Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.

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Your needs / Objectives / Indemnification

After reading my articles, if you are convinced of their worthiness/ usefulness, you may want to kindly spread the news to your friends suggesting to read what you had read.

My ambition is to reach out to the World Health Organisation, so that my findings will become useful to people worldwide.
I will be happy to cooperate / coordinate with any scientist for the furtherance of my findings.

I am extremely THANKFUL to GOOGLE for their fantastic and free services all the time, for reaching out to the public at large.

Indemnification: All my articles are based on MY OWN research, and I strongly believe that they are true. I have been requesting the W.H.O. and Malaysian Ministry of Health to evaluate my discoveries. Until they are approved for use, the Readers of all my articles should get the approval of a Registered Medical Practitioner prior to practising them, and I should not be held responsible for any mishap at all.

With best wishes and thanks,
Dr. Palani, Ph.D.

Ecological Healing System

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

A small note

Dear Friends,

My CANCER book was successfully launched in PWTC yesterday.
That was a wonderful function.

Right now, I am going to be a bit too busy.
That means, that I will NOT be posting any new mails for next 2 or more weeks.

Kindly visit our BLOG some two weeks later.

I am sorry...

Dr. Palani

Friday, April 22, 2011





Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia has invited me to participate in a BOOK LAUNCHING PROGRAMME.

It is going to be held in PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, 23 April 2011.

The time will be: 2.30 p.m. until 4.30 p.m.

Dato Raslin bin Abu Bakar, the Director General of Malaysian National Library will be launching the book.

My latest publication "CANCER: CAUSES, CURE AND PREVENTION (624 pages) will be launched. ISBN 978-967-9988-14-7.

(Soft Cover Edition, of offer price: RM60.00. Hard Cover Edition: Also on offer: RM80.00) (Please see the attached cover page of the two editions)

(One book By Dato Haji Khairuddin bin Arshad + One book by Mr. Lim Teck Guan will also be launched at the same time. That will be under ONE MALAYSIA concept.)

They have asked me to talk about the book for about 20 minutes. I will be doing it in English.

I will be delighted if you can find some time to attend the function - if you happen to be in KL at that time, and if you can afford the time.

It is a World Book & Copy Right Day.

During this period, a BOOK EXHIBITION also is being held in PWTC, and our book can be purchased either at the Launching Spot itself, or in the stall by CRESCENT NEWS AGENCY, who are our book distributors throughout Malaysia, including Sabah and Sarawak.

I would appreciate it if you could please spread the news among your friends as well.

Being a function open to all, all are welcome. (Of course, no entrance fee of any kind).

ALL my books in this series (10 of them) will be available for purchase (all on offer prices) at the CRESCENT NEWS AGENCY STALL at the Exhibition spot as well as at the Book Launching location.

Crescent STALL No. at PWTC is: C-15

2. Obesity in School Children:

I read in newspapers that the School Canteens are going to be prevented from selling coloured, carbonated, preservative containing, SALTY, OILY and SUGARY foods and drinks.

(Of course, they mean that these things should be used at a barest minimum quantities - more towards on the zero side).

The prevention of food colouring and preservatives should be a MOST welcome guidelines. We should be thankful for controlling such BAD ingredients.

On the other hand, my study in relation to the use of good quality OIL, sugar and natural (artificially uniodised) SALT shows different results.

Please see ALL my book, especially the one on "Heart Problems, Diabetes and Related Diseases"

If you do not take oily food, and start using non-stick pots and pans all the time, you will definitely develop GALL STONES, which will require surgical removal of the gall itself at a later date, on getting pain there.

If you do not take sugar, you will get Type-2 Diabetes.
Please see my book "The True Causes of All Diseases".

If you do not take salt, you will develop shortage of electrolytes in the body, and that will give rise to several problems.

Again, please the Heart Problems book for scientific evidences.

If children are going to prevented from SALT, SUGAR and OIL, they are bound to get the following diseases, as they grow up:

1. They will develop Type-2 diabetes.
2. They will develop gall stones, and
3. They will develop high blood pressure (YES!).

I pray that people who have the power to implement rules and regulations will read my books, and give due consideration to the science-based information contained in them, for the benefit of our future generations.

Thanks, and with best wishes,

Dr. Palani

Wednesday, April 20, 2011



(© 20.4.2011: Dr.V.M.Palaniappan, Ph.D.)

Dear Friends,

If you are a Malaysian, you must have definitely heard of our Education / Health Ministry's latest attempt to safeguard the health of our children. 

We should be thankful to them.
We sure should appreciate their concern.
Not many countries have this much of concern for children.

Only one thing worries me a lot!

In the process of diagnosing the correct cause for children's obesity, they are putting the blame on JUNK FOOD + untimely consumption of food.

This is NOT correct at all!

I have done intense research in this area for the past 36 years.

I have written a beautiful book "Obesity: Causes, Cure and Prevention", in 1998.

This book contains undeniable facts.

I am willing to challenge with ANYBODY on this subject.

Junk food can give other problems, but NOT obesity.

Similarly, untimely eating can give rise to other problems such as duodenal ulcer, but certainly NOT obesity!

Obesity in children AND in adults occurs because of:
1. Under-urinating.
2. Excessive food consumption.
That is all to it.

Let us evaluate this a little more:
Let us see the "2" above, first:


If a person is going to eat lots and lots of PLAIN RICE, he will NOT put on weight.

All the carbohydrates will get burnt, even if he/she is not going to exercise.

At the same time, it is true that eating TOO MUCH will make a person put on weight.

How does this happen?

Let us first understand this: that, even if a person is going to eat only a QUARTER stomach full, if he is going to consume ABUNDANT calcium, then, he will put on weight. He/she will become obese.

On the other hand, ABUNDANT food that contains EXTREMELY little calcium (e.g., rice itself, for it contains only some 5 or 10 mg of Calcium per 100 gms of rice) will NOT make the person overweight or obese.

That is why SOME fashion-conscious girls, in spite of starving without food, still put on weight.

Again, among the STARVING girls (or anybody), only those who UNDER-URNIATE will put on weight to become obese, and NOT those liberally urinating starving girls.

The liberally-urinating starving girls will become SKELETAL-like. They will become extremely SKINNY!

Now, let us evaluate the "1" above:

That says, it is UNDER-URINATION that makes children (or anybody) obese.

By right, to maintain good health, one MUST urinate more that 7 times daily - in a 24 hours' day.

It would be better, and optimal, if a person can urinate 9 times.

Eight times during day time, and at least once in the middle of the night.

Such urination will REMOVE from the body all the EXCESSIVE and UNWANTED calcium that had gone into the body either unknowingly or even purposely - by taking calcium-enriched foods and drinks or calcium supplements.

Of course, if a person is going to take Calcium-enriched foods and drinks OR calcium supplements, then, he/she will have to urinate 10 to 12 times, so that that excess too can be thrown out of the body.

To urinate about 8 or 10 times, one will have to drink about 8 or 9 glasses of WATER - Clean water.

Drinking juices, soups and beverages will not help, for the water content in them can remove only the 'dirt' contained in that juice or beverage - that cannot help in the removal of other 'dirt' in the body.

After drinking pure water, almost that ENTIRE water should be urinated out.

The quantity of urine will get lessened, if the person does the following:

Profusely sweat by doing extremely active and sweat-producing exercises - this aspect concerns ADULTS over the age of 21.

(Children SHOULD do such strenuous games, so that their body will grow properly. I have discussed this elaborately in my forthcoming book).

Should NOT use fast running fans or air-conditioners while sleeping. This will remove a substantial quantity of the body water, resulting in reduced urination.

Should NOT control (or withhold) the URINAL PRESSURE.
This is the worst habit of all that will make any child or adult overweight and obese - BEYOND ANY DOUBT!

Drinking too much of water and NOT urinating will give a person diabetes only. This kind of person urinates only about THREE times daily!

NOT drinking enough water, and therefore NOT urinating liberally, will give a person diabetes and heart attack,

Such a person will get, in addition, grey hair, erratic menses, lumps, cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary, cancers, kidney stones, etc.

When I refer to people as UNDER-URINATING, I refer to those who urinate only about THREE TIMES daily.

These people's body will also be smelling awful, with body odour - the sweat smell.

That is why, you invariable find that ALL obese people emit extremely bad smelling BODY ODOUR.

Women of this kind will also be having abundanta white discharge.


1. Build more toilets in schools: a lot more for girl students than the boys.
2. Give the children about 15 minutes INTERVALS once every TWO hours.
3. All the children must be told to URINATE without holding on their pressure.
4. They should be encouraged to drink pure water: about 3 or 4 glasses while in school.
5. Schools should provide Water Purifier in several places in within the premises, almost one in each class room.
6. Some clean, disposable, 'glasses' for use should be provided.

If we can do all the above, our children will be definitely SLIM, and will NOT get any disease.

If junk food is prevented, children's other aspects of health will also become excellent.

Without regulating the LIBERAL URINATION, just controlling or preventing the sale of junk food alone will DEFINITELY NOT MAKE OUR CHILDREN SLIM. THEY WILL CONTINUE TO BE OVER-WEIGHT AND OBESE.

Let me challenge the above statement.

Please wait and see: The next year's health report will NOT show any improvement, unless it is manipulated to justify the junk food prevention exercise.

If you, as a Reader of this BLOG, have any power to influence our Ministry's decisions, kindly HELP - God will bestow ALL HIS BLESSINGS upon you!

I have discussed WITH EVIDENCE in my book "THE TRUE CAUSES OF ALL DISEASES". Please read, and you will be glad you did it!

OK, bye,
Dr. Palani

Monday, April 18, 2011



Mr. PM, a Software Engineer, USA has the following question:

My father, aged 61, has been suffering from sleeplessness.

He is on mild tranquilizer (alzolam 0.5) now.

Kindly help to overcome the insomnia problem.

My reply:

People of all ages tend to suffer from insomnia to some extent.

Often, it is anxiety that keeps many people awake through the night.

Once the anxiety is over, then normal sleep returns.

However, most of the senior citizens tend to suffer from lack of sleep for different reasons:

Of course, worrying about the financial situations, many unfinished jobs such as a daughter’s marriage, loss of beloved people, and the like tend to be one of the causes.

• I have observed the following to be the most important reason for insomnia, in people of all ages. The following would explain it:

When we eat stomach full in the noon (for our lunch), we feel very sleepy. Often, people working in their offices find it hard to fight it.

Because of this reason, I have observed many people, avoiding a full meal at lunch time. Instead, they eat a small piece of cake, and a hot drink with it.

Of course, such a meal is very wrong when aspects of health is concerned.

Do you know why people feel sleepy after a heavy meal?

That is because, plenty of the blood rushes to the veins that are lying in between the liver and intestine.

The purpose is to transport all the digested (and absorbed) food to the liver. That is why these veins are called Hepatic Portal Vein.

It is blood that carries the oxygen to the brain.

If relatively LESS blood is flowing to the brain, because plenty of it is diverted to the hepatic portal system, sure, the amount of oxygen supplied to the brain is going to be much less.

If TOTALLY no oxygen to the brain, then, almost instantly, we die.

In this case, since the quantity of oxygen is reduced, we do not die, but enter into a state somewhat similar to fainting.

In other words, we feel drowsy and sleepy.

Let us see what must have been happening in your Dad’s case:

Most probably,

• He must be eating LESS food (in terms of quantity). So, this quickly gets digested and absorbed. The blood then returns to the brain carrying more oxygen. So, this makes your father’s brain work. That disturbs his sleep.

• He must be eating LESS protein and fat containing food items for dinner. In other words, he must have been eating mostly CARBOHYDRATE containing food. Being an Indian, probably Idly, dhosai, Idiappam, and the like. These are mostly rice-based carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates get rapidly digested. This again will send the blood quickly towards the brain. Hence, is sleep can get disturbed.

• Your father could be eating his dinner much earlier, for example, at 7.00 p.m. or so. Then, he must be going to bed at 10 p.m. or later.

Again, during this big time gap, whatever he ate for dinner, must have gone down deep into the intestines, thus putting up lesser demand for the blood to be there to absorb.

This too could disturb his sleep.

• Another important noteworthy point is: if people do not sleep for a few nights, then, it becomes a habit. It is something similar to addiction.

So, even if he were to change ALL the above, he may not feel sleepy properly, because of such an ‘addiction’.

Now, he has to do two things:

1. He has ‘break’ this addiction, and

2. He has to change all the above habits related to eating and food.

Then, his sleep would return to a norm.

OK, how to go about it?

He must do both the above at a time.

• He must eat at 8.00 p.m., and go to bed at 9.00 p.m.

• Before going to bed, let him drink half a glass of hot drink (e.g., diluted milk or diluted horlicks)

• It would be better if he took a quick shower in warm water by about 6 or 7 p.m., before dinner.

• Let him eat stomach-full (not half-stomach as he must have been doing now)

• Let him eat carbohydrates with some proteins and some fat as well.

• Let him take, immediately after dinner, some sleeping tablet (prescribed by his doctor: small dose would do: (e.g., 0.25 mg or 0.5mg).

• He must take sleeping tablet even if he feels sleep naturally.

• He must take the sleeping pill only for THREE days. Then, he MUST STOP taking it. But, must continue ALL other new habits.

• His sleeping pattern will become normalised from then on.

I hope the above information is helpful to your Dad.

With best wishes,
Dr. Palani

Friday, April 15, 2011


Totally NEW information -
Useful. Will enlighten you!
Dear Friends,

I am sorry for having disappointed you without any communication for the past few days.

I was occupied on something very useful to you all.

Kindly wait for a few days to know what it is all about.

In the meantime, let me respond to one important current issue:

This is going to be a lengthy article.
Yet, you will not feel bored, since this should form an intellectual deliberation...please, go ahead.

Mr. R., an Indian gentleman in Kuala Lumpur,
a scientist, has asked me to express
my frank opinion as an Analytical Ecologist
on the current situation related to Japan’s catastrophe, and as how IT IS GOING TO AFFECT US. 

I am sure he must have meant my opinion in relation to human health.

I have been contemplating about it ever since the immense problem arose in Japan.

Let us analyse the details in different angles:

Do you know why exactly the huge pre-historic animals such as the Dinosaurs disappeared from earth?

They must have gone extinct because of the living conditions then must have suddenly turned into something altogether different.

The changes must have been so drastic and sudden that they were not able to cope up with the changes.
Hence, the death and disappearance.

Fair enough.
What would have happened if their environmental changes were NOT sudden, but were gradual?

If the changes were gradual, those animals would have adapted to those changes, and could have continued living.

Some genetic MUTATIONS (sudden changes) could have occurred in their genes, and those could have helped those animals overcome the adverse environmental conditions.

OK. The reality must have been this:

If ALL the animals were not able to cope up with the drastic changes, ALL of them must have died, and the earth must have become totally ‘life-less’ and barren similar to many planets in the solar system.

If the above happened, the entire life itself would have ceased to exist, and there is no way we would live on earth today.

In the process of evolution what happens is,
the FITTEST or those that can somehow manage to live, SURVIVES.
All the rest, of course, would go extinct.

Along these lines of thought,
some animals withstood the pre-historic environmental changes, and they continued to survive on earth.

Let us apply the same principle NOW,
for that appears to be the rule of Nature, or God.

Let us relate the above to what is going on around us now.

Please do not forget certain important realities, or facts of life:

Anything that goes up, will have to come down one day.

This Rule of Nature is applicable not only to buildings, but even to structures created by Nature itself.
The Himalaya mountain did not exist, to start with.

It erupted from the ocean bed!
That is why you find SEA SALT on top of Himalayas!

One day, may be after another Geologic era (which perhaps is NOW), it can go down into the sea,
and another mountain may erupt in one of the oceans.

Based on this logic, ALL the sky-scraper buildings constructed in the recent past are bound to collapse ONE day!

Such a collapse can occur today, tomorrow, ten or 100 years later.
Whatever, they are going to go down - ONE day!

When such a thing happens, we would address that as a calamity!

If Japan constructed a nuclear plant,
knowing that it is DANGEROUS,
except that they do not know when the danger could erupt, in essence, in reality, they were prepared to face and accept this kind of disasters, ONE DAY!

They probably did not expect the catastrophe to happen THIS WAY, and at THIS TIME.
That is the only difference.

Fine enough.

The same could have happened due to some kind of wear and tear in a few years time.

May be 10 years later.

Or, may be 100 years later.

When the catastrophe happens 100 years later, TODAY’s politicians and nuclear scientists may not live then.

As a result, they will NOT HEAR the criticism, or they will not be there to SEE the disaster.

That is all to it.

Yet, the disaster WILL happen.
Simply by closing the eyes, the world will not become darker, as is said to happen in the case of domestic cats.

Because, anything that goes up, will have to come down one day!

Unfortunately, THAT one day, has come now!
From now on, several 'one days' can continue to occur.

* * * * *

Let us extend the situation to ALL other countries that have Nuclear Plants.

All of them know that their plant is going to breakdown ONE DAY!

They console themselves by eloquent talking that the benefits outweigh the disasters.

That should be considered some kind of POLITICAL TALKING!

It should mean that the PRESENT-DAY population of the CONCERNED country will be safe - well, most probably!

How safe will be their grand-children?

This in reality means, SELFISHNESS, for some reason, with some ulterior motive!

It may not be proper to ‘mortgage’ the LIVES OF FUTURE (unknown, now) GENERATIONS for the benefits we are going to get TODAY!

The worst thing is this:

If a country that is 10,000 miles away from my home is enjoying the benefits of the nuclear energy, why should I suffer when their establishment breaks down?

That cannot be a fair deal!

If two people jointly committed a crime, if both of them are punished, no one should complain. They jointly did the crime, and are jointly suffering.

How correct can that be, if one fellow did a crime, and two innocent fellows are punished for that?

There does not seem to exist any justification.

Why should I or my future generations suffer for a crime my country did not do?

Considering all the above, ALL COUNTRIES that have nuclear plants NOW, should DISMANTLE THEM with utmost care.

Even then, what are they going to do with the undestructible SPENT nueclear waste?

They cannot take them to moon and dump there!
If that is dumped deep into the ocear bed, or much deeper in the land, yet, a thousand years later, possibly much sooner, that can seep into our living environment, either directly or indirectly.

It appears there is no escape!

NOW, let us consider what is going to happen to the health aspects of people in Japan, and to all those people in rest of the world who are going to be subjected to radiations.

Some will die, and others will develop withstanding capacity - would get some genetic mutations that would enhance them to live healthily, WITH radiations in them.


That would mean, that, if there is no radiation on earth, then, people (and animals and plants) will develop DEFICIENCY DISEASES - deficiency for nuclear radiations!

To live healthily, then, your body should have certain amount of radiations, without which, a baby in the womb, for instance, would get aborted.

Then, in the course of treatment, if Allopathic medicine still exists, the hospitals would expose the new born in an incubator and would expose the baby to the required amount of radiations.

(One nice thing, I alone know: at that time, the Allopathic medicine may not be in practice in any parf of the world.

This is so because, soon, the world medical practice would change over to ECOLOGICAL HEALING SYSTEM!

This can happen because, some of the radio isotopes have hundreds or thousands of years for getting reduced to HALF STRENGTH - i.e., HALF LIFE of the substances.

During the interim period, many more nuclear establishments will get collapsed here and there, thus making the entire earth totally ‘polluted’ with radiations.

One comfortable benefit mankind could get out of this:

THEN, man should be able to live comfortably on certain planets that have radiations now. That should constitute a good news, indeed!


With the use of nuclear energy, people have been POUNDING the earth’s surface and SUB-SURFACE (i.e. under the earth) with rattling noise and VIBRATIONS!

e.g., Carrying out nuclear BOMB testing under the ground.

Running thousands of RAPID TRAINS under the earth.

When you construct sky scraper buildings, you drill holes to lay foundations.
The earth has been tolerating all the vibrations and poundings all this while.
There should be a threshold point to such disturbances.

Where will all these vibrations go?

Everything, whatever it is, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, has a TOLERANCE LIMIT.


If you keep a rock that weighs just one kg. on my head, I can stand it.

If you increased to 10, I can tolerate it.

If you increased to 20, I can still withstand, with difficulties.

If you kept 500 kgs., I would die.

If you kept 5,000 kgs., my body would get crushed!

Thus, if you used more NATURALLY-available energy sources, such as water, sunshine, wind, even petroleum products to a certain extent, the earth can stand it.

In fact, the earth has been tolerating all the impacts all this while.

But, then, when man increases the STRESS more than what the earth can withstand, sure CATASTROPHES, such as EARTH QUAKES, TSUNAMIS, VOLCANOES, and a few more UNKNOWN disasters will occur.

As it is, I think, we have gone overboard when it comes to crossing over of the Earth’s threshold point.

We have to stop all these, and revert a little to stabilise things at a point that existed some 10 or 20 years ago, or, continue with the so-called ‘modernisation’ utilising the nuclear energy, and face the consequences the Nature has to 'offer'.

Do you think I am wrong?

You can respond, and I will try to publish them.

I have written all the above without any prejudice to anybody or to any country.

My intention is not to frighten any one.
I just wish that everyone, especially those in power to produce more and more nuclear plants, understands the realities in life.
As an educator, I think, it is my duty to remind the facts.

Even if one person objects to what I have written, with one good reason, I will immediately delete this story.

Writing this, living in the 21st floor of a Condominium, without any fear of death.
You know why?
Because, I am 73 now! I have lived out my life.
To me, it does not matter if I die.
Further, I don't have any to regret if I happen to die!
So, I dont have any worry at all.
My only wish is:
If a big calamity that is going to ruin the entire world is going to happen, I wish, I should be the LAST FELLOW to die, for I want to SEE how the world is getting 'finished off'. 

Thanks, and with best wishes,
Dr. Palani.


Friday, April 8, 2011


 Dr. (Puan) R., from UPM has the following two questions to ask:

Q1. For the past few months, I have been having severe allergic reactions, called URTICARIA.

Due to this, I have been having RASHES all over the body.

At times, I get this even on my face.

I used to have this problem when I was young.

Now, I am 45.

Since I became pregnant for my last child in 2007, the allergic reactions somehow disappeared.

I was allergic to sea foods, especially prawns.

The allergic problem has now come back.

The doctor has been giving me the drug ANTIHISTAMINE, and am scared that I may become dependent on this drug.

Nowadays, I am becoming allergic even to normal food items I consume.

Kindly help me, since it has been bothering me very much.
A: Urticaria is a kind of skin rash, often reddish, raised and itchy.

If the allergic reaction stays for a shorter durations - less than 1½ month, it is called ACUTE URTICARIA.

If it stays for more than 1½ month, it is called CHRONIC URTICARIA, and I it could be due to some other factor.

Often, the medical literature would explain that this is due to IDIOPATHIC reasons.
The meaning of the word “Idiopathy” is: For “unknown reasons”.

It is believed that some virus could cause the Acute Urticaria.

They also suspect that this could be caused by friction, pressure, very high or very low temperatures, exercises and/ or sunlight.

When it comes to getting some relief, taking antihistamine is OK.

However, you should not take it for prolonged periods.

Further, I am sure you know that the antihistamine is NOT going to cure your problem.

It is going to suppress the symptom viz., the rashes, along with the itch, but will not eradicate the cause that has been giving you the problem.

Unfortunately, and as it happens in most cases, the causes are IDIOPATHIC.

Therefore, there is no way they can eradicate the unknown cause.

Dr. R.,

Please do NOT believe that Urticaria is caused by virus.

No, it is not!

It has nothing to do with virus.

I have treated several Urticaria cases, without the use of drugs.

This can be achieved simply by eradicating the cause that is responsible for causing the problem.

Let me explain here what causes the allergic reactions:

I have to do that with some analogies.

* * * * *


Let us take an empty teacup of 200 ml capacity.

Fill it with 195 ml of clean water.

At this, nothing spills over.

Then, add another 10 ml of clean water.

Now, 5% of clean water will spill over to the saucer.


Take the same teacup.

Fill it with 195 ml of clean water.

Then add another 10 ml of RED DYE.

At this, 5 ml of water will spill over.

However, the water would NOT look REDDISH, but would look as if it is a bit ‘dirty’.

That is all!

Why so?

Because, the dye is only 5ml, whereas the colourless clean water is 195ml.

Since it is greatly DILUTED, you do not see the red colour.

The colour here becomes INSIGNIFICANT.


Take the same teacup.

Fill it with 195ml of RED DYE.

He will NOT spill anything out.

However, only if you add further: i.e.,

Add 10 ml of PURE WATER, something will spill over.

At this, only DARK RED DYE will spill over.

Here, the 5 ml water has become INSIGNIFICANT.

Now, let us relate all the above to human body, in relation to allergic reactions:

EVERY DAY, in the process of living, we consume lots and lots of poisons.

The following can constitute poisons:

• atmospheric pollutants,

• water-borne chlorine, arsenic, and a few more,

• preservatives in foods and drinks,

• pesticide residues from vegetables and fruits,

• medications / drugs given for treating health problems,

• supplements, vitamins, minerals, etc.

• ALL EXCESSES e.g., too much of Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, etc., and also

• TOO MUCH of ALL minerals, such as Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Aluminium, Iron, etc.

Let us say all a human body can take makes 100%

To start with,

As in Expt.1, Mr. X is totally devoid of any poison in his body.

95% of his body is filled with very clean non-poisonous substances.

Then, he take 10% more.

At this, his body would sweat out the 5%.

The sweat in this case will contain only plain water.

As in Expt.2,

If Mr. X’s body already has 95% clean substance.

We make him consume 10% poisons.

Then, his sweat would bring out very slight poison.

Since the poison is extremely diluted, it will not show any symptom.

In other words, Mr. X will remain the same, without showing any abnormal health condition.

The poison may not do any noticeable harm to him.

As in Expt.3,
If Mr. X has 95% poison in his body.

His sweat will not bring out anything, because, it is less than 100%.

However, even if you added another 10 ml of water,

What comes out in the sweat will be strong poison.

Instead of water, if you added 10 ml of poison again,

What comes out in the sweeat will be MUCH STRONGER poison.

Now, let me associate the above experiments to your health status:

If a person whose body has not got much poison consumes prawns, and other seafood, nothing will happen.

This is so because, the little poison from food will not affect since his body is devoid of poisons.

In reality, YOUR body already contains PLENTY of poisons.

Even if you eat one piece of allergy-causing food such as prawn, anchovies, crab, or any such thing, it will start giving you the allergic reaction!

When poison accumulates inside our body, the brain tried to get rid of it.

In other words, it tries to throw it out of our body.

If is water-soluble, the poison gets removed through unines.

If is not soluble at all, then, it gets thrown out in the faeces.

If the poison has already been absorbed into the TISSUES, then, the only way to throw that out of the body is through the SKIN.

In other words, when you accumulate poisons because of constipation,

Those poisons come our as PIMPLES.

These eruptions look for soft tissues / muscles.

That is why the pimple eruptions occur on the face, in the neck and at the upper back.

When it comes to poisons present in ALL the tissues of the body, then, that tries to come out through the skin also all over the body.

If you examine EACH eruption, you can notice that to contain a tiny quantity of the poison.

In other words, if your body has plenty of poisons,

Then, you will have plenty of eruptions all over.

Do you know what kind of poison your body has accumulated?

Don’t be surprised!


Anything in excess can become toxic.

In your case it is calcium that has become the poison.

How did I conclude that it is calcium that is the culprit?

Following are the evidences:

YOU, Dr. R., Please know that what I am writing here is the truth:

1. You must have been under-urinating all the time. That means, you must have been urinating only twice or thrice daily, all the time.

2. You must be drinking juices, soft drinks and beverages for most part of the day, and not much water.

3. You must have become, definitely, OBESE, even before the birth of your last child in 2007.

4. When you delivered your child in 2007,

• Ahe child TOOK AWAY a lot of your calcium for its own growth as an embryo inside your womb,

• A lot of calcium must have got removed in the Amniotic fluid while delivery.

• A lot of it should have gone out of you as milk while feeding your baby.

As a result of all the above, most of the accumulated calcium disappeared from your body, and therefore, you did NOT get any more allergic reaction, even to prawns.

However, as usual, you have been under-urinating and sticking to the same old lifestyle.

That has resulted in fresh accumulation of calcium, and that must have reached its maximum recently.

As a result of the above, your body is unable to withstand even a little bit fresh calcium input now.

So, your brain has been trying to push out all the excesses through the rashes.

If you suppress the rashes by taking antihistamine for prolonged period, the calcium excess will have no choice except to accumulating in various organs, and that may give rise to SKIN CANCER, kidney stones, lumps in breasts, cysts, fibroids, etc. Even your thyroid can swell up giving you HYPOthryoidism.
So, what is the remedy?

The procedure for removal of the toxins is given in 98 pages in my OBESITY book , in Chapter-10, between pages 351 and 442.

It may not be possible to re-write the whole procedure here.

You have to read the preventive / curative procedures given in my book on Cancer as well.

Both the above on offer.

Obesity book that costs RM120/- is available only from Neo Health Care, and it is priced at RM80/- now.

Tha cancer book, priced at RM180/- is now available in all bookshops in Malaysia, for just RM60/-.

I am not trying to advertise: I hope you will understand it.

Will you acknowledge, saying if my diagnosis is correct. I will post your reply in our Blog, whatever it may be!

Dr. R’s second question:

Q.2. I am experiencing abundant hair dropping now. I lot of them come out whenever I brush-comb my hair.

What causes that?

Please help me to overcome this problem as well.

A: You have no choice except to reading my book “HAIR PROBLEMS: Causes, Cure and Prevention”. The offer price is just RM20/-.

Please do not think the price is too much. We all know that the haircare centres charge us very heavily, and fail most of the time, to give us the expected result!

OK, Dr. R.,

With best wishes,

Dr. Palani.