Dear Friends,
Sorry for the bit of delay in communicating with you …
Here comes the next question.
This mail came from Miss P (Malaysian Indian, Place: No idea!)..
My friend who has just delivered a baby tells me that:
(a) Q. After delivery, the mother should not drink plain water
A: Not true.
However, it would be better to drink warm water, as it would help her in digesting the food she eats.
Further, the warm water would make her feel comfortable.
If the water is PURIFIED one, it can be taken without any problem.
If the water happens to be from a pond, then, it should definitely be BOILED.
This is to kill the germs living in the water.
Even if it is PURIFIED water, or MINERAL (BOTTLED) water, if the water is boiled it should be AERATED, by creating bubble in it.
When water is boiled, the oxygen gets removed.
To re-oxygenate it, the water should be stirred.
The bubbles created while stirring will oxygenate the water.
An easy method to aerate the boiled water is to do “Teh Tarikh” kind of transferring the boiled water between two containers.
The Teh Tarikh tastes better because of the aeration.
Anyway, it would be better for the young mother NOT to drink ICE-COLD water.
Ice water would disturb the digestion of food eaten.
(b) Q. Among Chinese, the mother must take ‘red dates drink’.
A. This probably is linked with traditional practice.
Based on ‘Faith Healing’, this may help.
In addition, what we know is, that dates in general are very rich in calcium.
They also contain substantial quantity of iron.
It is so because, the fruits come from date palm trees that grow on desert soils that are rich in their mineral contents.
The calcium from dates will be good for milk production that is needed to feed the baby.
The iron is need for the build up of haemoglobin, thereby the Red Blood Cells.
Thus, eating (or drinking ground date fruits) should be considered good.
However, one should remember NOT to overdo it, because, ANYTHING IN EXCESS WILL BE VERY BAD, or even dangerous.
(c) Q. Among Malays and Indians, only the health-care beverages, namely, ‘the cocoa-containing’ drink / the wheat-based drink should be taken.
A. I have observed (statistically true - please see Palaniappan, 1998: the Obesity book) that cocoa and chocolates are NOT good.
This is contrary to the popular believe that cocoa & chocolates are good.
Do you know why I say that they are bad?
You can try eating a few chocolates.
The next day, you will be defecating SOFT and SLIMY stools.
Such stools will be very smelly, and would produce plenty of bad gas (flatulence).
Bowel movement will occur more than twice.
All these constitute what I call “Chronic Constipation”.
The correct definition of Chronic Constipation is DIFFERENT from what is being popularly believed to be.
( See my book The True Causes of All Diseases” for the correct definition of Chronic Definition).
So, the truth appears to be slightly different.
It would better for the young mothers NOT to drink cocoa-containing drinks.
However, calcium-rich beverages can be taken, provided the woman is NOT overweight or obese.
In fact, it would better for young mothers who are THIN or SKELETAL- looking.
(d) Q. My friend has been taking only 2 glasses of water daily.
She says, drinking too much of water will make the stomach bulge permanent.
A. Taking just 2 glasses (or half litre) of water daily will be a very big mistake.
Such a reduced water consumption will drastically cut down the quantity of urine voided.
As a result of under-urination, all the poisons + the excess calcium will stay back within the body.
These accumulations will make the person overweight and obese.
If the same lifestyle is continued, she will develop morbid - obesity.
That means, she would get very serious and fatal diseases.
Such diseases will include thyroid enlargement, stone in kidneys, lumps, cysts, fibroids, polycystic ovary, lumps in the wall of the uterus called endometriosis, and the like.
(See my book "Cancer: Causes, Cure and Prevention".)
If she continues to drink only 2 glasses of water, she would eventually develop cancers that can prove to be fatal.
I think, you MUST read my books.
All my books have been explaining this phenomenon very clearly.
As for the stomach bulge, it is not correct to say that drinking 8 glasses of water at regular intervals will give rise to stomach bulge. No, it will not!
It is very important to remember this:
All those who wish to start drinking more water, say, 8 glasses (2 L), from the usual 2 or 3 glasses, should increase the quantity ONLY GRADUALLY.
If you increase the water intake too suddenly, too many BAD things, some of them even dangerous, can happen.
Please note that a girl in Kuala Lumpur who suddenly increased her morning (one time) water consumption to 4 L (16 glasses) died suddenly because the fine blood vessels in the brain ruptured due to the sudden pressure created by the excessive water there.
(e) Q. She has been wearing the tight cloth called ‘Bengkung’ around the waist to reduce the stomach bulge. It is really very tight, and it has to be worn all the time, for a few days, except perhaps while sleeping.
A: Such a practice also exists among several ethnic communities.
Indians also do thus.
They did this to my wife, after delivering her baby.
Nothing seems to have wrong.
She has relatively a flat stomach.
Yet, I am not too sure if I want to recommend this to people.
This is so because, I have personally no research knowledge on this.
The doctors may have a different opinion on this.
Therefore, I would like to leave this question unansweree.
(f) Q. She eats very little rice and more chicken and/or haruan fish.
If she feels hungry, she drinks the cocoa-made drinks or calcium-enriched drinks.
She does so in order to keep her body weight under control.
A: The young mother requires plenty of stamina.
So, she must eat rice.
In fact, she can eat rice, COOKED vegetables (not raw salads, for they are difficulty to digest), and cooked meat items, including fish.
However, it may not be good to eat other sea-food items for another short while.
Fish contains plenty of calcium.
Calcium is good for milk production.
However, the over-weight and obese women should AVOID taking too much of fish, especially Anchovies, because, the excessive calcium present in them will make the woman put on MORE weight.
Eating clean and well-cooked food is very important for the young mothers.
At the same time, cocoa-containing beverages are bad.
Calcium-containing beverages should be OK to women who are thin or skeletal-looking.
(g) Q.She does not eat vegetable, since she feels it is a ‘cold’ item.
After delivery, it seems, she has to keep her body in a warm state at all times.
A: A young mother MUST eat clean and well-cooked vegetables. Avoiding them is bad for her.
“Cool” refers to ALKALINE foods and vegetables.
“Hot” or “Heaty” refers to ACID food and vegetables.
Thus, mango is heaty, because it is ACIDIC.
Dragon fruit is COOL, because it contains a lot of calcium.
Among Chinese Brass Pot herbal medicines, there are “BODY COOLING HERBAL LIQUIDS:
These are alkaline dirnks.
If taken, they sure render coolness to the body.
Saying that all vegetables are cooling, and therefore, a young mother should not take them does not make much sense.
If she eats enough food, especially carbohydrates and fats (ie., rice, potato, meat, etc.) that food will give her enough energy, and that would keep her body warm.
(h) Q. According to her, some people eat Sawi (the Mustard Greens).
A: Sawi is a green leafy vegetables.
It contains plenty of iron + calcium.
However, only small quantities of Sawi can be taken, because, it contains too much of Calcium Oxalate crystals, which is NOT good.
Taking that as is mixed in the Mee Goreng (Fried Noodles) should be in good order.
(i) Q. I am totally confused. There should be many like me. Kindly clarify.
A: I used to say:
“Whatever you hear from whom so ever it may be,
Evaluate the truth in it”
My strong suggestion to you is:
Please do NOT try to be ‘economical’ by not buying some of the important books.
If you can read my books, they will certainly enlighten you on the true aspects of life.
You will find it as a wise investment you had made.
Well, with best wishes,
Dr. Palani
1. I will answer the next question from Dr. R. next).
2. Without consulting you, I have been abbreviating your name into just initials.
From now on, please give your FULL name + some INITIALS (letters) for the screen.
If you do not give initials, I will put up your full name.
Also please provide your place / town / kampung, if I can mention it on the screen.
Dr. Palani)
Dear Friends,
Sorry for the bit of delay in communicating with you …
Here comes the next question.
This mail came from Miss P (Malaysian Indian, Place: No idea!)..
My friend who has just delivered a baby tells me that:
(a) Q. After delivery, the mother should not drink plain water
A: Not true.
However, it would be better to drink warm water, as it would help her in digesting the food she eats.
Further, the warm water would make her feel comfortable.
If the water is PURIFIED one, it can be taken without any problem.
If the water happens to be from a pond, then, it should definitely be BOILED.
This is to kill the germs living in the water.
Even if it is PURIFIED water, or MINERAL (BOTTLED) water, if the water is boiled it should be AERATED, by creating bubble in it.
When water is boiled, the oxygen gets removed.
To re-oxygenate it, the water should be stirred.
The bubbles created while stirring will oxygenate the water.
An easy method to aerate the boiled water is to do “Teh Tarikh” kind of transferring the boiled water between two containers.
The Teh Tarikh tastes better because of the aeration.
Anyway, it would be better for the young mother NOT to drink ICE-COLD water.
Ice water would disturb the digestion of food eaten.
(b) Q. Among Chinese, the mother must take ‘red dates drink’.
A. This probably is linked with traditional practice.
Based on ‘Faith Healing’, this may help.
In addition, what we know is, that dates in general are very rich in calcium.
They also contain substantial quantity of iron.
It is so because, the fruits come from date palm trees that grow on desert soils that are rich in their mineral contents.
The calcium from dates will be good for milk production that is needed to feed the baby.
The iron is need for the build up of haemoglobin, thereby the Red Blood Cells.
Thus, eating (or drinking ground date fruits) should be considered good.
However, one should remember NOT to overdo it, because, ANYTHING IN EXCESS WILL BE VERY BAD, or even dangerous.
(c) Q. Among Malays and Indians, only the health-care beverages, namely, ‘the cocoa-containing’ drink / the wheat-based drink should be taken.
A. I have observed (statistically true - please see Palaniappan, 1998: the Obesity book) that cocoa and chocolates are NOT good.
This is contrary to the popular believe that cocoa & chocolates are good.
Do you know why I say that they are bad?
You can try eating a few chocolates.
The next day, you will be defecating SOFT and SLIMY stools.
Such stools will be very smelly, and would produce plenty of bad gas (flatulence).
Bowel movement will occur more than twice.
All these constitute what I call “Chronic Constipation”.
The correct definition of Chronic Constipation is DIFFERENT from what is being popularly believed to be.
( See my book The True Causes of All Diseases” for the correct definition of Chronic Definition).
So, the truth appears to be slightly different.
It would better for the young mothers NOT to drink cocoa-containing drinks.
However, calcium-rich beverages can be taken, provided the woman is NOT overweight or obese.
In fact, it would better for young mothers who are THIN or SKELETAL- looking.
(d) Q. My friend has been taking only 2 glasses of water daily.
She says, drinking too much of water will make the stomach bulge permanent.
A. Taking just 2 glasses (or half litre) of water daily will be a very big mistake.
Such a reduced water consumption will drastically cut down the quantity of urine voided.
As a result of under-urination, all the poisons + the excess calcium will stay back within the body.
These accumulations will make the person overweight and obese.
If the same lifestyle is continued, she will develop morbid - obesity.
That means, she would get very serious and fatal diseases.
Such diseases will include thyroid enlargement, stone in kidneys, lumps, cysts, fibroids, polycystic ovary, lumps in the wall of the uterus called endometriosis, and the like.
(See my book "Cancer: Causes, Cure and Prevention".)
If she continues to drink only 2 glasses of water, she would eventually develop cancers that can prove to be fatal.
I think, you MUST read my books.
All my books have been explaining this phenomenon very clearly.
As for the stomach bulge, it is not correct to say that drinking 8 glasses of water at regular intervals will give rise to stomach bulge. No, it will not!
It is very important to remember this:
All those who wish to start drinking more water, say, 8 glasses (2 L), from the usual 2 or 3 glasses, should increase the quantity ONLY GRADUALLY.
If you increase the water intake too suddenly, too many BAD things, some of them even dangerous, can happen.
Please note that a girl in Kuala Lumpur who suddenly increased her morning (one time) water consumption to 4 L (16 glasses) died suddenly because the fine blood vessels in the brain ruptured due to the sudden pressure created by the excessive water there.
(e) Q. She has been wearing the tight cloth called ‘Bengkung’ around the waist to reduce the stomach bulge. It is really very tight, and it has to be worn all the time, for a few days, except perhaps while sleeping.
A: Such a practice also exists among several ethnic communities.
Indians also do thus.
They did this to my wife, after delivering her baby.
Nothing seems to have wrong.
She has relatively a flat stomach.
Yet, I am not too sure if I want to recommend this to people.
This is so because, I have personally no research knowledge on this.
The doctors may have a different opinion on this.
Therefore, I would like to leave this question unansweree.
(f) Q. She eats very little rice and more chicken and/or haruan fish.
If she feels hungry, she drinks the cocoa-made drinks or calcium-enriched drinks.
She does so in order to keep her body weight under control.
A: The young mother requires plenty of stamina.
So, she must eat rice.
In fact, she can eat rice, COOKED vegetables (not raw salads, for they are difficulty to digest), and cooked meat items, including fish.
However, it may not be good to eat other sea-food items for another short while.
Fish contains plenty of calcium.
Calcium is good for milk production.
However, the over-weight and obese women should AVOID taking too much of fish, especially Anchovies, because, the excessive calcium present in them will make the woman put on MORE weight.
Eating clean and well-cooked food is very important for the young mothers.
At the same time, cocoa-containing beverages are bad.
Calcium-containing beverages should be OK to women who are thin or skeletal-looking.
(g) Q.She does not eat vegetable, since she feels it is a ‘cold’ item.
After delivery, it seems, she has to keep her body in a warm state at all times.
A: A young mother MUST eat clean and well-cooked vegetables. Avoiding them is bad for her.
“Cool” refers to ALKALINE foods and vegetables.
“Hot” or “Heaty” refers to ACID food and vegetables.
Thus, mango is heaty, because it is ACIDIC.
Dragon fruit is COOL, because it contains a lot of calcium.
Among Chinese Brass Pot herbal medicines, there are “BODY COOLING HERBAL LIQUIDS:
These are alkaline dirnks.
If taken, they sure render coolness to the body.
Saying that all vegetables are cooling, and therefore, a young mother should not take them does not make much sense.
If she eats enough food, especially carbohydrates and fats (ie., rice, potato, meat, etc.) that food will give her enough energy, and that would keep her body warm.
(h) Q. According to her, some people eat Sawi (the Mustard Greens).
A: Sawi is a green leafy vegetables.
It contains plenty of iron + calcium.
However, only small quantities of Sawi can be taken, because, it contains too much of Calcium Oxalate crystals, which is NOT good.
Taking that as is mixed in the Mee Goreng (Fried Noodles) should be in good order.
(i) Q. I am totally confused. There should be many like me. Kindly clarify.
A: I used to say:
“Whatever you hear from whom so ever it may be,
Evaluate the truth in it”
My strong suggestion to you is:
Please do NOT try to be ‘economical’ by not buying some of the important books.
If you can read my books, they will certainly enlighten you on the true aspects of life.
You will find it as a wise investment you had made.
Well, with best wishes,
Dr. Palani
1. I will answer the next question from Dr. R. next).
2. Without consulting you, I have been abbreviating your name into just initials.
From now on, please give your FULL name + some INITIALS (letters) for the screen.
If you do not give initials, I will put up your full name.
Also please provide your place / town / kampung, if I can mention it on the screen.
Dr. Palani)
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