Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Thursday, August 20, 2009


© 1998-2008: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan: Registered at Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia:
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Even if you are a CHEMIST, please don’t skip this part:
It is a must for all BIOLOGISTS: Completely NEW information for them.
If you are not a SCIENTIST, you MUST read this to know the basics.
If you are a MEDICAL DOCTOR, you will be fascinated to read this,
and would enjoy the interpretations much more than others.
In other words, EVERYBODY should read this.

The information presented here can never be found in any other source,
including any of the biological or medical literature,
and in any other language, except for my books
“Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention” (1998),
and “The True Causes of All Diseases” (2008).

Therefore, if you wish to make citations,
may I request you to give me the due credit I deserve
by following the copyright regulations.


Calcium appears to be the basic building material for all life forms. Every organism is finely tuned in Nature to maintain a perfect balance between its uptake, utilisation and removal of the excesses.
While plants and animals obey the Laws of Nature, they thrive well. Man disobeys, goes overboard, and gets into trouble.
All major diseases in Man appear to be self-inflicted because of his ignorance of the Laws of Nature.


Calcium = Ca (CaO = lime)

· Ca is present in the soil.
· Plants absorb it.
· ALL plants have calcium in them.
· When we eat plants, Ca enters into our body.
Animals eat vegetables.
· When we eat animals, Ca enters into our body as well.
· Ca helps in blood coagulation (helps to stop bleeding).
· Ca hardens bones and teeth.
· Ca helps in acid-base balance.
· Ca forms part of MOTHER’S MILK (20 mg)
· Ca in cow’s milk is 120 mg.
· Ca in powdered milk is about 1300 mg.
· Ca in Ca-enriched milk powder is more than 2,000 mg.
· There are several other uses for Ca, and we don’t need the details now.

The Fate of Calcium in Animal / Human Body
When Ca enters into the body of ANIMALS, one of the following, or both, can happen:

1. Ca that enters into the body becomes part of the body:

· As heavy bones in cattle and elephants, and long in zebra;
· As ivory tusk/teeth in elephants, hippopotamus and sperm whales.
· As horns in cattle, deer and rhino
· As nails, beaks and claws in parrots and birds
· As horny skin in, crocodiles
· As spines in anteaters
· As shell in snails, crabs and turtles which feed on Ca-rich leaves and see items
· A hoofs and FIBROUS muscles in horses
· As hump in camels and bulls (which feed on very high-calcium containing vegetable matter
· As tough muscles and FIBROUS tissues in tigers
· As huge BODY in elephants
· As thick skin in elephants, buffalos and seal

2. If EXCESSIVE Ca enters into the body, it gets removed:

· In the URINE
· In the FAECES (plentiful in dung of cattle, elephant)
· As skin peel-off (called ecdysis, as in snakes),
· In the semen (through frequent sex, as in rabbits),
· In the eggs/ovum of females
· In the eggs of birds: big in hen, duck and ostrich
· In reproduction (single baby as in humans/ multiple as in pigs, dogs, cats),
· In the amniotic fluids (when womb fluid bag bursts while child birth)
· As part of the BREAST MILK
· As earwax
· As nostril chunks,
· As eye-discharges,
· As plaque (on tongue)
· As thick ‘chest’ phlegm.
· As white pubic discharges in women
· As brown smegma in penis heads in men
· As naval slippery and waxy exudations
· As waxy secretion in the sweat pores all over the body,
· As waxy secretions in the armpits.
· As nocturnal anal discharges.

* * * * * * * *

Calcium (Ca) Utility in Different Species / Genders:

They consume abundant vegetable matter, and therefore equally abundant Ca enters into their body.

In females,
* Some of the Ca enters into the cells of the soft tissues, and makes the whole body + trunk HUGE..
* Some of the Ca will get lost in the menstrual fluids, at regular intervals.
* Some of the Ca will be used for the reproduction of offspring (calf/baby, also huge in size.)
* A severe one-time loss of Ca will occur by the rupture of the embryo sac in the form of amniotic
f luid during delivery of the baby.
* Some of the Ca will be used for milk production (lactation) for the offspring.
* The dung (faecal matter) and urine contain unimaginably abundant unutilised Ca.

In males,
* Some of the above do NOT occur, EXCEPT:
* Some of the Ca builds up the HUGE body size + trunk + ears: ALL much bigger than the female’s.
* Some of the Ca gets lost through urinations and defecations.
* Some of the Ca makes the skin much thicker than the females.
* All these form as compensatory mechanisms. (I have discussed in great length the principles of “Law of Compensation in Nature” in my book on obesity (1998).
* So, the EXCESSIVE Ca (that cannot be lost through menses, reproduction, breast feeding, etc.) gets stored in the form of IVORY / TUSK in the male.
* Ca that still remains as excess even after supplying to the tusks, enter into the cells of the muscles and makes the MALE elephant MUCH BIGGER than the already-huge female.
* The dung (faecal matter) and urine contain plenty of unutilised Ca – much more than the female’s.

They keep on grazing grasses and other vegetable matter. As a result, they end up consuming enormous quantities of Ca.

In female (cow),
* Ca gets used / lost in a manner similar to the female elephant. (Milk production uses up a lot of calcium).
* Yet, small-sized HORNS develop even in the female (unlike the female deer, which does not develop any, because of the reduced vegetable Ca consumption.)
* The whole body becomes bigger, yet, is smaller than the bull
In male (bull),
* The Ca ‘saved’ forms much bigger horns & bigger bones.
* The whole body too becomes bigger than the cow.
* The hump becomes much larger.

3. DEER:
They consume Ca-rich vegetable matter, but they are ‘light-eaters’ unlike elephants. Lesser Ca builds thinner animals. Zebra feeds more than deer, and they become ‘taller’ than deer.

In Females,

* Since the little Ca excess gets lost through menses, reproduction, etc., there is no excess Ca to form horns.

In Males,

* For want of extra storage space for the unspent Ca, horns develop in the males.

They voraciously feed on vegetable matter, non-stop. Therefore, plenty of Ca enters into their body. Yet they do not have any special storage organ such as horns, humps or long bones.

In Females,
* Menses and reproductions (about 3–5 pregnancies a year; 2 -5 or even up to 8 babies each time) remove most of the Ca. Breast-feeding removes the rest of Ca.

In Males,
* They spend all their Ca in their seminal fluids. They copulate numerous (5 -7) times daily.

They do not feed on vegetables. Worms and grains have relatively lesser Ca.

In Female,
* The Ca gets into all parts of the body of a growing-up chick.
* Once the chick is fully grown, large quantities of the Ca excesses get disposed off from the body daily through an egg.

In Male,
* The ‘unspendable’ Ca makes the entire body of the Cock big-sized.
* Rest of the Ca excess enters into Cock’s comb and feathers.

They do not eat leafy vegetables. The worms and grains they eat tend to have relatively lesser Ca.
In Females,
* They spend all the Ca for growing up during earlier times
* Egg production removes the excess Ca later on.
In Males,
* The unspent Ca gets used up for building a big-sized body
* A substantial quantity of Ca gets transferred to form the profuse feathers.

They do NOT eat vegetable matter. They are flesh eaters: carnivorous animals. The Ca that enters into their body is much less compared to the ‘vegetarian’ (herbivorous) animals. Only vegetable matter contains abundant Ca. THAT IS WHY ALL FLESH-EATING ANIMALS DO NOT DEVELOP HORNS.

In Females,
* All the Ca is used up for body building during growth period.
* Hoofs, teeth, bones, and the FIBROUS muscles utilise the Ca for their development.
* After growing up, the excess Ca is thrown out in menstrual fluids, reproduction, and lactation.
In Males,
* During growth period: Ca gets used up, as it happens in the females.
* After growing up, the excess Ca promotes further growth, and makes the male much bigger in size, compared to the female.
* The muscles too, with more Ca, become tough and FIBROUS.
* Further, the seminal fluids remove rest of the Ca excess.


* They consume vegetables that contribute abundant Ca.
* Some of the foods of animal origin contribute less calcium, while some others, such as seafood, anchovies, eggs and milk contribute too much Ca.
* Therefore, those who consume ABUNDANT vegetables and fruits + milk, eggs, anchovies and seafood have greater potentials for the development of kidney stone, prostate enlargement, hypothyroidism, breast lumps, cysts, fibroids, tumours and cancers. (I will qualify these statements later).

In Women,
* While growing up, the whole lot of Ca gets used up by the growing cells that constitute the soft tissues of various organs + bones, teeth, etc.
* On attaining puberty, some of the Ca gets lost in the menstrual fluids, at regular intervals.
* Some of the Ca gets used for enlarging the breasts. (Inadequate Ca results in small breasts. Ca stagnancy after menopause makes the breasts very big and firm.)
* Excessive Ca gets used up for the reproduction of children.
* A severe ‘one-time’ loss of calcium occurs by the rupture of the embryo sac in the form of amniotic fluid during each delivery
* Then, the excess Ca gets lost while breast-feeding the milk (lactation). (That is why the breast-feeding women do not get breast lumps/cancer until they stop feeding).
* The faeces and urine remove nearly ALL the unutilised Ca every now and then, daily.
* Excessive Ca accumulates within the body of a woman who under-urinates all the time.
* Chronic constipation enhances further Ca accumulation.
* Ca accumulation can get further worsened by either EXCESSIVE consumption of vegetables, dairy products and the like, or by the intake of Ca-enriched foods (e.g., powdered milk, biscuits, etc.) or Ca-supplementations / tablets.
* Some of this Ca escapes as white discharge, as ear-wax, as ‘wet dandruff’, as phlegm, as plaque on tongue, as eye-discharges, as naval discharges, and the like.
* If the Ca excess happens to be really too much that none of the above sources can eliminate the whole lot of the Ca excesses, then, the remaining Ca gets stored in the soft cells of the breasts (to form breast lumps), cysts in ovary, uterus, or fibroids as is found in tigers and horses.
* A continued addition of excessive Ca, beyond the limit of tolerance (the threshold point) results in turning the lumps into cancers.

In men,
* All the above do not happen in men, except for the use of Ca for the build up of the body during growth period.
* After that excessive Ca enters into the cells of soft tissues in various organs, SKIN and bones, and make them enlarged, thickened and hardened. (That is why the skin of men is thick, and that in women is thin, soft and tender, and also beautiful (?! Eh! I am a man’lah!).
* As a result of cell enlargement due to unspent Ca, the entire body of a male becomes bigger in size, than that of the female.
* A boy and a girl, born as twins, keep growing up alike until both of them attain their puberty. The girl, on attaining puberty, starts losing the excessive Ca in the menstrual fluid at monthly intervals. Whereas, in the boy, only some amount of Ca gets lost in the seminal fluids during masturbations. The remaining Ca excess enters into the soft cells all over the body, and makes him much bigger than his own twin sister. Thus, a male grows up into a bigger sized person than the female.
* The extra Ca that stays back in a boy who refrains from masturbation makes him grow into a much bigger size than the one who does it often.
* The Ca accumulation enlarges the cells in the voice box (larynx), reduces the volume of the air passage and narrows it. This makes the voice ‘masculine’, base, hoarse, and low pitched. (Absence of such Ca accumulation in the girls keeps their voice shrilling, high pitched, soprano and melodious) (For the same reason, even the voice of an obese woman becomes heavier and nicer). (That is why almost all base and low pitched singers tend to be obese or overweight.)
* If a teen-aged boy happens to under-urinate all the time (about thrice daily), a lot more Ca accumulates within the body, and that makes him into a VERY TALL person. Even his penis becomes much longer. These happen because he is in his ‘growth-period’.
* If a grown-up adult (e.g., after 20 years of age) under-urinates, he become much BIGGER in size, and his penis becomes stouter. (This is so because his growth period is over).
* If a person under-urinates in his boyhood as well as in his adulthood, then, he becomes tall AND ‘giant-sized’.
* If an adult suffers from chronic constipation all the time, Ca from faeces gets absorbed, and that will also make the adult ‘GIANT-SIZED’ and OBESE. Owing to excessive Ca deposits in the cells of the voice box, an obese male gets a melodious, heavy and low-pitched voice, as indicated above. (Lack of Ca accumulation in a skeletal-looking person gives him a ‘thin’ voice, much closer to being high pitched).
* If an adult male urinates liberally, and does not suffer from chronic constipation, but consumes far too much of vegetables (Calcium Oxalate rich fruits, salads and vegetable soups), he then develops PROSTATE ENLARGEMENT (called Hypertrophy), and that becomes CANCEROUS (Hyperplasia), if he continues to consume more and more of the same.
In the course of evolution, every organism appears to have developed some form of special adaptation for the utilisation of unused excessive calcium that tends to unwittingly enter into their body.

Man too, being no exception from the rest, has evolved to cope up with such calcium excesses. However, man’s egoistic behavioural pattern that rejects the natural norms tend to land him in indescribable miseries

1. Palaniappan, V.M. (1998). Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 472pp.
2. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Health Problems: Diagnose Yourself.148pp.
3. V. M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2000). Your Sex Potentials. 276pp.
4. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Heart Problems, Diabetes and Related Diseases. 277pp.
5. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2001). Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Szeezing and Sweating. 138pp.
6. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2005). Hair Problems: Causes, Cure and Prevention. 276pp.
7. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2007). Human Diseases: How and Why Do They Occur, and How to Prevent / Correct Them?. 336pp.
8. Palaniappan,V.M. (2007). Sex Problems: Causes, Cure & Prevention. 224pp.
9. V.M. Palaniappan, V.M. (2008). The True Causes of All Diseases. 192pp.
Since today’s article has become a bit too long, let me stop here for the day. You can expect more exciting information in Part-4, with solid evidences. Serious findings are yet to come. I will try to post it as soon as possible.
OK, bye,
Dr. Palani.


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