Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

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Sunday, September 13, 2015


(© Sunday, 13 Sept., 2015: Dr. V.M. Palaniappan, Ph.D.)

I just read a research finding that came from the Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland.

This news was based on a study project entitled, “Physical activity and nutrition in children”, “PANIC”, for short.

It says that the ARTERIES of INACTIVE OBESE children with HIGHER BODY FAT (aged 6 - 8) become STIFF.

The scientists have also found that the opposite of all the above is also true. This means, the arteries of active children in whom the fat content is less have flexible walls.

Their study sample included 160 children, and the original results were published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports.

I read it in Medical Xpress, dated Sept. 11, 2015. You can get this article from the following URL:

(Let me explain all the above a little for the benefit of non-biologists:

Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygenated ‘good’ blood.

The walls of these vessels should be thin and flexible, so that, (a) when a need to pump more blood (when a person runs, for instance), the vessels can expand and accommodate the rushing blood, and (b) the inner space of the blood tube, called lumen will be ‘big’ as was meant to be.

If the walls become THICK, it would (a) harden the walls and thereby make it stiff, and (b) the lumen space would get reduced. As a result, for want of adequate volume space, blood pressure may increase.

When men in their 40’s and 50’s (and women after menopause) get their fine arteries within the heart (called coronary vessels) loose their flexibility and become stiff (thus narrowing the lumen), the cholesterol globules may not be able to pass through at ease, and that can give them heart pain and attacks.

A person in perfect health should always have all his blood vessel walls thin and flexible.

Normally, people, along with increasing age, tend to develop the blood vessel wall stiffness, called ARTERIOSCLEROSIS or ATHEROSCLEROSIS, and that gives them the CARDIO-VASCULAR DISEASES (e.g., increased blood pressure, heart attack).

The above-said study suggests that the stiffness is caused by the fat that accumulates because of not getting burnt through physical exercises)


It is here I beg to differ, for the following reasons:

For sure, when people eat too much of food (referring only to carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and oils, but NOT vitamins and minerals), and if they do not burn it off though work, naturally, the unused food (other than the vitamins and minerals) would get stored as adipose tissue within the body, and may stay there as such until it is burnt.

(The minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, etc. do NOT get converted into the adipose tissue).

Working or exercising strenuously can utilise that stored fat.

For that matter, even subsequent starvation – prolonged fasting, can also deplete the fat deposits (but not the minerals).

So, there cannot be any argument about the existence of excessive fat in the sedentary children.

The question arises only when the FAT is said to STIFFEN the arteries.

When a person overeats too much of food than what his body and his physical activity can utilise, naturally the unused food energy is going to be stored as FAT, often as ADIPOSE TISSUE.

If that fat is going to be impregnated to form part of the blood vessels, that fat may not become available for use at a later time, when in need.

In other words, by right, if the person is going to do strenuous exercise or starve without food intake, THIS fat from the blood vessel walls should come for the rescue. Does it happen?

If that is going to happen, then, the stiffness in the blood vessel walls would get reversed. Whereas, such reversals do not seem to occur.


Let evaluate the situation a bit further:

When a person overeats and stays sedentary, all the unutilised carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and oils get converted into fats.

The question is: when the person overeats, does the excess food contain ONLY carbohydrates, proteins, and fats and oil?

How about other constituents of the excessive food, such as the EXCESSIVE MINERALS and vitamins?

It is quiet probable that those EXCESSIVE VITAMINS still get into the cells, or become part of the body fluids, and give rise to TOXICITY-related diseases, such as HYPERVITAMINOSIS (e.g., Hypervitaminosis-A).

Similarly, the excessive IRON mineral content can give rise to Iron Toxicity.

Aluminium to aluminium toxicity, copper to copper toxicity, zinc to zinc toxicity, and so on.

How about the excessive CALCIUM mineral?

Does it cause Calcium TOXICITY?

No one talks about Calcium Toxicity, simply because everybody assumes that Calcium in any large quantity not only does not do any harm, but does only good things to body.

In the first place, the above does not appeal to common sense.

The general rule is, “Anything in excess will be dangerous, or at least, undesirable”. That being the case, on what grounds can we exempt calcium alone? 

Let us recognise some basics:

It is common knowledge that children require about 900 or 1000 mg of Calcium daily for the rapid growth of their entire body (especially the bones, teeth, and nails) – which is double the quantity required by adults.

In all countries, the children are normally fed with food that are very rich in calcium. The milk and all other dairy products, eggs, seafood, etc. contain abundant calcium.

Mother’s milk contains just 20 mg of calcium/ 100m.

Cow’s fresh milk contains 120 mg.

Synthetic milk formulas created at the manufacturing industries tend to contain differing quantities, often numerous times more than that of the mother’s milk. (You will get a shock if you read the labels on the containers of these milk preparations!)

Here, in this study, the sample consisted not of infants, but of children aged between 6 and 8.

When such children are overfed with food (not just milk, as in the case of infants), they will become BIG-SIZED and HEAVY.

Their big SIZE (in terms of bulk) can be directly attributed to the adipose tissues (fat cells) that form cushion-like layers under the skin, and probably around some of the organs in the body.

(The growth in terms of HEIGHT will have to be attributed to the consumption of EXCESSIVE calcium, since that must have promoted the bone growth.)

At the same time, only a SMALL part of the WEIGHT must have come from the stored FAT, whereas, most of the weight must have come from only the Calcium EXCESS.


The normal food, which can be a combination of a wide variety of vegetables and meat, tend to contain ABUNDANT CALCIUM mineral, unlike rest of the minerals (esuch as iron, copper, zinc, and the like.)

Now, where does this calcium go?

Which part(s) of the body stores this Calcium EXCESS?

As has already been pointed out, we know for sure that Calcium will NOT get converted into the FAT.

So, the EXCESSIVE, UN-UTILISABLE CALCIUM will have to get REMOVED from the body, or will have to get stored somewhere within the body.

One way by which the water-soluble free calcium excess can get removed from the body is through urination.

However, a problem would arise when a child does NOT urinate adequately.

When the child under-urinates, most of the calcium, for want of choice of storage location, gets stored in the CELLS themselves (not as part of the fat layer).

At this, if the child happens to get exposed to sunshine, or if the child is given synthetic vitamin-D, then some of the calcium excesses would promote the BONE growth, making the child much taller than those fed with normal diet.

Since the growth in terms of height is genetically controlled, a child, simply because there is unlimited quantities of calcium, cannot keep on growing to unlimited heights of 10 or 20 feet, like the climbing bean plant.

Therefore, the major portion of the calcium excesses enter into the SOFT cells of any flesh / organ, and become part of the cytoplasm of those cells there, and THAT INCREASES THE TOTAL WEIGHT OF THE BODY, besides increasing the overall SIZE (bulk) of the person.

(When a cell absorbs abundant calcium, it swells up in size. Scientists often mistake this for INFLAMMATION.

Continued absorption of the calcium excess makes THAT cell to split mechanically, resulting in mitotic cell division, which later becomes a LUMP / tumour.)

THUS, WHEN A OVER-EATING CHILD GROWS UP TO BECOME OVER-SIZED AND OVERWEIGHT, only a SMALLER parts of both the above can be due to FAT DEPOSITS, whereas MOST of the above should be due ONLY to the EXCESSIVE CALCIUM that was a major component of the over-eaten food.

Saying that the FAT makes the ARTERY WALLS STIFF does not seem to fit in to all the above explanations, whereas, saying that it is the calcium excess that stiffens the blood vessels appear to make much acceptable explanation.

Calcium can turn into calcium oxalate crystals.

Calcium is often used in industries to harden a variety of substance to be steel-like (see Palaniappan,V.M., 1998, for elaboration on this).

The blood VESSEL WALLS are made up of SOFT cells, and they are bound to receive for storage plenty of the calcium excesses – similar to any other soft cell in the body. THAT STIFFENS the walls, thus making them lose their flexibility.

When the child starves later on, or does strenuous exercises non-stop, these calcified arterial walls will not be ‘expected’ to release the deposits, for the calcium will NOT contribute any bit of energy for work – it will not equal the carbohydrates or any other energy provider! 


No one can argue about the DATA obtained in the above study.

It should be true that over-eating and sedentary lifestyle would certainly make any child overweight with STIFF ARTERIES.

It should also be true that if the child continues to overeat AND under-urinate all the time, the arterial wall stiffness can get worse, and remain so in the adulthood of the child, thus giving rise to cardio-vascular diseases.

My above interpretation would mean that, even if the over-eating (calcium-rich diet) child is going to do enormous amount of exercise, as long as the child under-urinates, the arterial walls would certainly get stiffened (losing its elasticity) exactly as that of the sedentary child.

In other words, the amount of physical activity may not influence the stiffening of the arteries, but it is only the retention of calcium within the body that would matter.

(I have brought to recognition in several of my publications the following observation:          

Strenuous activities promote profuse sweating.

Profuse sweating would drastically REDUCE the quantity of URINE voided.

As a result, the calcium excesses that are supposed to get leached out of the body as part of the voided urine (to its saturation point), would only get stagnated inside the body, and that tends to make a child (even adults) morbid obesity.)

The scientists in the University of Eastern Finland have observed that the arteries of THIN children do not get stiffened.

Needless to explain that when a child eats LESS food, the child is NOT going to be OBESE, and also is NOT going to accumulate EXCESSIVE CALCIUM.

Further, as per my study during the past 40 years, I have found that all those, whether they are children or adults, who drink plenty of water (e.g., adults drinking about 2 L or more), and urinate nearly all of it (through about 7 or 8 urinations / day, or more) do NOT accumulate calcium, and as a result, they (a) do not become obese, and (b) do not get arterio / athero-sclerosis, or related cardio-vascular diseases. 


OK, Friends,

Thanks for reading this article.

I will be happy to receive comments from you.

With best wishes and thanks,

Dr.Palani, Ph.D.

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