(c) 2008, 2010: Dr. V.M. Palaniappan
42. Gastric Problems / Indigestion
It appears that all the people, without exception, suffer on and off from some from of gastric problem.
42. Gastric Problems / Indigestion
It appears that all the people, without exception, suffer on and off from some from of gastric problem.
When improper digestion of certain foods makes us uncomfortable, we call it a gastric problem, or gastritis. Even constipation forms part of the problem.
Late night dining of oily and high protein foods, sleeping immediately after dinner, etc. seem to give gastric problems.
Biscuits, several nuts (including peanuts), food items made of refined wheat flour, including several of the bakery items, etc. do not get digested properly. They cause constipation.
Oils and sugars tend to promote digestion. Often, knowingly or unknowingly, we take sweet deserts towards the end of a meal, and that helps substantially in digestion*.
( * South Indians have the habit of serving sweetened deserts called payasam, towards the end of a meal.)
( * South Indians have the habit of serving sweetened deserts called payasam, towards the end of a meal.)
Oily foods are best eaten at the beginning of a meal, for as it is swallowed, an enzyme called cholecystokinen gets secreted. This in turn pumps out the bile juice for the digestion of fats and oils.
If oil is totally kept away from being part of the food, then, digestion of fats and oil will get impeded, and that will give rise to indigestion. Such a situation will pave a way for the formation of gall stone as well.
On the other hand, if one consumes too much of oil, even if happens to be good cholesterol (HDL) containing gingerly or olive oil, it will induce the production of excessive bile salts. This, on breaking down, will turn into cholesterol. So, only normal amount of oils and fats should be consumed.
When indigestion occurs, the digestive fluids and some of the foods can get back into the oesophagus, giving rise to a burning sensation, which people often mistake it to be a heart pain, otherwise called angina.
If the duodenum (smaller upper part of the small intestine) happens to remain in an acid medium, or if indigestion continues, the cholesterol content of the blood tends to increase.
Gastric problem certainly increases blood sugar level in diabetic patients. Chronic type of constipation (i.e., frequent defecation of slimy stools) also worsens the diabetic situation in the sufferer.
Frequent cleansing (once in three months or so) of the intestine, colon, rectum, etc. with the use of a safe herbal laxative should prove very useful in the upkeep of a healthy intestinal tract.
Whatever, one should not try to bear and live with the gastric problems for too long.
Better to remember that severe constipation at the colon for prolonged periods can give rise to colo-rectal cancer.