© 2008/2010:Dr. V.M.Palaniappan
57. Infertility
People who under-urinate (2-3 times daily) tend to become obese.
If such a habit is continued for a few years, then they become much big-sized persons, with tough body muscles.
57. Infertility
People who under-urinate (2-3 times daily) tend to become obese.
If such a habit is continued for a few years, then they become much big-sized persons, with tough body muscles.
This happens because of the accumulation of calcium to an enormous quantity.
When their calf muscle reaches a hardness (cH) of anything above 80%, they reach an Obesity Status of IV.
Men, at Obesity Type IV, produce very little sperms. Often, their sperms do not possess motility power to reach the egg in the female to fertilise it for a possible reproduction.
This is one major reason for the occurrence of male sterility.
Women at Obesity IV stage, tend to develop blockages along the Fallopian tubes, also due to the accumulation of calcium as stated above, and prevent the penetration of the sperm for a possible fertilisation and reproduction*.
(* There is every possibility that the ovum itself, being made up of soft tissue, getting peripherally calcified in the under-urinating women, to the extent of preventing the penetration of the sperms, thus preventing fertilisation for a successful reproduction. Decalcifying an already developed ovum may not be possible.)
Abundant calcium can also induce the formation of what is called an endometritis in the uterus and other spots at the pelvis, and prevent reproduction.
These sites could later on be invaded by bacteria such as E. coli*, Staphylococci, and Bacilli.
(* The presence of Escherichia coli (E.coli) bacteria in the duodenal ulcers of the intestinal tract, and the same in the endometrium at the pelvic region should be considered as of Secondary Infection rather than the causative factor. Since the endometritis with the inflammation occurs only in the obesity Type IV people, and not in the Skeletal, Thin or the Perfect, even based on logical conclusions, all species of bacteria there should have started invading the location only after the accumulation of calcium deposits, and not before.)
(* These infections should be considered as of secondary Infection, rather than the primary source for the very problem. Anyway, this too can create sterility problem in a female.
There could be several reasons for infertility among the obese people. The following too can hinder a successful reproduction:
During coitus, a forceful ejaculation, even if prematurely discharged, will push the seminal fluid into the cervix, enhancing an easy travel of the sperm further to get the ovum fertilised.
If the woman gets orgasm, a suction force develops to pull in the semen, and that helps substantially and at ease, in fertilising the egg.
In the absence of a female orgasm, if a man does not discharge his seminal fluid into the deeper parts of the vagina, then fertilisation can become difficult, resulting in ‘infertility’.
Elaborate information on this subject, and methods of successful fertilisation have been discussed in my book on sex (Palaniappan, 2007).
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