Dear Friends,
What do you think about raw vege juice ( carrots , celery , bittergourd , apple) in the mornings daily.
Does it really detox the body.
Thank You
All those you have listed are alkaline in nature.
To maintain our health in a very good state, we have to consume three-fifth alkaline vegetables + fruits * drinks, and two-fifth acid vegetables + fruits + water.
(* This duration differs from person to person. Overweight persons may have to take for a month or two to develop hyperacidosis**, whereas the thin persons may get it even in a weeks’ time).
(** When overweight persons develop hyperacidosis suddenly, their knee will start getting pain, and their ankle area can swell up - they are arthritis and gout, respectively. More details on this can be seen in my book “Human Diseases”.)
That will not be good at all.
In the first place, consuming any particular vegetable or fruit daily will mean that you are over-doing. The rule is “anything in excess will be dangerous”.
For more details on this, we have to refer to published papers.
As a result of the above two processes, a demand for the available oxygen will be created, and that is called Biological Oxygen Demand, or simply, BOD.
When we boil water*, the oxygen content tends to escape from it, and that is why the boiled water tastes bland. (If such a boiled water is stirred to create air bubbles, as they do it in a house-kept aquarium fish tank, the water would get re-oxygenated, getting the air-borne oxygen).
(* If such a boiled water is taken while consuming juices, salads or any uncooked food, then, the process of digestion would get further impeded for want of adequate oxygen.
Whereas, oxygen-rich water would enhance a speedy digestion.
Such a state will be very conducive for the existence of bacteria that can live only in a spot where there is no oxygen. It is called Anaerobic Bacteria.
So, eating uncooked raw vegetable matter may promote, besides indigestion, some amount of fermentation, thus giving rise to gasses as well. This can be one of the reasons for getting birps.***
*** How nice to discuss intensely such details - don’t you enjoy reading all these? I derive great pleasure while contemplating all these!)
Drinking any one of them occasionally may not do any harm. However, it taken daily, they would certainly do severe, possibly dangerous damages in the following manner:
(* Can be taken in a liquefied state only by those (a) who have no teeth to bite and chew, (b) who are in sick bed, (c) those who are recuperating from illnesses, and/or (d) those who need it as per his/her doctor’s opinion.)
Many tend to believe that they can take juices in the place of water for managing their metabolism in good state.
That forms a wrong thinking, for reasons I have elaborated in nearly all my books.
The juices tend to contain relatively LESS water in it, and that quantity may not be enough to remove the toxic ingredients from the body through urinations.
As a result, the unwanted excessive free calcium and toxic substances will stay within the body, thus giving rise to many undesirable problems, including stone diseases, lumps, cysts, cancers, and the like.
When the faeces get softened or slimy, it invites bacteria, which turn the faecal matter into an acid state. That will give rise to bad-smelling flatulence.
At the same time, since the faeces is going to be acidified, it will start releasing hither-to unutilised (undigested, locked-up within the tissues of the eaten food items) calcium.
This calcium will get absorbed by the cells (adenomatous cells) of the intestinal lining. These cells will then transmit the calcium into the neighbouring cells (and transmit further) and then into the lymph ducts.
The lymph fluid will take this calcium to different parts of the body*.
(* If the lymph happens to accumulate FAR TOO MUCH of the calcium, daily during sleeping hours, then, as a first stage problem, calcifications would occur here and there along the lymph ducts. At a very advanced state, that can develop into Lymphoma - cancer.
This risk factor increases in its intensity along with decreased urination - i.e., if a person UNDER-URINATES, the chances of this danger occurring in him becomes much greater!.
For more explanations on this subject, please see my book "CANCER: CAUSES, CURE AND PREVENTION").
If a person who already has Diabetes takes ripe papaya and makes his faeces slimy this way, his sugar level in the blood will increase. By mistake, people believe that taking papaya is good for the diabetic people.
The truth is, taking ripe papaya by the Diabetics on a regular basis is more dangerous than being good.
A Diabetic can do the following simple test:
To start with, you should NOT take peanuts, any over-ripe fruits or juices, chappathi, chocolates, biscuits, cakes and pastries.
This care would make your faeces shapely, from being slimy. You should maintain this for a month, take regularly your doctor prescribed medications, exactly as prescribed, and continue monitoring your blood sugar levels. The would go DOWN!
After a month, you should start eating ripe papaya daily. This should be the only significant change in your lifestyle. It is important you do not change even the quantity of water you drink or the number of times you urinate daily, during these two testing periods.
You will notice that your faeces has become slimy and shapeless.
While being in this state, continue monitoring you sugar levels.
You can then notice that the sugar level keeps on increasing, along with the intake of ripe papaya. Thus, it will become evident to you that ripe papaya, or defecating slimy faeces all the time will definitely increase the diabetic status of a Type-2 sufferer, for sure*.
(*For more information on this, please see my book DIABETES: CAUSES, CURE AND PREVENTION. ISBN 978-967-9988-15-4).
Now, Ms.Komathi, we can refer back to your question:
The answer is, if the vegetables or fruits are made into juices and taken daily morning, they would do more harm than good.
This is so because, anything in EXCESS is not good, and can even be DANGEROUS.
Mediocre amounts of fibre in the diet is very good. EXCESSIVE fibre, such as that contained in the ripe fruits and their juices, is VERY BAD!
If fact, those juices would also continuously add calcium to the body, and that too would become excessive.
When excessive free calcium accumulates, that will form benign lumps here and there, especially in the breasts in women, and in the prostate in men, giving rise to prostate enlargement in the latter case, which may lead to cancer later. This can be detected by tracking the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels in the blood*.
(*Again, see my book on cancer)
So, the suggestion is:
(* When it comes to eating APPLES, I wash them with soap (that is used for the body), and rinse the soap very well with plenty of water, before eating them.
I do thus to remove the waxy coating that is often found around the fruit that is meant for keeping it fresh for longer periods. It is said that the wax is mixed with some undesirable chemicals that may not be good for our body).
I have elaborately discussed the pros and cons related to this aspect in my book “CANCER: CAUSES, CURE and PREVENTION”.
Also, one must definitely read “THE TRUE CAUSES OF ALL DISEASES” to understand the real phenomenon that is behind the entire thesis.
* * * * *
Ms. Komathi, I hope I have answered your question at last. Thank you for waiting to get this reply for more than a month.
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