79. Plaque on Tongue
(©: 25.7.2010: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.)
The plaque that forms on the tongue surface, or the smegma that occurs under the prepuce in the penis, or even the vaginal white discharge are all the exudations due to the excessive calcium that has gone into the body, which the body does not want to utilise. In other words, they are excretory wastes – the unwanted excesses.
Normally, there are two ways in which the body can accumulate excessive calcium.
Consumption of calcium tablets or calcium-enriched foods (e.g., biscuits, powdered milk, etc.) forms one source. The second and major source of calcium accumulation occurs when a person habitually under-urinates.
The calcium excesses which would normally get leached out in the urine, tends to be retained because of under-urination.
The calcium excesses which would normally get leached out in the urine, tends to be retained because of under-urination.
If such calcium excesses do not get removed from the body, they would accumulate within the cells of the soft tissues in various parts of the body, including brain, blood vessel walls, muscles at the waist, face, nape, shoulders, chest and breasts, thighs, lower legs, etc.
Upon reaching a level that is beyond the tolerance limit of the body, these calcium accumulations will form benign lumps and tumours, only to become cancers at an advanced stage. Therefore, the brain tries to eliminate these calcium excesses from the body through all possible outlets.
Ear canals, nostrils, anus, naval, penis, vagina, eyes, mouth, etc. form major outlets, and all the sweat pores at the skin form the minor outlets, which collectively become major.
The armpit serves as a better outlet for the exudation of the excretory substances in the form of white wax. Thus, it takes the shape of wax in the ears, plaque in the tongue, smegma in naval, penis and vagina, and so on.
Such discharges usually occur nocturnally while a person is fast asleep.
See Black Tongue, Ear Wax, Obesity, and Calf Hardness.