sluggish movement or discontinuity of the bowel due to long intervals between meals.

  • Hardening and drying up of the faeces,.

  • Difficulty to defecate for some reason.

  • As a habit from childhood.

  • Worry, anxiety and fear can create constipation.

  • Sedentary life

  • Improper diet

  • Intestinal obstruction

  • Tumours

  • Excessive use of laxatives

  • Weak intestinal muscles

  • Most of the medicines / supplements (as their side-effects).

The above details refer to acute constipation.

I have suffered frequently from this type of severe and acute constipation in my teenage years.

I was then having my food in a variety of restaurants, and I remember having eaten what could be described as 'lousy' or junk food.

The suffering continued in my twenties, but it was not as frequent as it used to be.
If I remember right, I have not been getting any acute constipation to a significant extent since my 24th age or so. Since then, I have been eating home-cooked food, most of the time.

Judging from my personal experience, improper diet could be the most important reason for the occurrence of acute constipation.

In acute constipation, the faeces gets dried up. At times it can become cracked, and very painful to defecate.

If a person constipates for more than a week or 10 days at a stretch, his faeces could form into pellet-like and black-coloured 'droppings', similar to that of a goat.

The above description constitutes acute constipation.

When acute constipation occurs, the moisture in the faeces gets absorbed by the intestine, and that then into the blood vessels.

Acute constipation as such does not seem to give rise to any major problem to a person.

* * * * * *

A different kind of problem can erupt at the end of an acute constipation, especially if it happens to be so for a prolonged period.

Faeces is a collection of unwanted rubbish that must be thrown out of the body. In its present state as faeces, it has nothing useful to offer the person.

Therefore the brain tries to somehow push it out, by increasing the peristalsis action (squeezing movement of the intestine) and the like.

If the old faecal matter continues to stay in the colon / rectal area, they get dried and compacted. (If such a situation continues for several days, the faeces becomes blackish and pellet-like, similar to the droppings of the goat).

When such a ‘jamming’ and ‘piling up’ happens, there will be no room for the newly formed faeces

When it becomes almost impossible to evacuate the dry matter, the brain induces the digestive tract (the cells at the wall, called adenoma cells) to secrete plenty of water into the colon.

Subsequent peristalsis-kind of action of the colon mixes the water with the dried faeces to make it into a slimy substance. This is to enhance an easy evacuation from the rectal region.

Such a slimy substance can easily pass through even if the anal opening happens to be narrow.
(The above sequence does not seem to happen if the faeces has already turned into black-coloured pellets. Such a condition appears to be beyond the self-healing process, and may require medical help)

It appears that the sphincter (constricting) muscles at the anal opening becomes rigid in constipating persons.

Therefore, passing through such a tough muscular structure becomes very difficult for the slimy faeces.

As a result, the latter goes out only in small quantities, thus giving an urge to defecate several times daily.

This is why the sufferer feels 'full' all the time, and does not get the satisfaction of having gone to the toilet.

The above process continues for prolonged periods, and becomes a never-ending sequence since more and more of the fresh faecal matter keeps on getting added to the already clogged up colo-rectal area (i.e., at the end of the intestinal tract).

A proliferation of decomposing bacteria tends to produce awfully-smelling flatulence (gas) which escapes every now and then, thus 'polluting' the environment.

Apart from it, the foul (dead rat-like) odour travels through the small intestine, stomach and oesophagus, and gets emitted through the mouth in the form of halitosis (bad breadth).

The faeces too becomes very smelly, unlike the cylindrical faeces that is defecated in good health.

Since this type of frequent defecation (twice or more number of times daily) of slimy, shapeless and smelly faeces is the end and 'natural' result of acute constipation, I have been calling it "chronic constipation" in all my publications*.

(* In modern medicine, the term "chronic constipation' refers to prolonged acute constipation. If and when the stools become slimy or watery, they attribute that to microorganismic infection of the digestive tract (or invasion), and they call it "diarrhoea". Such a condition tends to get treated with antibiotics).

A much undesirable thing happens in chronic constipation.

Since the slimy faecal matter stays for a prolonged period in the intestinal tract, the cells in the intestinal lining (whose function is to absorb the digested materials) absorb the liquid substance, and transmit it to the blood vessels.

As a result of the chemical changes brought out by the decomposing bacteria at the colo-rectal region, the previously unavailable calcium now becomes available for absorption..

During the process of the liquid absorption by the intestinal wall, the calcium too enters into the cells.

Some of the calcium gets retained by the cells themselves, and the rest enters into the plasma / blood stream and/or the lymph fluid to be distributed to the cells of the soft tissues elsewhere in the body.

* * * * * *

Our body is made up of numerous organs or parts such as the brain, breasts, blood vessels, glands, bladders, etc.). Each organ (with very few exceptions, such as blood) has several muscles. Each muscle is made up of several tissues. Each tissue has millions of cells.

Plant cells have cell-wall. But, animal or human cells do not have such a wall. They have only a membrane.

Each cell has a nucleus in the centre, a membrane outside, and is filled with cytoplasm and a few other substances and structures.

These cells have the potential to absorb and retain in their cytoplasm some of the freely-available calcium.

* * * * * *

For the sake of establishing a link, let me re-capture some of the information that has already been described earlier. Such information includes:

Calcium is present practically in all foods we eat. Some foods contain plenty of it (e.g., dried anchovies: 2,062 mg per 100 gms., mango, 10 mgs.) and some others much less.

Our bones, teeth, and several other structures require calcium. It is a very important metallic salt.

Our average daily requirement of calcium is about 450 mg. It is more for pregnant women, and is about 1000 mg for growing children.

We often end up consuming much more calcium than what our body needs.

If we take foods that are artificially enriched with calcium, or calcium tablets, or fish oil as supplements, we will end up with far too much of calcium in our body.

Excessive calcium can give rise to several serious health problems (about which we can see in the forth-coming parts of this mega-series).

Our body tries to get rid of the excesses through the urine and faeces.

If the person under-urinates, the excess calcium cannot be thrown out of the body.

Likewise, if the person develops chronic constipation, the calcium cannot be sent out of the body.

As a result of the above two, all the calcium excesses tend to stay within the body.

The calcium excesses are carried practically to all parts of the body by the blood, and essentially by the lymph fluid.

Now, let us see what happens to the 'liquid' calcium that has been 'bathing' all the cells in the body.

During this time, if the person happens to be exposing his body to sunshine (e.g.,an farmer who works in the paddy field under hot sunshine), his skin would produce vitamin-D.

In the presence of vitamin-D, the free calcium will get fixed to become part of the bone. As a result, his bone weight/bone density would increase.

If he does not expose his body to sunshine, then, the calcium would continue to remain as free calcium.

Such free calcium will enter into any of the soft cells with great ease, and stay there as if it has been stored.

A continuous absorption of calcium will make the cell enlarged. Such a process is called hypertrophy.

The process of hypertrophy occurs in each of the cells in the entire human body, from head to foot, and that makes the person big-sized.

In its advanced stage all the cells in all parts of the body make the person huge, 'giant-sized’, and obese.

At its maximum, it gives the person the disease-inducing over-weightiness, called the morbid-obesity. (Morbid obesity = disease-causing obesity).

Thus, the obesity of a person is more and directly related to the absorption of the excessive calcium due to under-urination and chronic constipation, rather than mere over-eating.

The over-eating, of course, has an indirect contribution, in the sense that it increases the total calcium content further, more than it can be otherwise.

In other words, increased food quantity will naturally increase the total quantity of calcium.

* * * * * *

If the calcium absorption continues further, the cell would reach a stage where it cannot tolerate the filling any more. The point of breaking up is called the threshold point.

Upon reaching the threshold point, the cell begins to divide by a process called mitosis. This can be described as a mechanical splitting of the cell that does not involve any sex or genetics.

When a cell divides into two, each cell will have some extra space to store more of the calcium, into which they keep on storing more and more of it, until the same kind of cell division repeats again.

As a result of such repeated cell divisions, one cell becomes two, two become four, that becomes eight and so on, until they collectively form a small ‘swelling’ or callus-like structure..

Since there is no 'empty' space within a tissue, the newly formed cells will not be able to spread themselves to form some kind of tissue within the tissue itself.

Therefore, they 'protrude' out of the tissue, taking an appearance of a lump.

These lumps are called the benign tumours. When these benign forms continue to absorb more and more of the calcium, they become 'huge' in size, that they cannot stay attached to their hold-fast like bases. At this, they become malignant (cancerous).

These cancer fragments then detach themselves from the main tumour, somewhat similar to the individual grape fruits dropping off from a bunch of grapes, and get carried to nearby 'spots' called 'lymph nodes' through the lymph vessels.

(Crudely putting it, the lymph vessels are almost similar to the blood vessels, but they do not have a heart of their own, neither do they get any direct help from the heart itself. All lymph vessels collectively form the lymphatic circulatory system).

These cancer bits lodged at the lymph nodes grow further to form huge structures. Then, they interfere with the normal functioning of some of the vital organs in those locations, and that results in the death of the person.

A survey of the literature on cancer would reveal that there are more than 100 types of different cancers.

My finding is that all cancers are just the same, except perhaps for their locations in the body.
If a person sweats profusely in the shade, in the absence of vitamin-D, the calcium that comes out to the skin along with the sweat can accumulate and remain there to become a lipoma-like structures, doing no harm to any part of the body.

(Lipomas are considered to be a tumour of fats. To me it is a mixture of fats and calcium. Since cells are not involved here, these lifeless structures do not have the capacity or need to divide any further.)

* * * * * * * * *

If an under-urinating person with chronic constipation habitually sleeps with his/her head at a lower level than the body (i.e., without a pillow), the lymph fluids could transport most of the free calcium to the head region, where it could get absorbed by the brain tissues. If this happens, it could become a brain tumour.

If an under-urinating woman with chronic constipation habitually sleeps for most part of the nights on her right, then, she would develop one or more breast lumps and cancer on her right breast.

If an under-urinating person suffers from chronic constipation for several years, he/she would then develop colo-rectal cancer.

If a middle-aged under-urinating man with chronic constipation drinks frequently vegetable soups and consumes large quantities of uncooked salads, he would get prostate enlargement and cancer.

If an under-urinating man with chronic constipation is a recipient in frequent anal sex, he can get anal cancer, because of the absorption of high calcium from the seminal fluids by the lining cells present at the anus.

If an under-urinating person with chronic constipation consumes plenty of calcium-rich and enriched foods, and also withholds his/her urinal pressure for prolonged periods, the calcium in the urine would get absorbed by the cells there, and that would give him/her the urinal bladder cancer.

If a person who under-urinates has chronic constipation, and if he/she totally avoids the consumption of oils and fats, but eats a high protein diet most of the time, then, calcium released during the protein digestion would give him/her gallbladder stone and/or gallbladder cancer.

If an under-urinating person with chronic constipation chews betel nuts and betel leaves rubbed with lime, the cells in the mouth lining would absorb the calcium and give him/her a mouth cancer. If the cells at the tongue absorb the calcium, then, it would be a tongue cancer.

If an under-urinating woman with chronic constipation has frequent sex, and allows the frequent calcium-rich seminal fluids to 'dry up' in her cervix, she can develop cervical cancer.

The monthly menstrual cycle of women who under-urinate and develop chronic constipation would naturally become delayed and erratic owing to the build up of excessive calcium.

The uterus in such women would develop endometrioma (cyst), endometrial cancer, uterine cancer and the like.

Cysts and fibroids are common only among women who under-urinate and have chronic constipation.

If a woman who has been under-urinating and having chronic constipation enters into menopause, she would then develop obesity at a rapid rate, followed by hardening of her breasts, breast lumps and breast cancer. This happens because of the availability of extra calcium that would have ordinarily gone out of the body in the menstrual fluids at monthly intervals.

As pointed out earlier, more than 100 different types of cancers have been listed in the literature on cancers.

However, my findings seem to confirm that the origin or the cause for all types of cancers is just the same.

Therefore, the preventive measures and/or the curative procedure for all cancers are also the same, with slight variations to suit the locations of such cancers in the body.

In my next book, which I am currently writing, you can get to know the reasons as why these cancers occur in different organs, along with elaborate procedures for a definite cure for each of them.

Thus, the two major health problems, viz., the morbid obesity and cancer are the results of the accumulation of excessive calcium in the soft cells due to the under-urination and chronic constipation habits of people.

After knowing the exact causes for obesity and cancer, one may want to know the details with regard to curing them.

I have described elaborately the curative procedures for most of the diseases in my book on obesity (1998).

However, I would give in a different chapter in this book the preventive measures in brief.

These are the same as found in Part-5 of this Megaseries.

This is the same as found in Part-5 of this Megaseries.


You can look forward to reading something very new in the NEXT part of this Megaseries. I intend to describe all my findings related to TYPE-2 DIABETES MELLITUS & HEART BLOCKAGES.

With best wishes,
Dr. Palani

Thursday, August 27, 2009


© 1998-2008: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan: Registered at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia:

International SB Nos. 978-967-998-05-8; ++06-6; ++07-4; ++08-2; ++09-0; ++19-4; ++11-6; ++12-3; ++13-0.


Following the tradition of journalism, I have given in this article ABSTRACTS and SUMMARY.

If you are going to read just these two, and avoid reading the main text for any reason, you WILL NOT BE ABLE TO APPRECIATE THE ENTIRE THESIS.

As a result, you are bound to dismiss the adorable findings as meaningless repetition of what has already been told by countless number of people all these years. That is not true at all!

I beg, please read the entire text, at least because I am begging you to do that.

I am sure, you will not regret for having done so. If you did that, you are sure to reap tremendous benefits - I mean it! Kindly oblige.

Towards the end of this megaseries, I intend to throw challenges to ALL sectors of people, including the RESEARCHERS in various walks of life.

Thank you.

Dr. Palani.




Reduced water intake, under-urination, chronic constipation, and consumption of calcium-enriched foods give rise to obesity, cancer and several related diseases.


Under-urination* (about thrice daily), and chronic constipation** jointly give rise to several major non-contagious diseases.

(* Reduced water consumption would proportionately reduce the quantity of urine excreted. Sweating and dehydration through various means can worsen it further.)

(** Chronic constipation is defined in Ecological Healing System as frequent and incomplete defecation of shapeless, slimy and smelly stools more than once daily, accompanied by frequent emittance of smelly flatulence (gas),being the end-result of prolonged and acute constipation, and does NOT indicate diarrhoea as is understood in modern medicine.)

Our kidneys have the capacity to excrete in the urine most of the unwanted substances*, and also the excesses of some much-needed nutrients (e.g., calcium) that are water-soluble.

(*Preservatives, pesticides, harmful chemicals, environmental pollutants, etc. constitute the unwanted wastes.)

In spite of Calcium (Ca) metal being very useful for the formation of bones, teeth and practically all parts of the body, its excess becomes highly 'toxic'.

This tends to follow the rule that anything in excess can be undesirable, toxic or dangerous.

Therefore, the body, regulated by the brain, throws out Ca along with the other wastes.

Such elimination can happen essentially through the following three means:
1. Urine,
2. Faeces, and
3. Sweat.

Several researchers* have found out that substantial quantities of calcium get removed in the urine as well as in the faeces.

(* Davies et al (1970) have observed that ""urine can take away with it about 350 mg of calcium daily".

McCancer et al (1942) and several others (Nicolaysen et al, 1953; Malm, 1958; Kodicek, 1967) have recorded that "... about 70 to 80% of calcium in the food items consumed gets lost through faeces"

Researcher Mara (2004) has observed the presence of 45% of calcium (as CaO) in the faeces, and 45 – 60% in the urine.

Schoew et al (2002) found in Thailand that the metals calcium, and others are mainly excreted via the faeces, and less in the urine.)

Most of the calcium that may to go out in the sweat tends to get reabsorbed into the skin, only to be retained by the cells there*.

(*This has relevance to the development of skin cancer.)

* * * * * *

The body should have adequate water to form sufficient urine so that it can remove the dissolved wastes.

To cope up with the need, one should drink water, preferably in its pure form, rather than drinking juices, soups, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages*.

(* This is so because, the juices and other such drinks themselves tend to contain Ca, and therefore, their capacity to carry and remove the excess Ca from other sources will be much limited, if not nil.)

I have studied the daily water requirement of people in the tropics to be about 2 to 3 litres per day, and this may vary depending upon the body size, climate, nature of work, and the like.

For complete evacuation of all the unwanted wastes, one should urinate 8 to 10 times daily, so that nearly all the consumed water gets excreted as urine.

If we record all the water consumed and also the total quantity of urine voided by a person*, then, the Input / Output Ratio should work out to be 1.0.

(* This should be recorded for several days, and then the mean should be taken for evaluation)

If the ratio goes below 1.0, such as 0.9 or below, it would mean one of the following:

(a) The person must have consumed foods and fruits that contained plenty of water in them. (This should be acceptable.)

(b) Some errors could have occurred while recording the data.

On the contrary, if the ratio goes beyond 1.1, it would mean that the person has been losing his body water through some other undesirable sources. The following constitute some of them:

Profuse sweating due to strenuous exercises, such as jogging, gymnasium work-outs, football, etc.

Profuse sweating after taking a hot water bath or shower (using water at high temperatures).

Sauna or steam bath can induce such profuse sweating.

Sleeping under a fast-running fan can drive away a substantial quantity of body moisture.

A very dry climate, with a very low relative humidity (RH) can deplete a substantial quantity of water from the body.

A very hot climate, as is found in the desert countries, can dry up the person to a great extent.

Voluntary suppression of the urinal pressure either for want of a toilet facility, or for want of free time amidst busy work of some kind, tends to promote profuse sweating even in a cool environment.

Irrespective of the cause, if a person under-urinates, most of the Ca excess tends to stay back within the body.

* * * * * *

If a person consumes the right quantity of Ca to suit his body's requirements, there may not be any excess for elimination..

However, it may not be possible to consume just the needed amount. In the process of eating food, one is bound to consume either a lesser or an increased quantity of the same.

If the Ca intake happens to be lesser than what is required, it does not seem to harm the body to any significant extent+.

(+Reduced calcium intake (e.g.,300 mg/day) (the normal being about 450 or 500 mg) in some Asian and African countries has been observed to result in normal bone development, and also normal plasma (blood) content. Therefore, many believe that the body may adapt to low calcium intakes (NIcholls and Nimalasuriya, 1939; Walker and Arvidsson, 1954; Murthy et al, 1955; Hegsted et al, 1952; Malm, 1958).

On the other hand, if a person ends up taking too much of Ca through his foods and drinks (which could be due either to overeating of normal food, or taking calcium-rich food, such as anchovies, dairy products, chocolates, or consuming Ca-enriched items such as biscuits, powdered milk, or taking Ca supplementations, etc.), such excesses will have to be thrown out of the body then and there.

Such eliminations are carried out by the urine and also by the faeces. They jointly perform the function, as noted above.

* * * * * *

For an efficient removal of the Ca excess, one has to defecate in the best possible manner.
If he constipates for any reason, then, the vital function of Ca elimination will get hampered.

At this point, it is important for us to remember the following points:

The urine tends to throw out only the excess Ca. This function is assisted by the kidneys.

Whereas, when it comes to the removal by the faeces, the calcium could come from two sources:

1. A part of the unused excess, and

2 All of the unabsorbed remains*.

(* When foods are eaten, not all of its contents get absorbed and utilised. Many substances, including some of the calcium may not get fully absorbed by the intestinal system. It is said that some 70 to 80% of the calcium content does not get absorbed, and they get thrown out in the faecal matter (Nicholaysen et al, 1953; Malm, 1958; Kodicek, 1967).

Under normal circumstances, the unused excess may not form part of the faecal matter.

However, if a person who has consumed excessive Ca happens to under-urinate, then, for want of choice, most of such unused excesses too could get eliminated through the faeces, along with the unabsorbed Ca.

Irrespective of the above details, if a person happens to constipate for any reason, the Ca elimination work load of the urine could increase twofold.

* * * * *

At this, let us see what would happen if a person (a) eats Ca-rich food, (b) under-urinates for some reason, and also (c) constipates.

Under such circumstances, the Ca that remains within the body would end up being enormous.

Calcium is an alkaline substance. So, it may upset the body's acid-base (the pH) balance, and thereby interfere in the normal functioning of other body parts*.

(*Osmo-regulation of the body fluids, the electrolyte balance, the digestion potentials, the absorption of several important metals such as iron from the food eaten, susceptibility to bacterial infections, etc. will get altered.)

The brain has tremendous potentials to cope up with any kind of emergency, in that it comes to make some other alternative arrangements for keeping away (yet, within the body) the Ca excesses from interfering with several of the vital functions.

Even before we could see the fate of such Ca excesses in relation to the special alternative arrangement by the brain, let us see the possible existence of another sequence:

* * * * * *

As per my study, a person in good health should defecate once daily morning, even before breakfast.

Such a process of defecation should occur within about 30 seconds or so, after being seated over a toilet (or squatting over it).

The faeces should be cylindrical in shape, somewhat similar to a cucumber, but can be in different lengths and diameters.

The faeces should not be smelly. It should either float in the water or could sink, but should stay composed and intact, and also should not 'dissolve' or disperse in the water.

Further, the defecation work should not require any effort of pushing or forcing on the part of the person.

On finishing the job, one should get the feeling of having fully emptied the bowel, and should feel light at the abdomen.

Under normal circumstances, the person should not feel another urge for toileting until the next day. (Occasionally, twice a day should also be in order).

All the above constitute good toileting, and would indicate that the person is in perfect health.

Unfortunately, most of the people do not seem to be in perfect health.

My study indicates that only 2% of the population are in perfect health. All others have some or other problems (Palaniappan, 1998).


The extremely useful calcium does tremendous harm to the body, if it happens to be in excess within the body.

All the unwanted excesses, essentially the calcium is removed from the body through urinations and defecations. Therefore, these two will have to be very carefully guarded at all times.

To enhance liberal urination, adequate quantity of pure water will have to be consumed at regular intervals.

Profuse sweating by any means should be avoided, for that will reduce the urine output, resulting in calcium accumulation in the soft tissues of various organs, and then give rise to tumours and cancers.

The upkeep of good health requires avoidance of constipation and consumption of calcium-enriched items.
EPILOGUE for the day:

What I have presented above constitutes only the first HALF of the article on this subject. Since this half became very lengthy, I have reserved the second half for later publication. May be, I will post it in a day or two. Therefore, please do not come to a conclusion at this stage, and hold on until you have finished the next half.

Pardon me for testing your patience.

Dr. Palani.
SOURCES/ REFERENCES:1. Davies et al (1970). Cited in: Davidson, S. Sir., Passmore,R., Brock, J.F. and Truswell, A.S., (1975).
2. Davidson, S. Sir., Passmore,R., Brock, J.F. and Truswell, A.S., (1975). Human Nutrition and Dietetics, The English Language Book Society and Churchill Livingstone, 756pp.
3. Hegsted, D.M., Moscosa, I., and Collazos C.(1952); J. Nutr; 46, 181. Cited in: Davidson, S. Sir., Passmore,R., Brock, J.F. and Truswell, A.S., (1975).
4. Kodicek, E.(1967).Proc.Nutr.Soc.26.,67. Cited in Davidson, et al. (1975).
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7. Murthy, HBN., Reddy, S.K.Swaminathan, M., and Subrahmanyam, V 1955.Br. J. Nutr., 9.203. Cited in Davidson, et al (1975).
8. Nicolaysen, R. Eag-Larson, N. and Malm,O.J.1953; Physiol.Rev.33.424. Cited in Davidson, et al. (1975).
9. Nicholls, L. and Nimalasuriya, A. (1939); J. Nutr.18;385. Cited in Davidson, et al.(175).
10. Palaniappan, V.M. (1998). Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 472pp.
11. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Health Problems: Diagnose Yourself.148pp.
12. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Your Sex Potentials. 276pp.
13. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Heart Problems, Diabetes and Related Diseases. 277pp.
14. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Szeezing and Sweating. 138pp.
15. Palaniappan, V.M. (2005). Hair Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 276pp.
16. Palaniappan, V.M. (2007). Human Diseases: How and Why Do They Occur, and How to Prevent / Correct Them?. 336pp.
17. Palaniappan,V.M. (2007). Sex Problems: Causes, Cure & Prevention. 224pp.
18. Palaniappan, V.M. (2008). The True Causes of All Diseases. 192pp.
19. Walker, A.R.P., and Arvidsson, U.B.,Metabolism 3. (1954)385; cited in Davidson, et al. (1975).


The contents of all the articles and comments that appear in this BLOG are copyrighted under “© 2009: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan”, and are based on my personal research and thinking, written without any prejudice, in my capacity as an alternative / complementary therapy researcher and practitioner, for the benefit of mankind at large. These are aimed at providing knowledge to the people who read these materials. All these do NOT form suggestions for the treatment of any kind of disease OR any one’s health problems. However, those who wish to use the information for the upkeep of their health should wait until all these are approved by their respective governments and/or by the World Health Organisation as fit and proper for use by the people, without any medical supervision. Until such day, all the readers are requested to receive the needed treatments for any of their health problems only from the Registered and Government-approved Medical Practitioners.

Monday, August 24, 2009


Part-4: Some Startling Revelations… Part-4:
© 1998-2008: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan: Registered at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia:

International SB Nos. 978-967-998-05-8; ++06-6; ++07-4; ++08-2; ++09-0; ++19-4; ++11-6; ++12-3; ++13-0.
The Six Important Observations


Wild animals have a certain lifestyle of their own, and they do not seem to suffer from the many diseases suffered by humans; whereas domesticated animals that are under the care of humans appear to have a wide variety of diseases.

Modernized health-conscious people, often misled by improper health-keeping suggestions, seem to be the ones who suffer the most of dreadful diseases, often claimed as ‘incurable’ by modern medicine.

Excessive calcium accumulation in the soft tissues of various organs, enhanced essentially by under-urination and chronic constipation, appears to be giving rise to many major diseases, including cancer. The use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy does not seem to help in the recovery of total health.

All animals drink water, and NOT juices, soups or beverages.

All the animals urinate instantly on getting the urge. Such urge develops when the urinal bladder gets filled. They do NOT withhold it.

All the animals defecate as soon as they feel the urge to do so. They do not delay for any reason.

Except for the domesticated animals* which depend upon man for their feeds, all animals living in their natural habitats normally do not constipate.

All Ca excesses get removed from the body of animals through urinations and defecations. (The cow-dung and cow’s urine contain large quantities of Ca in them**).

Therefore, they do not accumulate excessive Ca to any unusual / abnormal extent at any time in their life.
(* Man feeds the animals under his care with feeds he believes are rich in nutrients and good for their health, or economical to him in some way.

Many of the feeds tend to contain excessive Ca, in addition to several constipating ingredients.

The animals living in their natural habitats, normally, do not constipate, or get cancers. However, cancers are common among domesticated animals that live under human care).

(** The Ayurvedic and Siddha medical systems use cow’s urine for curing many ailments linked with nutrient deficiency. They call it ‘urine therapy’.

The cow dung is exceptionally rich in its ash constituents (i.e., minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, and the like). These come from the grasses and leaves they graze.

That could be one of the reasons why in Hinduism, they burn the dung in high heat for several hours, collect the clean ash, and offer a little of it to all the devotees to rub on the forehead. “Thiru Neeru” is the special term assigned to the holy ash.

Senior persons, trained by their Gurus, apply Thiru Neeru after mixing it with water, over the neck, chest, arms and the like. The minerals get easily absorbed into the body, and correct the nutrient deficiencies. This seems to make a lot of sense.

Most of the ash constituents (e.g., Ca) being ALKALINE, daily application of the Thiru Neeru on the forehead and other parts keeps the body in a mildly alkaline state. This, in a manner, but better than vaccines, protects the body from getting hyperacidosed and infected with any of the virus diseases.)

· All animals (except for the domesticated ones) feed on what is naturally available in their living habitats.
· They do not consume imported foreign foods, or those containing preservatives.

· Likewise, they do not follow the advice / instructions of any veterinary doctor for choosing the right-kind of feed ***. They just follow their intuitions.

· As a result of the above, they do not end up accumulating too much of Ca within their body.
(***In one of the world-famous zoos in USA, I saw a pair of tigers lying lethargically in a corner of the allocated/fenced zone. They looked very sick and energyless.

An ambulance-like van came to the spot, a uniformed staff came out of it, took a big piece of meat, punctured it with a knife, inserted into it a handful of different tablets from a labelled plastic bag, and threw the meat into the fence, towards one of the tigers. Both the tigers showed no movement at all.

When inquired, the attendant told me that those were vitamins and minerals prescribed by the highly qualified veterinary doctor there.

I was amused, and moved on to see the rest of the zoo, thinking that those ferocious animals could have lived healthily in their own habitat, without any of those tablets.

Human interference appears to be increasing the sicknesses rather than guarding the health of animals and people.)

· Animals living in their own natural habitats do not seem to suffer from any kind of cancer, kidney stones, heart blockages, and/or diabetes.

However, those under domestication, such as the cattle, get benign lumps/tumours, cancers in the eye-lids, in their skin, and so on.

Most people do not urinate then and there. They often withhold their pressure.

Further, when they urinate, they do not void all of the water they consumed:

Under-urination occurs essentially because of losing the body water through excessive sweating.

Profuse sweating occurs due to strenuous exercises, such as jogging, gymnasium work-outs, football, etc., after taking a hot water bath or shower (using water at high temperatures); Sauna or steam bath; sleeping under a fast-running fan; a very dry climate, with a very low relative humidity (RH), etc. can deplete a substantial quantity of water from the body.

A very hot climate, as is found in the desert countries, can dry up the person to a great extent.

All these constitute the causes for under-urination. Voluntary suppression of the urge for urination would also promote profuse sweating, and thereby under-urination.

Most people do not defecate well on a regular basis. Withholding the urge is common practice among many.

Further, regular toileting can be spoiled by the consumption of unacceptable foods. This results in acute constipation (i.e., toileting once in 2 or more number of days).

Prolonged acute constipation gives rise to chronic constipation, where one goes to toilet more than once daily, and throws out slimy, shapeless and smelly faeces twice or more daily.

As a result of the above two (i.e., under-urination and improper defecation), the Ca excesses that are supposed to have gone out of the body through the two sources, stay inside it, accumulating to enormous quantities.

The cells that make up the soft tissues in various parts of the body end up as store houses containing all such Ca excesses.

This enlarges each of the cells (called hypertrophy), and makes the cells divide into two, four and so on, through a process called hyperplasia, resulting in the formation of a lump / tumour.

Invariably, ALL those who under-urinate and suffer from chronic constipation develop a HUGE body (because of the accumulation of far too much of Ca to a great extent, and also because of eating too much of Ca-containing food, to a lesser extent), and become over-weight persons, getting what is called morbid obesity (i.e., disease-causing).

The tumour, at its advanced stage, becomes cancerous, which turns out to be a killer soon.


With very few exceptions, all the ‘modernised’ / educated people who could gain access to health-care literature, not only begin to eat Ca-rich food items, but also end up taking vitamin-mineral supplementations that are rich in Ca, Ca-enriched foods (biscuits, cereals, juices, etc), and Ca tablets.
Most of the people become victims because they tend to believe whatever is said in advertisements they see in their day-to-day life. They often fail to evaluate the truth in them.

As a result of all the above, people’s health situation worsens.

If under-urination and chronic constipation are giving people lumps and tumours, the extra supplements add on to the already gathered excessive calcium load, and hasten the deterioration process.

This way, the slow developing lumps become cancerous at an early date.

In addition, such intolerable Ca excesses also play havoc by giving rise to kidney stones, heart blockages, thyroid swellings and hypothyroidism, and several more fatal diseases.

All animals follow their own instinct when it comes to feeding and reproduction.

Thus, the animals appear to be more sensible than the humans.

People reject their own instincts, and follow the misinformation recommended by their so-called expert health-care consultants.

The latter group of people appear to have messed up the livelihood of the entire human race.

In the process of treating a cancer patient, for want of knowledge, instead of removing the causes that are responsible for the development of the cancer, they try to destroy just the ‘store-houses’ by fire (through a procedure called radiotherapy), and by using poisons (through another procedure called chemotherapy).

Subsequently, soon, nearly all the patients die in agony, after suffering tremendously from the inflicted body pain due to iatrogenic disorders (i.e., problems created in the process of treatment).
All the above six observations indicate that the right approach for curing cancers (and several other major diseases, including kidney stone, diabetes, and the like) is to:

make sure that the person drinks enough water,

urinates nearly all of it,

eats proper food, and

defecates the unused Ca daily.

All wild animals consume food and water from the natural resources available in their immediate vicinity, and they do not drink soups, juices or other beverages. They do not go for imported and preservative-containing foods, fruits and drinks, either.

When it comes to the choice of eatables, they follow their ‘traditional habits’ and instincts, and not the recommendations sponsored by the veterinary doctors or foreign consultants.

These animals void urine and defecate the moment they get the urge, and this habit removes all those unwanted excesses that had unwittingly gone into their body.

As a result of the above, their body does not accumulate any one substance (such as Calcium) in large quantities. Therefore, they do not seem to develop any of the major diseases.

Humans do all those that are not done by the animals, and they become victims of their own faults.

God does not give diseases to humans. We create them ourselves, and suffer by refusing to evaluate the truth in whatever we hear from whosoever it may be. Some of the attractive advertisements tend to be deceptive.

In general, good health management requires proper water and food consumption, and urination and defecations at all times.

SOURCES/ REFERENCES:1. Palaniappan, V.M. (1998). Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 472pp.
2. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Health Problems: Diagnose Yourself.148pp.
3. V. M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Your Sex Potentials. 276pp.
4. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Heart Problems, Diabetes and Related Diseases. 277pp.
5. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Szeezing and Sweating. 138pp.
6. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2005). Hair Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 276pp.
7. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2007). Human Diseases: How and Why Do They Occur, and How to Prevent / Correct Them?. 336pp.
8. Palaniappan,V.M. (2007). Sex Problems: Causes, Cure & Prevention. 224pp.
9. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2008). The True Causes of All Diseases. 192pp.

EPILOGUE for the day:Part-5 is going to be a lengthier article, for I intend to explain exactly as how under-urination and chronic constipation give rise to obesity and cancer. Please do not jump to conculsions at this stage.
DISCLAIMER:The contents of all the articles and comments that appear in this BLOG are copyrighted under “© 2009: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan”, and are based on my personal research and thinking, written without any prejudice, in my capacity as an alternative / complementary therapy researcher and practitioner, for the benefit of mankind at large. These are aimed at providing knowledge to the people who read these materials. All these do NOT form suggestions for the treatment of any kind of disease OR any one’s health problems. However, those who wish to use the information for the upkeep of their health should wait until all these are approved by World Health Organisation and their respective Governments as fit and proper for use by the people, without any medical supervision. Until such day, all the readers are requested to receive the needed treatments for any of their health problems only from the Registered and Government-approved Medical Practitioners.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


© 1998-2008: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan: Registered at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia:
International SB Nos. 978-967-998-05-8; +06-6; +07-4;+08-2; +09-0; +19-4; +11-6; +12-3; +13-0.


Even if you are a CHEMIST, please don’t skip this part:
It is a must for all BIOLOGISTS: Completely NEW information for them.
If you are not a SCIENTIST, you MUST read this to know the basics.
If you are a MEDICAL DOCTOR, you will be fascinated to read this,
and would enjoy the interpretations much more than others.
In other words, EVERYBODY should read this.

The information presented here can never be found in any other source,
including any of the biological or medical literature,
and in any other language, except for my books
“Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention” (1998),
and “The True Causes of All Diseases” (2008).

Therefore, if you wish to make citations,
may I request you to give me the due credit I deserve
by following the copyright regulations.


Calcium appears to be the basic building material for all life forms. Every organism is finely tuned in Nature to maintain a perfect balance between its uptake, utilisation and removal of the excesses.
While plants and animals obey the Laws of Nature, they thrive well. Man disobeys, goes overboard, and gets into trouble.
All major diseases in Man appear to be self-inflicted because of his ignorance of the Laws of Nature.


Calcium = Ca (CaO = lime)

· Ca is present in the soil.
· Plants absorb it.
· ALL plants have calcium in them.
· When we eat plants, Ca enters into our body.
Animals eat vegetables.
· When we eat animals, Ca enters into our body as well.
· Ca helps in blood coagulation (helps to stop bleeding).
· Ca hardens bones and teeth.
· Ca helps in acid-base balance.
· Ca forms part of MOTHER’S MILK (20 mg)
· Ca in cow’s milk is 120 mg.
· Ca in powdered milk is about 1300 mg.
· Ca in Ca-enriched milk powder is more than 2,000 mg.
· There are several other uses for Ca, and we don’t need the details now.

The Fate of Calcium in Animal / Human Body
When Ca enters into the body of ANIMALS, one of the following, or both, can happen:

1. Ca that enters into the body becomes part of the body:

· As heavy bones in cattle and elephants, and long in zebra;
· As ivory tusk/teeth in elephants, hippopotamus and sperm whales.
· As horns in cattle, deer and rhino
· As nails, beaks and claws in parrots and birds
· As horny skin in, crocodiles
· As spines in anteaters
· As shell in snails, crabs and turtles which feed on Ca-rich leaves and see items
· A hoofs and FIBROUS muscles in horses
· As hump in camels and bulls (which feed on very high-calcium containing vegetable matter
· As tough muscles and FIBROUS tissues in tigers
· As huge BODY in elephants
· As thick skin in elephants, buffalos and seal

2. If EXCESSIVE Ca enters into the body, it gets removed:

· In the URINE
· In the FAECES (plentiful in dung of cattle, elephant)
· As skin peel-off (called ecdysis, as in snakes),
· In the semen (through frequent sex, as in rabbits),
· In the eggs/ovum of females
· In the eggs of birds: big in hen, duck and ostrich
· In reproduction (single baby as in humans/ multiple as in pigs, dogs, cats),
· In the amniotic fluids (when womb fluid bag bursts while child birth)
· As part of the BREAST MILK
· As earwax
· As nostril chunks,
· As eye-discharges,
· As plaque (on tongue)
· As thick ‘chest’ phlegm.
· As white pubic discharges in women
· As brown smegma in penis heads in men
· As naval slippery and waxy exudations
· As waxy secretion in the sweat pores all over the body,
· As waxy secretions in the armpits.
· As nocturnal anal discharges.

* * * * * * * *

Calcium (Ca) Utility in Different Species / Genders:

They consume abundant vegetable matter, and therefore equally abundant Ca enters into their body.

In females,
* Some of the Ca enters into the cells of the soft tissues, and makes the whole body + trunk HUGE..
* Some of the Ca will get lost in the menstrual fluids, at regular intervals.
* Some of the Ca will be used for the reproduction of offspring (calf/baby, also huge in size.)
* A severe one-time loss of Ca will occur by the rupture of the embryo sac in the form of amniotic
f luid during delivery of the baby.
* Some of the Ca will be used for milk production (lactation) for the offspring.
* The dung (faecal matter) and urine contain unimaginably abundant unutilised Ca.

In males,
* Some of the above do NOT occur, EXCEPT:
* Some of the Ca builds up the HUGE body size + trunk + ears: ALL much bigger than the female’s.
* Some of the Ca gets lost through urinations and defecations.
* Some of the Ca makes the skin much thicker than the females.
* All these form as compensatory mechanisms. (I have discussed in great length the principles of “Law of Compensation in Nature” in my book on obesity (1998).
* So, the EXCESSIVE Ca (that cannot be lost through menses, reproduction, breast feeding, etc.) gets stored in the form of IVORY / TUSK in the male.
* Ca that still remains as excess even after supplying to the tusks, enter into the cells of the muscles and makes the MALE elephant MUCH BIGGER than the already-huge female.
* The dung (faecal matter) and urine contain plenty of unutilised Ca – much more than the female’s.

They keep on grazing grasses and other vegetable matter. As a result, they end up consuming enormous quantities of Ca.

In female (cow),
* Ca gets used / lost in a manner similar to the female elephant. (Milk production uses up a lot of calcium).
* Yet, small-sized HORNS develop even in the female (unlike the female deer, which does not develop any, because of the reduced vegetable Ca consumption.)
* The whole body becomes bigger, yet, is smaller than the bull
In male (bull),
* The Ca ‘saved’ forms much bigger horns & bigger bones.
* The whole body too becomes bigger than the cow.
* The hump becomes much larger.

3. DEER:
They consume Ca-rich vegetable matter, but they are ‘light-eaters’ unlike elephants. Lesser Ca builds thinner animals. Zebra feeds more than deer, and they become ‘taller’ than deer.

In Females,

* Since the little Ca excess gets lost through menses, reproduction, etc., there is no excess Ca to form horns.

In Males,

* For want of extra storage space for the unspent Ca, horns develop in the males.

They voraciously feed on vegetable matter, non-stop. Therefore, plenty of Ca enters into their body. Yet they do not have any special storage organ such as horns, humps or long bones.

In Females,
* Menses and reproductions (about 3–5 pregnancies a year; 2 -5 or even up to 8 babies each time) remove most of the Ca. Breast-feeding removes the rest of Ca.

In Males,
* They spend all their Ca in their seminal fluids. They copulate numerous (5 -7) times daily.

They do not feed on vegetables. Worms and grains have relatively lesser Ca.

In Female,
* The Ca gets into all parts of the body of a growing-up chick.
* Once the chick is fully grown, large quantities of the Ca excesses get disposed off from the body daily through an egg.

In Male,
* The ‘unspendable’ Ca makes the entire body of the Cock big-sized.
* Rest of the Ca excess enters into Cock’s comb and feathers.

They do not eat leafy vegetables. The worms and grains they eat tend to have relatively lesser Ca.
In Females,
* They spend all the Ca for growing up during earlier times
* Egg production removes the excess Ca later on.
In Males,
* The unspent Ca gets used up for building a big-sized body
* A substantial quantity of Ca gets transferred to form the profuse feathers.

They do NOT eat vegetable matter. They are flesh eaters: carnivorous animals. The Ca that enters into their body is much less compared to the ‘vegetarian’ (herbivorous) animals. Only vegetable matter contains abundant Ca. THAT IS WHY ALL FLESH-EATING ANIMALS DO NOT DEVELOP HORNS.

In Females,
* All the Ca is used up for body building during growth period.
* Hoofs, teeth, bones, and the FIBROUS muscles utilise the Ca for their development.
* After growing up, the excess Ca is thrown out in menstrual fluids, reproduction, and lactation.
In Males,
* During growth period: Ca gets used up, as it happens in the females.
* After growing up, the excess Ca promotes further growth, and makes the male much bigger in size, compared to the female.
* The muscles too, with more Ca, become tough and FIBROUS.
* Further, the seminal fluids remove rest of the Ca excess.


* They consume vegetables that contribute abundant Ca.
* Some of the foods of animal origin contribute less calcium, while some others, such as seafood, anchovies, eggs and milk contribute too much Ca.
* Therefore, those who consume ABUNDANT vegetables and fruits + milk, eggs, anchovies and seafood have greater potentials for the development of kidney stone, prostate enlargement, hypothyroidism, breast lumps, cysts, fibroids, tumours and cancers. (I will qualify these statements later).

In Women,
* While growing up, the whole lot of Ca gets used up by the growing cells that constitute the soft tissues of various organs + bones, teeth, etc.
* On attaining puberty, some of the Ca gets lost in the menstrual fluids, at regular intervals.
* Some of the Ca gets used for enlarging the breasts. (Inadequate Ca results in small breasts. Ca stagnancy after menopause makes the breasts very big and firm.)
* Excessive Ca gets used up for the reproduction of children.
* A severe ‘one-time’ loss of calcium occurs by the rupture of the embryo sac in the form of amniotic fluid during each delivery
* Then, the excess Ca gets lost while breast-feeding the milk (lactation). (That is why the breast-feeding women do not get breast lumps/cancer until they stop feeding).
* The faeces and urine remove nearly ALL the unutilised Ca every now and then, daily.
* Excessive Ca accumulates within the body of a woman who under-urinates all the time.
* Chronic constipation enhances further Ca accumulation.
* Ca accumulation can get further worsened by either EXCESSIVE consumption of vegetables, dairy products and the like, or by the intake of Ca-enriched foods (e.g., powdered milk, biscuits, etc.) or Ca-supplementations / tablets.
* Some of this Ca escapes as white discharge, as ear-wax, as ‘wet dandruff’, as phlegm, as plaque on tongue, as eye-discharges, as naval discharges, and the like.
* If the Ca excess happens to be really too much that none of the above sources can eliminate the whole lot of the Ca excesses, then, the remaining Ca gets stored in the soft cells of the breasts (to form breast lumps), cysts in ovary, uterus, or fibroids as is found in tigers and horses.
* A continued addition of excessive Ca, beyond the limit of tolerance (the threshold point) results in turning the lumps into cancers.

In men,
* All the above do not happen in men, except for the use of Ca for the build up of the body during growth period.
* After that excessive Ca enters into the cells of soft tissues in various organs, SKIN and bones, and make them enlarged, thickened and hardened. (That is why the skin of men is thick, and that in women is thin, soft and tender, and also beautiful (?! Eh! I am a man’lah!).
* As a result of cell enlargement due to unspent Ca, the entire body of a male becomes bigger in size, than that of the female.
* A boy and a girl, born as twins, keep growing up alike until both of them attain their puberty. The girl, on attaining puberty, starts losing the excessive Ca in the menstrual fluid at monthly intervals. Whereas, in the boy, only some amount of Ca gets lost in the seminal fluids during masturbations. The remaining Ca excess enters into the soft cells all over the body, and makes him much bigger than his own twin sister. Thus, a male grows up into a bigger sized person than the female.
* The extra Ca that stays back in a boy who refrains from masturbation makes him grow into a much bigger size than the one who does it often.
* The Ca accumulation enlarges the cells in the voice box (larynx), reduces the volume of the air passage and narrows it. This makes the voice ‘masculine’, base, hoarse, and low pitched. (Absence of such Ca accumulation in the girls keeps their voice shrilling, high pitched, soprano and melodious) (For the same reason, even the voice of an obese woman becomes heavier and nicer). (That is why almost all base and low pitched singers tend to be obese or overweight.)
* If a teen-aged boy happens to under-urinate all the time (about thrice daily), a lot more Ca accumulates within the body, and that makes him into a VERY TALL person. Even his penis becomes much longer. These happen because he is in his ‘growth-period’.
* If a grown-up adult (e.g., after 20 years of age) under-urinates, he become much BIGGER in size, and his penis becomes stouter. (This is so because his growth period is over).
* If a person under-urinates in his boyhood as well as in his adulthood, then, he becomes tall AND ‘giant-sized’.
* If an adult suffers from chronic constipation all the time, Ca from faeces gets absorbed, and that will also make the adult ‘GIANT-SIZED’ and OBESE. Owing to excessive Ca deposits in the cells of the voice box, an obese male gets a melodious, heavy and low-pitched voice, as indicated above. (Lack of Ca accumulation in a skeletal-looking person gives him a ‘thin’ voice, much closer to being high pitched).
* If an adult male urinates liberally, and does not suffer from chronic constipation, but consumes far too much of vegetables (Calcium Oxalate rich fruits, salads and vegetable soups), he then develops PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT (called Hypertrophy), and that becomes CANCEROUS (Hyperplasia), if he continues to consume more and more of the same.
In the course of evolution, every organism appears to have developed some form of special adaptation for the utilisation of unused excessive calcium that tends to unwittingly enter into their body.

Man too, being no exception from the rest, has evolved to cope up with such calcium excesses. However, man’s egoistic behavioural pattern that rejects the natural norms tend to land him in indescribable miseries

1. Palaniappan, V.M. (1998). Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 472pp.
2. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Health Problems: Diagnose Yourself.148pp.
3. V. M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Your Sex Potentials. 276pp.
4. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Heart Problems, Diabetes and Related Diseases. 277pp.
5. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Szeezing and Sweating. 138pp.
6. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2005). Hair Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 276pp.
7. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2007). Human Diseases: How and Why Do They Occur, and How to Prevent / Correct Them?. 336pp.
8. Palaniappan,V.M. (2007). Sex Problems: Causes, Cure & Prevention. 224pp.
9. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2008). The True Causes of All Diseases. 192pp.
Since today’s article has become a bit too long, let me stop here for the day. You can expect more exciting information in Part-4, with solid evidences. Serious findings are yet to come. I will try to post it as soon as possible.
OK, bye,
Dr. Palani.